Chapter 190

Zhao Yuan wiped the sweat channel on his forehead: "I'm arranging someone to check it!"

"Director Zhao, sister Xu! I found out! " One of his men came tumbling over with a tablet computer in his arms.

"Why?" Xu Haiyan and Zhao Yuan asked at the same time.

"It's the live broadcast platform of big bear, the celebration performance of Xingyue Hotel, which takes away all our audience!"

"What?" Zhao Yuan won the tablet in an incredible way.

Just see the sky covered airship, dozens of beautiful women flying in the sky dancing scene.

Such a shocking scene scared Zhao Yuan into shaking. If Xu Haiyan hadn't picked up quickly, the tablet would have fallen to the ground.

"Damn it! What a mess Xu Haiyan couldn't help swearing when she saw it.

"Sister Xu really didn't expect that star moon entertainment would play such a big scene for several artists!" Zhao Yuanshen's color is congenial and heavy.

However, Xu Haiyan said contemptuously: "Oh, no matter how much he spent on star and moon entertainment, it's in vain! I'm the queen of heaven. What qualifications do some budding guys have to compete with me for audience and popularity? "

Zhao yuansuan deeply realized Xu HaiYan's arrogance.

It's such a time to carry the shelf of Queen. Are you a queen now and forever?

Everything in the entertainment industry will change, but the only constant truth is that a new generation will replace the old.

In the past, no matter how famous the stars are, there will always be times when they are down. No matter how humble the new people are, once they get the chance, they will fly to the sky like fish leaping over the dragon's gate!

Now Zhao Yuan sees the speed of the dream angel's attraction, and he knows that basically the big thing has gone.

Whether it's Xu Haiyan, the queen of the day, or the bullfight live broadcasting platform she represents, all of them fell into the hands of an unknown entertainment company and a group of unknown artists.

In addition, we also need to count the bear who is always trampled by himself!

But Zhao Yuan doesn't want to give up now. Xu Haiyan still has a card in his hand.

Then helpless way: "sister Xu, now is the time to let Li less effort."

"Yes, and Li Shao. Does he reward me now?" Xu Haiyan asked in front of her eyes.

Zhao Yuan shook his head very regretfully: "no, so far I have received some scattered small rewards."

"I'll contact him now and urge him to hurry up." Xu Haiyan takes out her mobile phone and calls Li Yun anxiously.

"Hello, baby, do you miss me?" On the phone, Li yunxun asked.

"Yes, I think so. Didn't you say you wanted to give someone a reward? Did you forget?" Xu Haiyan dissatisfied.

"Ah! I really forgot about it. Wait Li Yun said and hung up.

Then, Zhao Yuan happily said: "received, a million reward!"

Xu Haiyan said angrily, "what's the point? Li Yun, what am I, a beggar? Any little money will get rid of you? "

Zhao yuanhaosheng advised: "my sister Xu, Li Shao has already given a lot. You should know that before Li Shao's reward, the highest reward is only 10000. If you average all the people who don't include Li Shao, each person is only 1000."

"Can he be the same as ordinary people? He is a young master of mining industry in western province. I have been serving him with all my heart for such a long time. Am I worth a million? "

Zhao Yuan thought to himself that even if it's a million dollars, you're not worth it. It's just a rotten thing. Do you want to be a Golden Phoenix all day? Ridiculous!

But this kind of words can not be said, after all, he and Xu Haiyan are now allies.

"No, I have to call him again," Xu Haiyan said, and then called Li Yun: "Hello, Li Shao, how can you reward people so much?"

"Not satisfied with a million? OK, I'll give you another million. "

Hang up the phone, Li Yun said that he did, and soon gave a reward of one million.

Zhao Yuan was a little at ease. With the sky high reward, he took out part of the funds to make a temporary lottery.

I believe it can also save the eyes of many people and let them return to Xu HaiYan's live broadcast.

But Zhao Yuan was afraid that it was not safe, so he proposed to Xu Haiyan: "sister Xu, you'd better wear some light clothes when you go on the stage."

"Why?" Xu Haiyan frowned and said that she hated letting outsiders lead by the nose in her concert.

"The concert is held in the semi open space of the gymnasium, and the wind is not small today. If you want to regain your popularity, it's not safe to rely on Li Shao's reward alone. It's better to add some favorable factors." Zhao Yuan explained.

Xu Haiyan was not stupid this time. She quickly responded and asked, "do you want me to pretend to be gone?"

"Yes, we must create an effective way that everyone pays attention to in order to bring back the popularity as much as possible." Zhao Yuan nodded.

"Yes, I accept your offer!" Xu Haiyan replied.Isn't she just walking out in front of tens of thousands of people live and hundreds of thousands of people live online? She is very skilled in this kind of thing.

Xu Haiyan quickly changed into a hazy translucent dress. When she returned to the stage, her dress was blown close to her body by the wind, highlighting her attractive lines, and the translucent fabric was pasted on her body to see the jade body inside.

"Shit! Xu HaiYan's dress is too hot! "

"NIMA, I can't stand it!"

"I have nosebleed for a long time!"

Sure enough, with the stimulation of drawing cash reward and Xu HaiYan's body, the number of people in the live room rose again.

After all, you can't see all the fruit bodies in the sky at any time.

"Director Huang, Xu HaiYan's live studio is becoming more popular again?"

"What's the matter, let me see!" Huang Ming took a look at the computer and sneered.

Relying on money and fruit body to save popularity, Xu Haiyan is obviously at a loss.

"She didn't move. It was just a dying struggle. They were about to fall into the abyss!" Huang Ming disdains the way.

At this time, the total number of people in Ye Jia's live studio has exceeded 20 million, which has exceeded the record of big bear live platform, and the number of people is still growing, and there is no sign of a decline in the speed.

At this time, Lin fan is sitting in his office watching the live broadcast. Although he can go to the top of the building to watch the live broadcast, there are still images recorded there after all. Dozens of cameras surround him, so it's not good to shoot himself in.

There are two computers in front of him, one is playing his live broadcast, the other is playing the live broadcast of Xu HaiYan's concert.

When Lin fan saw that Xu Haiyan actually used cash reward to save his popularity, he couldn't help smiling.

Take out the mobile phone and dial out the phone directly: "Huang Ming, I'll give you a reward of 10 million, and you'll also draw a lottery!"

"What?! Reward 10 million? "