"The eggs are covered in yellow sand! Save us! " In my mind, a heavy voice sounded.

"Eat ye, where are you?" Bai Qingqing was surprised when she heard this. At this time, she noticed that the eating Lord who had been quietly on her shoulder was gone.

"I just saw that the yellow sand was going to cover up the eggs. I wanted to save it, but my strength was too weak to save it... We were all involved in the Yin sand at the moment!"

My breath is very weak and weak.

Bai Qingqing's face changed: "asshole! I fought with you! "

"What's going on?" Beiming Liuhua asked.

"The eggs and the eaters are covered by the sand. We must rescue them as soon as possible, or they will be swallowed by the sand!"

"Don't worry, let's find a way!" Impulse can't do anything at all. The ghost of Yin sand is so terrible, and thousands of people will only take their own lives if they act on impulse.

"I know!" Bai Qingqing also knows that the more he is now, the more he needs to be calm.

But in her opinion, the egg and the eater are not only spirit beasts, but also her little partners. She can't calm down at all.

"Take a deep breath and ask the master about his present situation." Beiming Liuhua looked at him and her, gently pressed her shoulder, and then slowly guided her.

"Yes." Bai Qing listened to his words, took a deep breath, and then asked through divine consciousness, "how are you now, master eater?"

"I'm ok, but the egg doesn't seem to work. It loses its vitality after a blow. At this time, the apricot blossom spirit has been protecting it, but the erosion of the Yin sand is too strong, and it's too powerful in the Yin sand array. We can't get out of the array at all, and our spiritual power is constantly losing!"

"Yin Sha array?" Bai Qing asked with a frown.

"Yes, this is a space array condensed by the ghost of Yin sand. We are lost in the space array and can't go out. Moreover, this space has been absorbing our spiritual power." Taotie replied with difficulty.

"Yin Sha array?" Beiming Liuhua frowned and then said, "ask about the situation inside!"

"Eat ye, what's going on inside? Describe everything you can see and hear!"

As long as it is an array, there must be a way to crack it.

"There is sand everywhere, and no matter how you go, it's all sand. It's very quiet and silent! And what's more terrible is that the sand can't be broken! "

Bai Qingqing repeats the words of eating ye to Beiming Liuhua.

Beiming Liuhua's eyes flashed calm and wise, frowned and asked, "where's the light? Let him have a look at the degree of light. He can see around in it. That is, there is light penetrating in and let him aim at the place with the strongest light. There should be the point where the sun shines directly. We attack that point inside and outside at the same time! "

Bai Qing listened to Beiming Liuhua's words and nodded: "Hmm!"

Then she began to tell Taotie about Beiming Liuhua's plan.

Taotie listened and looked around carefully. Sure enough, he saw that there was a direction with the strongest light, so he replied excitedly: "see!?"

"OK, I'll count three. We'll attack that point at the same time!" Bai Qingqing said.

Then he looked back at Beiming Liuhua. Beiming Liuhua nodded and ordered Red Square Zhang Ze and three divine beasts: "aim at the point where the sun shines and attack collectively under the order of the girl!"

After that, he instructed Hongmei Tengyun Ju to fly to that position at the same time.