After taking the blood Lord as his servant, Wanda began to worry about Jordan in the deep of kulald meteorite.

Although Jordan is also a father, he is not as famous as mieba in the universe. What's more, in mieba's hands, there are four infinite gems.

Before, I had only one person. Even if I went to the battlefield, I couldn't help. In the vast universe, my speed was not fast, and warships couldn't pass through the chaotic meteorite belt.

But with the help of the Lord of blood, it would be much easier.

For any strong man at the level of heavenly Father, to survive and travel in the universe is a basic skill that needs to be mastered. With the help of blood Lord, Wanda has come to a chaotic meteorite belt in a short time.

This is a very turbulent meteorite belt. There is infinite energy in it, which impacts and dissipates outward. It rolls the magnetic field of the whole meteorite belt, pushing thousands of meteorites to collide and burst into pieces in the void, just like waves.

This kind of scale star tide turbulence, already had some kind of star tide terror posture.

When he saw this scene, the blood Lord instinctively retreated and said to Wanda: "the Supreme Master, the energy in this sea of stars fluctuates too much. It seems that the battle between Jovovich and mieba is in a fierce state. In this case, even if we can enter it, we may suffer a lot of trauma, In my opinion, why don't we wait outside... "

Pursuing good fortune and avoiding evil, being greedy for life and fearing death, and avoiding disasters are the spirit of Gou that the blood Lord has long been in his heart.

But now the blood Lord, small life is in the hands of others.

Before the Lord of blood had finished his suggestion, Wanda's face was already cold. Faintly, there was a crimson light on the soul of Lord of blood.

Seeing this scene, the blood Lord suddenly broke into a cold sweat, turned a corner in his words, and said: "master, I mean, even if I lose my life, I will surely protect my master and enter this chaotic battle area safely. Jovovich is the best one among the strong men of heavenly Father level

Wanda snorted coldly and said, "open the way!"

Blood Lord did not hesitate to sing a "promise", and then burst out a blood light, just like ribbon, rolled the chaotic debris meteorite in front of him, carefully cleared a smooth path.

When blood Lord and Wanda approached the core of the battlefield by stealth, it was when mieba broke the rules and suddenly used infinite gems and gloves to blow a big hole in Jordan's chest.

Seeing the scene of Jordan's heavy injury, Wanda's eyes were red, and almost didn't rush out of the stealth state to fight with mieba.

Fortunately, the Lord of blood is very familiar with the survival ability of the heavenly Father level, and holds Wanda.

It's not surprising that Jordan was attacked by mieba. Although he was seriously injured, he was very weak. However, the so-called fatal injury could not pose a fundamental threat to Jordan's life. He was only blessed by the power of infinite gems and recovered slowly.

On a strange giant meteorite, Jordan falls to the ground.

Mieba straightens up and tries to persuade Jordan to surrender. He nags and bewitches him.

The mieba had already won the battle. With a condescending attitude, he thrust the balance blade toward the ground beside him. Then he sat on a huge stone, rubbed the gem on the infinite glove, and began to talk about his ambition, what he saw and heard, and his grand ideal.

The power of infinite gem is extremely fierce. The four forces of power, time, space and soul occupy the top of Jordan's wound. If these four energies can not be wiped out, Jordan's injury, even if it takes ten or 100 years, may not be able to recover.

This is also the reason why the exterminator has no fear.

What mieba doesn't realize is that in the void behind it, the blood Lord is carrying Wanda. With the latent power of void, just like the water flowing in the chaotic energy, he is slowly moving towards the direction of mieba and Jordan.

Not long after that, when mieba's patience was getting weaker and weaker, and he was killing more and more, he even stood up, pulled out the balance blade, and was ready to chop Jordan to death, Wanda's voice suddenly appeared on a meteorite hundreds of meters away from mieba and Jordan.

"Damn mieba, look what it is

An angry rebuke startled mieba and Jordan.

At this time, mieba's balance blade was held high, and it seemed that he was ready to cut down on Jordan's head at any time. At this time, Jordan was pressing the gun in his hand, and the death mark was spread out silently. He was ready to strike a heavy blow to mieba's Achilles' heel at any time.

However, Wanda's appearance interrupted their follow-up plans.

At this time, Wanda had long rose red hair, plaid shirt, long legs, and red leather windbreaker. The most striking thing was that in Wanda's hands, a huge split gun with the thickness of human waist had been adjusted to the highest limit, and the bright energy rays converged on the muzzle, Blooming a kind of frightening terror crisis.

As an experienced super God of war, mieba had a creepy feeling when he was aimed at by the splitting gun. Instinctively, he was ready to jump to avoid the terrible gun light.

However, when mieba was ready to make some moves, a smile came from another direction not far away from mieba. He saw the bloody Lord's provocation towards mieba, and his forbidden God's Scepter pounded heavily on the ground.

Then, the light blue light instantly dissipated to thousands of meters away, and everything was out of the forbidden God field.

Being interrupted by this, and being cut off from the communication with the laws of the universe by the God field, the action of exterminating hegemonic suddenly faltered at this moment.

Such a good opportunity, Wanda will not miss, directly pulled the trigger in his hand, a light like the little sun bloomed on the muzzle, in the middle of the little sun, a white light column, broke everything, and went straight towards the direction of exterminating hegemony.