In the world, there are no people who have no desire and no desire. Even if there are salted fish like Joe Dani, they can't escape the temptation of beauty, not to mention all the people living in the neon world.

Under the temptation of transcendence, demigod, immortality, immortality and so on, the progress speed of global God plan changes almost every day.

Unprecedented rich funds were gathered. For the first time in his life, Tony was overwhelmed with money. With the most top scientific team on earth, he was blocked in the sky city, pushing forward the maturity of void salvage technology day and night.

Military equipment, with the support of numerous consortia, every soldier has been armed to the teeth. Precious existence like Zhenjin has been forged into armor one after another, forming a super legion of King Kong. With the help of the infinite void Zerg, the front of the battlefield has been pushed into the void channel.

The top war machines purchased from the universe, like Xiongguan, are blocked at the exit of the Zerg's void passage. The majestic gamma ray bursts, like rivers and waves, continuously pour into the Zerg's void nest, and then spread out along the dense void passage in the whole void world.

Countless mages in the three temples, bribed by tons of magic materials, have become the tools for money to dance. They constantly open up dimensional channels through the coordinates salvaged from the void, and form a directional condensation into a mirror world.

One debris world after another was quickly gathered together.

The fleet of the coalition government continuously enters the interstellar depths to purchase all the resources that can be purchased, such as steel, soil, water, trees, and creatures, and distributes them to the infinite debris world, promoting the rapid evolution of the debris world.

It's only half a year since Jordan salted fish at home. The change of the whole earth has presented an unimaginable prosperous posture.

Once upon a time, anyone with extraordinary ability on the earth would be called a superhero or villain, and the rarity was comparable to that of a woman who had not broken her body in adulthood.

But now, as long as the family has some spare money, they will buy a piece of fragmented world from the coalition government, whether it's broken or miniature. Anyway, as long as they have enough investment, they will be able to develop their own fragmented world sooner or later. Once the fragmented world is cultivated successfully, some ignorant creatures will be put in, With the help of the transformation of belief energy system, we can become a demigod without risk.

Once you become a demigod, you will have extraordinary power. Whether you enter the void exploration through the Zerg channel or directly enter the interstellar space, you will be able to succeed one day.

The global God program has not really been popularized to everyone, but even the lowest tramps know that this program has become the mainstream development trend of the earth in the future.

The earth in the future may one day become a new generation of top Protoss beyond Asgard.

And just as the global God program on earth is getting more and more popular, Jordan is ready to go to hell with Gabriel, mieba and others for a while.

Today's earth, although the global God program is only in the initial stage of development, but the coalition government, the military and many other powerful forces have accumulated batch after batch of demigod combat power.

In this case, even if the Kerry Empire completely eliminated soverin, it could not do anything about the earth.

Under the threat of the powerful demigod legion, if the earth does not harm other forces in the interstellar, those forces in the interstellar will already burn high incense.

In fact, if it had not been for the great threat of the endless abyss, the coalition government might have decided to join the fight for supremacy.

Space ring Avenger base.

Team after team of fallen angels gathered together. The powerful power of darkness was like a black curtain blocking the sky. It sent out a kind of cold feeling that people should not be near.

In the center of the Fallen Angel Legion are Gabriel, mieba and jordani, who have not entered hell for half a year.

Gabriel and mieba are both carefree and can choose to set out at any time.

However, Jordan is different from the two. Jordan is a family breadwinner. There are six girlfriends alone, as well as Wanda, pitero, Mindy, Peter and many others.

Just a kiss to say goodbye to everyone has made Jordan's mouth a little swollen.

Not to mention in addition to their relatives, there are Avengers alliance and aegis and other friends.

Going to hell is different from going to other places. With Jordan's strength, in the real universe, as long as he doesn't go crazy to fight with the God Group, the whole universe is so big that he can't go anywhere.

But hell is not the same, now hell, has been completely banned, has become a real universe and endless abyss between a flesh and blood millstone battlefield.

Even if there is such a strong presence as Lucifer, Odin and master Guyi, there will still be the danger of falling in that abyss battlefield. Otherwise, Lucifer, Odin and master Guyi will not completely ban the whole hell.

If it wasn't for the arrival of mieba, with the help of space gems, it would be Jordan and Gabriel, who couldn't break the channel to enter hell.

It took more than half an hour to say goodbye. When mieba and Gabriel were getting colder and colder, jordani finally forced everyone to retreat.


Gabriel didn't say anything about Jordan's wasted time, except mieba. From the beginning, his face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and he didn't give Jordan any good face.

For mieba's temper, Jordan just laughed and said nothing.

After all, mieba came to the earth in the form of a semi captive. In the past half a year, his life on the earth has not been very comfortable. Even the infinite gems in his hand have been taken away by the coalition government in the form of "custody".

Just like the transfinite space transmission station built on the space ring this time, it is built with space gems as the core.

After Jordan returned to the team, in the cold hum of mieba, a light blue halo soon bloomed under the feet of the people, just like the ripples on the lake, layer upon layer. In a short time, it formed a dense ring that made people dizzy.

The transfinite space transfer station started quickly, and the dense blue halo began to cover Jordan, mieba, Gabriel and the fallen angels with a complex and orderly law, forming a kind of airtight blue ball.