Chapter 686

Name:Super Marshal Author:Chen Aiting
It was on the third day after Christmas that I met Max Senna in Alpine.

The Brazilian midfield hasn't been back for Christmas. Most of his family are in Spain, and he has been here for nearly ten years and is used to everything in Madrid.

The meeting place is arranged in the VIP box of a newly opened high-end Chinese restaurant in Madrid.

This is a branch store with its head office in London. It was founded in Gaohan when he was in charge of Chelsea. Gaohan owned half of the shares. When it opened, Chelsea did not arrange a Christmas party, so Gaohan specially invited the Chelsea players and their families to dine in this Chinese restaurant. Since then, Gaohan has become famous.

Since then, the Chinese restaurant has become a favorite restaurant for many of the Chelsea stars, and its business has become more and more prosperous. It has already opened branches in Paris, Milan, Munich and other big cities, and now it has come to Madrid.

Because it's a private invitation, there are only four people in total. In addition to the two main characters, agent Jorge Mendes and technical director Carlos cantarero are accompanying.

For the cold, Marcos Senna has always been grateful, because if it was not for the cold, he had no chance to play in the European League, let alone represent Spain to win the European Cup.

In fact, the encouragement of the cold also played a key role in his naturalization to Spain.

Therefore, when he heard that the cold China city team was interested in him, although he did not agree, he did not refuse. Otherwise, if it was other teams in the second level league, he would certainly drive the other team out of the door without thinking about it.

Half a year ago, he was still the main force of the European Cup champion, half a year later, he will play in the second level league?

But on second thought, especially after analyzing his current situation, he was really in trouble.

First of all, in Atletico Madrid, where he is very old, it's really difficult to compete with the players who were in the same age as Sedu kaita and Gaby. Xavi Alonso's core position is unshakable, so he has no choice but to substitute.

If you leave Atletico Madrid and go to other La Liga teams, the main force may have no problem, but on the one hand, there are not many teams willing to accept him, most of them are middle and lower level teams. On the other hand, whether he can gain trust after going to a new team is still unknown.

Instead, it's better to follow the high cold and go to Chinatown.

In the final analysis, Marcos Senna, like all the people around him, has an almost blind trust in him. He believes that the Chinese city team will be able to kill the Spanish League very soon.

Therefore, he took the initiative to make an appointment with Gao Han for dinner, and made clear his intention.

"Boss, I hope to be a coach in the future by playing football and taking the coach's certificate."

"Is it?" Gao Han was a little surprised at first, but then he said, "this is a good thing. Our youth training center and Spanish Football Association have cooperation in coach training. As long as you have any need, I will strongly support you."

With the words of high cold, Marcos Senna is relieved.

But the high cold soon changed the subject, "actually, Marcos, I don't think you should care about things after retirement too early."

"Why?" Marcos Senna is a little strange. He will be thirty-three soon.

Alpine smile, "I think you can at least play another three or four years, no problem."

Marcos Senna was stunned. He didn't expect that alpine people looked up to him so much.

You know, three or four years later, he is already 367 years old. Can he still play?

"I remember when I saw you for the first time, I knew that you were a smart man and learned very fast. So before you came to Atletico Madrid, you didn't even play in the professional league, but you could adapt quickly, which is not what ordinary people can do."

Marcos Senna was silent. He didn't know he still had this impression in the head coach's mind.

Even he was moved.

"Do you know? Smart players tend to change their playing style on the pitch according to their physical conditions of different ages. I think you can do the same When it comes to this, the cold deliberately stopped.

"What's more, if you think about it, half a year ago, you just won the European Cup as the main back waist and reached the peak of your life. Can you say that half a year later, you began to consider retiring? Are you willing? "

Marcos Senna didn't answer, but the expression on his face betrayed him.

No, absolutely not.

No one else would be willing to do such a thing.

"Believe me, Marcos, I don't invite you to Chinatown to stay in Serie B, otherwise we won't be able to pay for you and Diego Costa this summer

Speaking of this, Gao Han feels a little ashamed. He is too single, right?

"We have only one goal, to kill La Liga and get a foothold in La Liga."

Marcos Senna heard this and raised his head abruptly, his eyes glaring at the cold.

It was not until this moment that he really made up his mind.



After lunch with Marcos Senna, Jorge Mendes and Marcos Senna go to deal with some things. Gao Han and cantarero return to fuenlavlada to convey the news to Amando Marcos and coach bochetino. They are very excited.

Marcos Senna, who was the main force for Spain to win the European cup half a year ago, is alagongnes' most dependent midfield pillar to join the Chinese city team?

