Jordan doesn't really care about the threat of extermination.

It's not so easy for a father to be killed. Even now, Jordan seems to be extremely weak, but if he just runs for his life, he can do it easily.

Not to mention, mieba also wants to find real gems and soul gems through Jordan.

In the face of the threat and threat of mieba, Jordan nice doesn't care. On the contrary, she is deadlocked with mieba on such a big meteorite.

At this time, mieba and Jordan are waiting for the answer and situation of another battlefield.

When Jordan and mieba made an appointment to fight each other before, they had already thought that the hidden abyss God would go to Wanda. On the one hand, he wanted to capture the real gem, on the other hand, he wanted to seize Wanda to threaten Jordan.

In fact, just as Jordan and mieba expected, not long after they left the warship, a shadow hidden in the void moved towards Wanda's direction at a slow speed without any trace.

Blood Lord is a demon God who has lived in the abyss for a long time. He even escaped the last collapse of the universe and experienced an era of the universe. He can be regarded as the old dominator.

But different from the other powerful old gods, the old lord of blood, who was in charge of it, did not have the power to directly resist the collapse of the universe. He was able to live from the last era of the universe to the present by one word.

In the last era of the universe, the blood Lord started from a small soldier in the abyss, who could hide, hide and sneak attack. It was absolutely not a confrontation. Relying on this kind of mean means, he grew up to the level of father. Even when the universe collapsed, the whole person was hiding in the blood corpse of a real old God and sneaked over all the way.

Some time ago, under the influence of the will of the abyss, a large number of old gods in the abyss universe woke up one after another, fighting for power, fighting for power, fighting against each other, one by one showing great power in the endless abyss. Only the blood Lord, after waking up early, found a crack in the universe, From the endless abyss to the real universe.

As an abyss demon who has lived for two generations, the Lord of blood deeply knows where peace, security and comfort are when the endless abyss and the real universe are not at war.

The real universe is a place with perfect order.

Different from the endless chaos and fighting in the endless abyss, if you don't pay attention, you may be killed. In the real universe, as long as you hide a little better, don't engage in seven or eight, and cause too much chaos, even if some powerful heavenly fathers find themselves, they may not do it themselves.

Just as the Lord of blood expected, after he sneaked into the real universe, the Lord of blood lived a natural and unrestrained life.

If you can, the Lord of blood doesn't even want to participate in anything. He just wants to live his own life in a corner of the real universe.

Until one day, a powerful old abyss God, will be transmitted to the blood Lord's mind.

It is a powerful Old God of the abyss. Even in the endless abyss, it is also the abyss world with more than ten levels of rulers. There are dozens of demon generals in hand, and there are endless demons and grandchildren.

Once upon a time, when the Lord of blood was living in the abyss, he was also in the hands of the old abyss God.

Originally, the Lord of blood felt that he had "entered the real universe to collect information" as an excuse to live a small life in the real universe. He could spend a long, long time in peace. Even the powerful Old God of the abyss might slowly forget his existence.

But the Lord of blood did not expect that the old God of the abyss was ready to use himself to do things in the real universe in a short time.

The Lord of blood does not dare to disobey the orders of the leader. Otherwise, one day, when he returns to the abyss, he will be swallowed by the leader.

But in the real universe, the blood Lord is not sure.

As a last resort, the Lord of blood had to rely on his traditional skills to hide and prepare for a little trouble. Then he pretended to be seriously injured and hid to heal his wounds.

But what the Lord of blood didn't expect was that when he was ready to rely on traditional skills, mieba soon came to the earth with his fleet.

Almost without hesitation, the Lord of blood took the war against the earth as his own credit and passed it back to the abyss universe.

Sure enough, the blood Lord's boss, demon Yan Dayue, rewarded the blood Lord.

Then, with the support of the leader above, the Lord of blood stealthily took away the Sentinels who were originally tied under the tree of life in the process of the war against hegemony, and gave the Sentinels something to become demons.

Under the guidance of the blood Lord, the sentinel has become a clear threat on the earth, creating a sentinel robot, tempting Bolivar and creating a future war crisis.

But unfortunately, the future war crisis was finally disintegrated by the Avengers alliance. Even the sentry himself was captured from the sun by Jordan and master Guyi when he became the star God.

Without a big puppet and dependence, the blood Lord was very disappointed, but he did not dare to really confront the Avengers alliance and others.

Even the powerful star demon is on the street. Naturally, the blood Lord does not dare to stroke the tiger whiskers of the Avengers alliance. What if he is on the earth.

Fortunately, without the puppet of the star demon, the blood Lord still has a spare tire that has been scheduled for a long time.

At the end of the war of exterminating hegemony and invading the earth, the infinite glove collapsed, and six infinite gems scattered towards the universe. The hidden blood Lord intercepted the gems of time and mind early.

With the development of Argo motorcycle seal and earth science and technology, if you still engage in the East and West on earth, sooner or later you will be cleaned up.

The Lord of blood soon left the earth and came to Sauvignon.

The son of Sauvignon, Adam the devil, who Sauvignon is cultivating, is the next target of the blood Lord.