Chapter 129 A Slut and a Slut

"It doesn't matter if we can't get rid of him this time. Sakura and the ninja squadron have already boarded the plane. The financial conference next month is serious. After the meeting is over, it's not too late to cause trouble for zhang xiao."

After a pause, the hoarse voice sounded again, "Those two arrogant trash from the yamada family, if they fail, let them shut up."

"Hi!" A cold light flashed in the eyes of the village.

At two o' clock in the afternoon, zhang xiaobai and xu Zhengyang appeared in front of the hotel 1108 on time, "Mr. Yamada only invites Mr. Zhang."

Zhang xiaobai gave xu Zhengyang a look and nodded at the man who spoke.

The man took out the walkie-talkie at his waist and mumbled something. The walkie-talkie answered, and the man reached out to open the door and gestured at zhang xiaobai, "Mr. Zhang, please."

Zhang xiaobai walked into the room alone and xu Zhengyang stayed outside.


As soon as he entered the room, the door was closed. Zhang xiao raised his head and examined the room.

There was no need to mention the renovation style of his own hotel. Zhang xiaobai's focus was on the people in the room.

A young man with a moustache and a pajama was sitting on the sofa, playing with his mobile phone in his hand. Beside him was a woman dressed in a unique japanese costume. The two protrusions on his chest were very obvious. When zhang xiaobai looked at him, he licked his lips with his tongue behind his back. He winked at zhang xiaobai.

Behind them were two burly men in black suits with grim expressions.

With a gentle smile, zhang xiaobai walked up and sat across from the man. The woman went forward and poured a cup of tea for zhang xiaobai, and threw another flirtatious glance at him.

Ignoring the woman's flirtatious eyes, zhang xiao bai quietly drank his tea.

"Mr. Zhang, I am the yamada family's junichiro yamada. This is my sister, yamada meiji." Yamada junichiro arrogantly raised his head and looked at zhang xiaobai with contempt, "This time, I'm looking for Mr. Zhang to discuss a business with him."

"Oh? What kind of business does Mr. Yamada want to talk about?" Zhang xiaobai, gu lu, was confused.

Yamada junichiro waved his hand and a macho man behind him placed two suitcases in front of zhang xiaobai.

Meiji opened the suitcase and turned it around so that zhang xiaobai could see the contents of the box clearly.

"Mr. Yamada, this is..." Zhang xiaobai looked at the box of money and the box of drugs on the table and looked at yamada junichiro with a puzzled expression. He was shocked. Was this guy an idiot? Just show me the drugs, aren't you afraid I'll call the police?

"Mr. Zhang, as long as you accept this box of goods, we will be good friends. We will make a fortune together. You should know that my great japan empire is the most powerful country in the world, and my yamada family is the strongest family in the great japan empire. As long as you become friends with us, the benefits will definitely be yours. If you don't agree... I'm afraid Mr. Zhang won't be able to leave this room today." A cold light flashed across yamada's eyes as two men in black suits came to the left and right sides of zhang xiaobai.

Zhang xiaobai was a little confused as he raised his head and looked at yamada junichiro with a strange gaze.

Was this person really stupid or was he pretending to be stupid? Or did he believe that the yamada family was invincible? Or was he so confident in these two macho men? Wait, that's...

Zhang xiaobai glanced at the phone in yamada's hand and his eyes sparkled.

Thinking back, ever since he entered the room, the camera in yamada's hand had been directed at him. Zhang xiaobai instantly understood, and then a feeling of speechlessness rose up.

Is this guy stupid? Did he really think that no one dared to touch him? That's the kind of guy we're supposed to be keeping a tight leash on?

Zhang xiaobai covered his face and asked the heavens.

"Has Mr. Zhang considered it?" Yamada junichiro frowned at zhang xiaobai.

Zhang xiaobai put down his hand and looked disgusted, "Considering your sister! Tell me, are you a fool?"

"What do you mean? My sister? I don't have a sister, what is a straw bag?" Yamada junichiro looked at zhang xiaobai with confusion.

Yamada meiji also looked puzzled.

Zhang xiaobai suddenly felt that something was not right, but he could not explain why it was not right. He frowned and looked at yamada junichiro, "Mr. Yamada, is that all you asked me to do today?"

"Of course, Mr. Zhang, you should know that our yamada family's position in the big japanese empire is with the royal family. My grandfather used to go to school with the emperor, eat together, and even play with women. Their relationship is..." Yamada junichiro began to introduce how powerful his family's position in japan was..

Zhang xiaobai looked speechlessly at yamada junichiro once again. He turned to look at yamada meiji, but in the end, he received another wink.

Damn it, is there no one in the yamada family? How did they make the zhao family the spokesperson of huaxia? The zhao family asked for help from the black dragon association and sent these two guys over. Could the black dragon be playing with the zhao family? Isn't that scientific? Why does it always feel wrong?

"Ling boli, check the black dragon association and the yamada family." Zhang xiaobai communicates with ling boli.

The voice of an empty spirit sounded in her mind, "Yes, master."

"What do you think, Mr. Zhang? As the spokesperson of the yamada family in huaxia, you will find countless amounts of money rolling in." Yamada junichiro looked at zhang xiaobai with a face full of enthusiasm.

Just as zhang xiaobai was about to speak, yamada meiji stood up and walked beside zhang xiaobai, leaning directly against zhang xiaobai, "Mr. Zhang, as long as you're the spokesperson of china, you'll realize that you're not only getting money."

Zhang xiaobai pushed away yamada meiji with a look of disdain, "I'm not short of money, beauty. I'm not short of money. If Mr. Yamada has nothing else to do, then I'll take my leave."

Standing up, zhang xiaobai glanced at yamada junichiro and yamada meiji and turned to leave.

"Do you think you can leave?" Yamada junichiro's cold voice sounded.

Yamada meiji was pushed to the ground by zhang xiaobai, and her face instantly turned gloomy. At this moment, when she saw that yamada junichiro had torn his face apart, she stood up and stood in front of zhang xiaobai, looking at zhang xiaobai with hatred, "Do you know how many people in our empire want to climb into my yamada meiji's bed? You pushed me away? Are you a man?"

"I'm not interested in buses." Zhang xiaobai expressionlessly looked at yamada meiji.

Yamada meiji was slightly stunned, "A bus? What bus? We all drive here. Nobody takes the bus."

"I'll go." Zhang xiaobai felt speechless again.

"Stop talking nonsense." Yamada junichiro glared viciously at zhang xiaobai, "Mr. Zhang, let me ask you one last time, are you going to be the spokesperson of the yamada family in huaxia?"