Chapter 666

In the manor of zuixiandao, Wang Mo looks at all kinds of information on the Internet, lost and happy.

"Boss, on, our movies are still highly rated, while Xu HaiYan's movies are almost all poor rated!" After Wang Mo saw the score and message, he got some comfort.

"What's the use? Online ratings can't be used as box office." Lin Fan suddenly mended the knife.

Wang Mo couldn't breathe immediately

The box office gap between the two films is a barrier he can't get over. So far, it has cast a shadow in his heart.

"Well, don't think about these things. Go back and have a rest and wait until tomorrow to see what's going on." Lin Fan waved.

It takes time to count the box office of the cinema. Lin Fan thinks there is something strange about the box office, but is there any obvious evidence to prove that Xu HaiYan's box office has some moisture.

Can only be helpless to wait to see the next day's box office results.

After waiting another day, Wang Mo came back to report box office statistics again.

When Lin fan saw that he was mourning, he knew that the situation was not optimistic, so he asked, "tell me, how much is the difference today?"

Wang Mo said dully: "our box office is 31 million, Xu HaiYan's is 43 million..."

"Oh, that's not bad news. We've gone up more than 10 million." Lin Fan said with a smile.

The box office of the movie is higher than that of the first day, which is very normal. The only abnormal thing is that Xu HaiYan's bad movies still keep the trend of high box office growth, which is very puzzling.

When Wang Mo and He Jun are staring at each other, they are surprised.

Now he's not fully recovered, he's still in a wheelchair.

As soon as I entered the door, I said to Lin fan, "brother Lin, I've seen the box office data today, but it's still the real data."

Lin fan asked: "I don't doubt that the data is fake. I just don't understand. How can so many people go to see Xu HaiYan's rotten film?"

He jundao: "this is a bit strange, but Xu Haiyan is at least a sister in the domestic entertainment circle. The hero of her film is still the first flow of fresh meat in China. I think the box office in the first few days should be supported by fans themselves?"

In fact, He Jun is not sure. Today's small fresh meat seems to have tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of fans. The number of each one can scare people to death.

But the real situation is that the number of these fans is virtual, and it would be nice to have one in a few decades.

So fans spontaneously buy tickets to support their idols. Even iron powder has a limit. It's impossible to take out all their money without limit. It's good to watch one or two at most.

After all, Xu HaiYan's film box office is still incredibly high.

"She has fans for Xu Haiyan, and the stars here are no less than her. Others don't say that only Lin Xianer and Isaiah Ivy are the top stars. Which one has more fans than Xu Haiyan?" Wang Mo has doubts about the idea that fans buy tickets.

It's meaningless to compare the box office with the number of fans, because Xu Haiyan has no advantage at all.

Now Lin Fan's mind is in a mess: "since we are dominant in any factor, why is the box office still less than Xu Haiyan?"

"I'm also very strange about this. I think the problem may lie in the statistics of our cinema. Lin fan, wait a minute. I'll send my confidants to investigate again." He Jun said and took out his mobile phone.

He ordered the cinema below to investigate carefully, what's going on in this, and whether it's really tricky.

After a long time, He Jun's subordinates gave back the information.

After listening to the phone, He Jun was stunned for a long time. After putting down the phone, he sighed heavily.

"Well Brother Lin, the problem really lies with me. " He Jun is very helpless to say.

"What's the matter?" Lin fan asked.

"There's something wrong with my movie theater. Xu Haiyan is quite shady, but Lin used this method. It's really irritating!" He Junsheng.

"He Shao, what's the matter?" Wang Mo couldn't hold his breath.

"Before the show, Xu Haiyan sent people to buy most of the cinemas in he's cinema. When the audience bought tickets, it seemed that they bought tickets for the legend of doomsday, but in fact, the ticket stub was from sky castle!"

"What Wang Mo stood up in surprise.

"And that kind of thing?" Lin Fan was also surprised.

He Jun nodded: "it has been confirmed that not only our ho's cinema, but also other cinemas have been bought by Xu Haiyan. In the final analysis, it's my fault that the management of the following cinemas is not strict enough, which makes Xu Haiyan exploit the loophole."

"Ma De, Xu Haiyan is too insidious. I said why she has such a good box office for a big bad film. It turns out that she stole it all!" Wang Mo is really angry this time.

He Jun is even more embarrassed. In this matter, it's really something wrong with his courtyard.But if we want to blame him, we can't blame him.

He is a high-ranking noble family. He generally takes the general direction of his family's industry.

It's impossible to stare at the cinema. Besides, he's cinema is not one or two, but thousands. He Jun can't even stare at it.

"Lingo, it's my fault anyway. I'll give you an account." He Jun is very sorry.

Lin Fan waved his hand: "it's OK. We don't have these manners between brothers. You don't have to worry about it."

He Jun shook his head: "no, it's obviously a box office fraud, or a blatant hand into my courtyard to steal the box office. I'm not surnamed he if I don't give Xu Haiyan an unforgettable lesson!"

"Yes! Now that we know what's going on, we have to kill her. It's disgusting to steal our box office! " Wang Mo said angrily.

"Well, the question is, do we have evidence?" Lin Fan inquired.

He Jun nodded: "yes! I'm going to announce the truth of the matter, and all the employees who helped Xu Haiyan steal the box office will be dismissed! "

In the matter of stealing box office, Xu Haiyan really made a good move, but it was just disgusting.

Although it seems that she has bought thousands of people from cinemas, in fact, she has not paid much for it.

As long as the staff in charge of selling tickets in each cinema are bribed with a small amount of money, the matter will be done.

No one would have thought that someone would exchange the movie tickets of doomsday legend for sky castle

After the final box office data come out, it is still true!