The atmosphere in the Phoenix fighter was once extremely awkward. When Adam, star Baron, rocket, Carmela and others were quarreling fiercely, no one even noticed. Jordan had already solved the problem of public debate.

A blue bald beauty, who looks like a Cyborg, is imprisoned by the chains of holy light. Her eyes are filled with anger. Even after being caught, she looks like a female wolf. She stares at Jordan first and then at other people, but her last gaze is fixed on Carmela.

"Cough, Lord Jovovich, this is my sister. Can you, er, release these chains?"

They were very embarrassed. Finally, Carmela stood up and pointed to the female prisoner floating in the air.

With an implicit smile and a snap of his finger, Jordan dissipated the chain of light.

However, to our surprise, the female prisoner had a strong body. At the moment of landing, she flipped over like a wild cat and jumped on the ground. A long sword in her hand had already popped out, and she suddenly resigned to Carmela's throat.


Kamura for his sister is obviously very familiar with the first time in its hand, has been ready to pop double knife, blocked the other party's attack.

Two very tough women look at each other, and they have been tinkling around.

After more than ten minutes, Carmela quickly removed the sword from Xingyun's hand, twisted his whole body into a very strange posture, and pressed hard on the ground.

Jordan looked at the scene with a slight pain.

Fortunately, I just thought that Kamala was really sisterly and didn't want her sister to be imprisoned in the air. I wanted to do it myself and give my sister a gesture!

"Carmela, I will kill you. I will kill you. Only I am the pride of my father..."

"Don't be silly, Xingyun. Mieba has never really regarded us as daughters. You and I are just tools in his hands. He won't have any mood swings because of us!"

"Shut up, it's impossible, I..."

"That's the truth. You're just immersed in your own fantasy. Don't get into the corner."

A green and a blue two girls, twisted into a strange posture on the ground, you and I stabbed each other, the scene was once shocking.

At this time, Jordan gradually recalled the identity of Carmela and Xingyun.

If I remember correctly, Carmela and Xingyun should be the two dry daughters adopted by mieba in the process of killing the life of endless planets.

"Well, Carmela, I don't want to get involved in the family affairs between you and your sister, but I think we should want to ask about the hidden address and coordinates of the exterminator fleet from this captive lady!"

"Give up, I won't tell you any information!"

Jordan's voice just fell, nebula has turned his head and glared at Jordan.

Jordan Ni slightly speechless, to the next Wanda mouth and said: "Wanda, it's time for you to show, let her tell the hiding place of the mieba fleet, to solve the problem about infinite gems and demons, we also hurry back to the earth, this time has been long enough!"

For the wild captives like nebula, Jordan didn't really want to let the other side talk.

Wanda watched with relish all the time. Suddenly, he was called by Jordan, but his face showed a look of regret. He said, "I haven't played enough. How about traveling to other places for a while after we solve the problem?"

Jordan is very speechless look at Wanda, you are greedy brother's body.

These days, Wanda is always pestering Jordan like a goblin. If it wasn't for the lack of space and more people on the Phoenix, Jordan would be pushed by Wanda.

Just like Jordan, Wanda is just a cheeky smile, flicking out a touch of red energy and diving into the head of the nebula.

Wanda's Scarlet magic is unique. It has not only the effect of mental power, but also the effect of chaotic magic. Although it can't compare with the effect of bewitching magic and spiritual gem, it's still easy to use for extorting confessions.

On earth, even Tony, Saul, Steve and others have been tricked by Wanda.

However, to the surprise of Jordan and Wanda, the crimson energy fell into the head of the nebula, and the other side seemed to be drunk. Their eyes blurred for a while, and soon returned to normal.

Then, the wild eyes of the little wolf in Xingyun became more and more transparent. She looked at Wanda and said, "what have you done to me?"

Looking at the more transparent and spiritual eyes of the nebula, Wanda was a little cute, and quickly increased the input of crimson energy. Several channels of energy went into the head of the nebula.

A moment later, the nebula was still slightly weak. With the help of this scarlet energy, it quickly overturned Carmela and was about to kill Carmela again.


At the critical moment, Jordan immediately inspires a holy light skill to imprison the nebula again.

At this time, Carmela just broke away from the nebula's hands with a look of resentment, and looked at Jordan and Wanda.

Wanda spat out her tongue and said, "I don't know what's going on. This kind of magic used to work very well..."

Jordan frowned slightly. He came to the nebula and observed it carefully. He soon removed a piece of metal skull from his forehead and frowned at the electronic and mechanical parts in the nebula's head.

It's not that Wanda's Crimson power doesn't work, but that nebula's semi mechanical transformation is naturally immune to such abilities as spiritual consciousness.

Wanda's Scarlet power is to change some hormone secretion and other things in the organism, and then make it fall into hallucination, or plant a kind of psychological hint and other things, so as to be controlled by Wanda's Scarlet power.

But cyborgs are different.

Although there are still strange self-consciousness and feelings in the transformation of people like Xingyun, most of the biological parts of the whole human body have been completely transformed. Naturally, they will not be affected by Wanda's Scarlet force. On the contrary, the supplement of this energy makes its mechanical body overload and explode, becoming more powerful.

After figuring out the reason, looking at the nebula in place, Jordan had a headache.

It's hard to deal with this kind of mechanical transformation, magic and so on. On the contrary, the technology that Tony is good at is more suitable.