This news will definitely shock the whole Spanish football world, no, the whole Spanish football world and even the European football world.

"No, I have to talk to my colleagues in the commercial department. I have to talk about the previous projects again." Amando Marcos immediately resigned excitedly.

When the general manager left, alpine, cantarello and pochetino were left in the hall.

In the management system of Alpine reconstruction, cantarello, the technical director, is almost equal to Amando Marcos, except that one is responsible for business operation and daily operation, the other is responsible for competitive affairs, coordinating and communicating with each other, and his boss is responsible for the overall situation.

"Mauricio, what are your plans after Marcos Senna joined us?" Gao Han asked pochetino with a smile.

Argentinian seems to have been prepared for a long time, nodded: "his arrival can greatly improve our midfield strength. I haven't figured out how to use it, but in my opinion, he can be competent for the core role of midfield organization."

Gao Han and cantarello looked at each other and nodded at each other.

Marcos Senna has never been a defensive player, but has both offensive and defensive skills. His passing ability is quite good, especially in the past few years. His passing ability has become more and more excellent due to his training in La Liga and Atletico Madrid. Even with a top organization like Xabi Alonso, he is still a brilliant deputy.

"In our 4-3-3 tactical system, if we want to suppress the opponent, we must do a good job in front court pressing and high position pressing. Before, our midfield problem was that there were only two players, Schneiderlin and Ramirez. ISCO and cork were relatively young, and other players were not competent, which led to our midfield defeat."

Gao Han nodded, "go on."

"As you said before, there are two ways to control the ball power, one is better than the opponent's passing control, and the other is to let the opponent's passing control. The former relies on the passing control technology, while the latter relies on the front court pressing and high position pressing, especially the pressing from the center circle to the front of the opponent's restricted area."

"When you have the right to the ball, try to control the ball in this area. When you lose the right to the ball, you should try every means to grab the ball in this area, launch a counterattack on the spot, and create a threat with the fastest speed."

"Well said." When Gao Han heard this, he clapped his hand hard and laughed.

This disciple of belsa was indeed a disciple of belsa, and touched the door.

Bochetino is definitely a smart man. He has mastered the development trend of the mainstream tactics in European football in recent years.

Praised by the cold, bochetino is more confident.

"My consideration is that, with Marcos Senna as the core, Schneiderlin and Ramirez as the three centers, I believe I can sweep the whole Spanish League Said pochetino, with all his heart.

Alpine also agreed with this, "I agree with you very much, and my opinion is that Schneiderlin is ahead, let Marcos Senna delay, this can give full play to their advantages."

Pochetino was stunned, but soon understood the meaning of alpine cold.

In the original tactical system of the Chinese city team, bochettino delayed Schneiderlin, playing his excellent defensive ability and steady ball ability, vaguely training him in the direction of delaying the organizer.

But Alpine means, let him forward, play his large coverage area, positive defense ability, and his offensive ability is not bad, have a certain ability to carry the ball, in a more forward area can play an advantage.

What's more, with Schneiderlin and Ramirez, two players with excellent running and covering ability, sweeping and intercepting in the front and Marcos Senna in the back to control the overall situation, the pressure is relatively reduced, which can not only give play to his advantage in organizing the pass, but also reduce his burden.

"Well, I'll try it back when I train." Bochetino agreed.

For the idea of cold, he is very respected, but must try in training, in order to practice in the game.

"It's good to try, but..." Gao Han suddenly laughed, "sometimes we have to make a decision, especially before the war, we can't tolerate any hesitation."

Pochetino understood the meaning of high cold.

China city's performance in the first half was not ideal. West B ranked 12th. Although there was no problem in relegation, it was difficult to upgrade. It was also a big blow to bochetino's confidence.

In a few days, the team will have its first game in 2009. It will challenge the current league leader, Fernando sares, away from home. This team is very popular in this season's promotion. Its strength is superior. It will be a big test for China city. Bochetino is also under great pressure.

Gao is the head coach himself and certainly understands bochettino's worries at this moment.

"Sometimes, this kind of competition is a threshold. If you cross it, everything will be smooth. If you can't cross it, you will always be blocked. Just like Real Madrid under Capello, they have been activated completely since they beat Barcelona away. Looking back at Barcelona, they are under more and more pressure and make mistakes frequently."

"According to my experience, in this situation, I often choose to believe in myself, believe in my players, and stick to the belief that I always insist on

Pochetino understood that Gao Han was instructing him and nodded heavily.

"I see. Thank you, Mr. Gao Han."