What mieba wants to do, in fact, it's needless to say that Jordan can always guess. In this besieged situation, the first requirement of mieba is to live. The second requirement is to get Wanda's real gem. As for the others, no one knows what mieba will think.

But guess to guess, Jordan is still not sure, still with anger and murderous, eyes such as electricity in general staring at mieba's body.

Seeing that Jordan calms down, mieba is no longer stiff. He takes off his helmet, reveals his purple bald head, wipes his sweat and squats on a meteorite.

Whether it's fighting before, or being killed, or being reborn, it's exhausting the power of extermination.

Seeing mieba's appearance, Jordan's anger was extinguished. He stopped the blood Lord nearby. He came to mieba and took out two cigars and a bottle of whisky from his space backpack.

"Good thing, the most authentic Brazilian cigars are all made by girls with fragrance. Try them

The environment in space has little influence on the existence of Jordan and mieba. They can use their divine power to create a very comfortable environment at will.

When two chimneys were lit, mieba was almost self-taught. He soon began to use cigars and whiskey. His face was a bit surprised and enjoyed.

"I failed!"

In the middle of the cigar, mieba was silent for a long time and suddenly sighed.

In this sentence of mieba, Jordan heard too much emotion. He couldn't tell the truth clearly, which gave people a feeling of incomparable vicissitudes.

Mieba also ignored Jordan's eyes and said: "when I was very young, Titan was a very beautiful planet, with ancient and prosperous Titan technology, huge floating fortress and star like warships. They roam in the boundless sky all day, that is, the scurry Empire and Kerry Empire, and they never dare to face Titan head-on."

"My father is the leader of the Titans..."

It's just a few cups of wine. Mieba seems to have drunk too much and narrates his own past.

Compared with many people, mieba seems to be extremely powerful, even once known as the emperor of the universe. But in fact, mieba's life experience is far more miserable than that of ninety-nine percent of the creatures in the universe.

The Titans, like the athanas and the Greek Protoss, originated from human beings, but separated from them.

It's just like a deformed child born among human beings. Mieba, as the son of the Titan clan leader, was born with purple skin, which is totally different from the appearance of the Titans. As a result, mieba suffered too much difference and ridicule in the process of growing up on Titan.

Even mieba's mother once wanted to strangle mieba in her infancy when she gave birth to mieba.

This miserable youth had a great influence on mieba, and even made mieba himself have a kind of world weariness.

However, before the extermination of hegemony showed its inner extermination psychology, the Titans had suddenly declined. With the collapse of resources and the abandonment of the ancestral star, more than 99% of the Titans fell on the ancestral star.

Almost in his near death, mieba's father risked his life and gave all his life to mieba. He sent mieba out of Titan.

This sudden crisis of extermination and the unreserved love from my father made mieba's distorted psychology get unprecedented cure.

Extermination and great love, two kinds of strange psychology, almost accompanied mieba in the process of wandering in the universe for most of the time.

Until mieba really stepped into the ranks of sub heavenly Father level strong men, under the influence of that strange psychology, mieba understood the extremely rare law of balance in the universe.

At the same time, mieba also embarked on the road of destroying the universe and maintaining the balance of the development of the universe.

In a sense, mieba is not a complete psychosis, it's just a corner.

In the view of mieba, if there were no Jordan and Avenger alliance, his ideal would have been completely realized when he invaded the Earth last time.

Even if we are frustrated on the earth and 90% of our own power is destroyed, mieba has never given up its ideal.

Until this time, the re arrival of Jordan and Wanda, as well as the failure of their plans, made mieba feel discouraged.

To tell you the truth, Jordan is not sure whether he really means it or is fooling himself.

Although Jordan, mieba, Wanda and Lord blood are all trapped in the closed loop of time, on the whole, Jordan still has the advantage. It is not ruled out that mieba is just showing the enemy's weakness and trying to stabilize them.

The cigar in his hand was completely burnt out, and Jordan frowned. When he couldn't see the idea of exterminating hegemony clearly, Jordan could only restrain all his emotions and ideas. With an almost business-related attitude, he said: "the story is good, it gives people a strong resonance, but now, let's talk about your requirements!"

If you can't understand the psychology of exterminating hegemony, the safest way is to think nothing and guess nothing.

Mieba didn't seem to care about Jordan's almost indifferent attitude. After laughing at himself, he said, "I can lift the closed loop of time, and I can't hand in infinite gems. Moreover, I have another request, I want to enter the earth..."

In the face of Jordan, mieba at this moment, just like a lion's mouth, put forward his own requirements.

Listening to mieba's words, Jordan's face turned black.

Knock on NIMA, this kind of request, how can it sound like you and others have lost a battle, and you've been beheaded by Laozi once, and you dare to be so arrogant. It seems that mieba is really not afraid of death.

Without hesitation, he interrupted mieba's words. He repressed his anger and said, "mieba, you have to see your present situation clearly. If you are drunk with just a few whiskies, I don't mind cutting off your head again to calm you down!"

It's extraordinary. The black dog dares to ask for such arrogance. I'm afraid he hasn't woken up yet.

When Jordan's voice came to an end, mieba turned his head. Both sides were uncompromising and looked at each other.