The arrival of xingjue and bald Tang surprised Jordan a little. What's more, they are the envoys of sovellin, or, to be exact, the envoys for help.

When acquaintances meet, Jordan takes care of most of the coalition government officials who come to join in the fun. Not long after that, Jordan, Wanda, star Baron, bald don, Nick Frey, seifer and a few others enter a luxurious living room of the coalition government.

Along the way, with the intermittent narration of xingjue and bald Tang, Jordan and others have already understood why they appear on the earth and why they represent the star of sovellin.

It turns out that since the last battle against hegemonism, xingjue and bald Tang, who share the same bad taste, have once again stepped into the interstellar world. They are similar to mercenaries and marauders. Anyway, they are just making money everywhere.

A few months ago, the galaxy guard formed by xingjue and bald Tang accepted a hire from soverine and came to soverine to resist a powerful dimensional monster from the void.

It's not a big problem to deal with that dimensional monster with the strength of star Baron, bald Tang, Carmela, Bryan, rockets, grunt and others.

However, what is painful is that the rocket, a damned bastard, steals two treasures of soverin, and a group of people soon start to be chased by soverin.

This time, without xingjue's father, the whole galaxy guard was unfortunately arrested.

Star Baron, bald Tang and others were caught back on the star of soverin again. In the rage of the queen of soverin, she wanted to kill all the members of the Galactic guard. As a last resort, star Baron, bald Tang and others had to resist again. By mistake, they went straight to the most secret place of soverin.

There's a huge golden cocoon in nasovylin's core secret place.

People in sowelin don't know what xingjue and bald Tang did in the secret place. Anyway, when Queen sowelin arrived, the creatures in the light cocoon were hatched.

The two men, xingjue and bald Tang, are glorious. They have become the closest relatives of the hatched creatures, one being a father and the other a mother. On the contrary, they make queen sowelin very afraid.

As a last resort, the whole galaxy convoy was exonerated from criminal responsibility and became a super guest of soverin.

In two months, nasovulin, the highest creature hatched, had a very strong learning ability and soon grew into a powerful being.

Unfortunately, because of the influence of the two bastards xingjue and bareheaded Tang, the character of the supreme creature was somewhat biased. Instead of growing up as an upright and great guardian of sowelin as Queen sowelin imagined, she grew up as a prodigal son, following xingjue and bareheaded Tang in one of sowelin's negligence, All kinds of waves in the universe.

As the supreme product of Sauvignon, the prodigal son is extremely powerful. He was born as a father in heaven. He created his own name in the universe not long ago and was called Adam the devil.

By the way, the name of the whole galaxy guard, also because of Adam's reason, has risen in the whole known universe.

However, the Galactic convoy did not have enough time in the universe, so it was called for help from soverine.

Not long ago, the Kerry Empire launched a main fleet and a partial division and launched an invasion and attack on soverin. Soverin was in danger only for a short time.

In this case, because of Adam's reason, the Galactic guard had to return to soverin again.

With the participation of the Galactic guard and Adam, Sauvignon had some resistance to the attack of the Kerry empire. Adam, as a father in heaven, almost destroyed several space warships of the Kerry empire in a way of destruction.

But soon, among the partisans of the Kerry Empire, mieba came on stage and fought several times with Morse Adam on the outskirts of Sauvignon.

The whole soweling war soon fell into a stalemate.

However, with the increase of Kerry empire's forces, the situation of Sauvignon became more and more difficult. No matter how high the price, few people participated in it.

In this case, in a war with the Kerry Empire, xingjue and bald Tang suddenly got inspiration. After Adam beat back the Kerry empire's attack again, they took Adam to the earth to ask for help.

Unlike other cosmic forces.

On the one hand, the Galactic guard and the earth have a very strong love for each other.

On the other hand, the strength of the earth can not be underestimated. The last time we destroyed hegemony, we were planted on the earth, and we were beaten so that we lost all our power and became a lost dog.

And most importantly, the relationship between the earth and the Kerry empire is not friendly.

Once the Kerry Empire destroys Sauvignon and many other forces, the earth will become the last internal hidden danger for the Kerry Empire to dominate the universe. Sooner or later, it will face the attack of the Kerry empire.

Xingjue and bald Tang are such bastards. Although they are usually idle, they still have enough brains at the critical moment.

After hearing the narratives of xingjue, bald Tang and others, Saifu and Nick Frey, the two high-level human beings on the earth, gave a greeting, and soon convened the coalition government, the military, aegis and other high-level officials to discuss whether to support soverin.

On the other hand, Jordan and Wanda come to the avenger base on the space ring with star Baron, bald Tang and Adam.

For star Baron and bald Tang, Jordan doesn't want to talk about them at all.

What really interested Jordan was the blonde, handsome looking magic Adam.

Compared with the geeks of Starbuck and baldheaded galactic guards, Adam, the devil, on his appearance alone, is beyond the level that Starbuck and others don't know.

In addition, Jordan can clearly feel that there is an extremely powerful and familiar power in Max Adam.

Not only Jordan, but Wanda, too.

The two sides talk about the past for a moment. Jordan, smoking his cigar, suddenly looks at Adam and says, "is it the power of infinite gems?"

After that, Jordan looks at Wanda beside him.

Wanda is also a face suddenly realized, and then slightly raised his hand, the real gem appeared in the palm, emitting a strange energy, and soon with Adam, there was a resonance.