Chapter 1191

Name:Super Marshal Author:Chen Aiting
"Look at this attack of the Chinese team."

"Wu Lei on the left, go inside and pass low to the penalty area."

"There's a chance! Zhang Yuning is directly in front of the door... "


"Quan Chuntai at the critical moment of flying to save, Zhang Yuning to the far corner of the shot blocked out."

"The South Korean goalkeeper's save this time is very critical and timely."

"Zhang Yuning looks very depressed."

"In this game, he has won several scoring opportunities in a row, but it's a pity that either he was blocked by the pillar or the goalkeeper of the other side played well. He also felt speechless about it

"But we have to admit that China's counterattack in the first half was very sharp."

"The situation of the South Korean team is really anxious, especially the mentality of the players. This should be a point that the Chinese team can make good use of next. After all, our pressure is not as great as that of South Korea. Even if we draw this game, we are still the first in the group and occupy an absolute advantage in the qualification."

"A lot of players have come to comfort Zhang Yuning. The Ajax striker's foot seems to have some deviation in this game. It's a little less than the goal. Wu Lei's foot was very beautiful just now, but it's a pity that he didn't get the goal."



Gao Han clapped hard on the sidelines, cheering for the team's counterattack.

Hao Junmin has just put on the edge suddenly, which definitely reflects the wisdom of this midfield player. He not only takes away a defensive player for Wu Lei, but also greatly enriches the front court attack of the Chinese team.

At that time, Wu Lei had three choices. He could pass Hao Junmin, pass from the bottom to the middle, or go on the inside line, hit the goal by himself or enter the forbidden area. Finally, Wu Lei chose the last one, which was a choice made in line with the development trend of the game.

Sometimes attacking opportunities come up like this.

If at that time there was no Hao Junmin's edge plug, then the Korean team defense is not too simple.

Therefore, in the past, the alpine old heard that the national team's weak attack was due to the lack of players' strength. He didn't believe it at all.

"Don't put any pressure on me, keep the rhythm and focus."

"Zheng Zhi, Feng Xiaoting, pay attention to the defense."

Gao Han was not dazzled by several sharp counterattacks in a row. On the contrary, he always kept calm, because he knew that defense was the most important thing in this game. As long as he kept it, the chance of scoring would come sooner or later.

With the current mentality of the South Korean team, the longer the delay, the better for the Chinese team.

Especially in the second half, sooner or later they will collapse.

By that time

Cold eyes flashed a sharp color.



After 30 minutes, the South Korean team began to press the formation forward and made a threatening attack.

Gao Han soon saw the problems of the team, especially the back line, which was too far behind, so he immediately reminded Zheng Zhi and Feng Xiaoting that all the three offensive players in the front court should be forced out and not to retreat.

The defensive formation is closely linked. The Trident in the front court is the shield of the midfield, while the midfield is the barrier of the back line. As long as the front court withstands the pressure, the midfield is much easier. On the contrary, the midfield is also the strong support of the front court.

The three lines complement each other closely, which can form a solid defensive formation.

With the passage of time, especially after the first half entered the closing stage, the offensive strength of the South Korean team continued to rise, especially in the 41st minute, the South Korean team's right pass and catch penetrated into the restricted area of the Chinese team. The captain Zheng Zhi withdrew the defense at the critical moment when the other team wanted to start, intercepted successfully, and directly destroyed the other team's shot out of the bottom line, forming a corner.

After the South Korean team opened the corner, Zhao Jun grabbed the first landing point and headed the ball.

But soon, the South Korean team was not willing to give up and immediately made a comeback, this time playing on the left.

Sun Xingmin took advantage of his personal ability to drive the ball into the penalty area on the left, but Feng Xiaoting took the lead in passing the ball and pushed it out of the bottom line, which did not give the opponent's high center Jin Xinyu the chance to make a threat by heading the ball.

The South Korean team also realized that this was the last attack in the first half, all the tall players pressed into the restricted area of the Chinese team, and even the goalkeeper pressed into the middle line.

But as a result, after the corner kick, Zeng Cheng quickly took off the ball, firmly protected the ball, did not let the South Korean team have the slightest chance, directly dragged the game to the intermission.

Zero to zero, the two sides finally shook hands and concluded the first half.

But from the two teams players off the court look, it is clear that the two teams are very different mentality.

The Chinese players are happy and satisfied with the result, while the Korean players are upset and depressed.

Even top star sun Xingmin looked a little restless and went back to the dressing room without looking back.



"Well done, guys!"

In the dressing room of the home team after the game, Gao Han looked at the 11 international players in front of him with a smile and praised them loudly.

"I'm proud of your performance in the first half. You successfully resisted the attack of South Korea, and everyone knows how difficult it was, but you did it and did it well."

The praise and affirmation from the head coach made all the players in the dressing room look relaxed. Some players even couldn't help laughing, and their mentality was still relatively relaxed.

"It's a pity that we didn't grasp several good opportunities, otherwise, the result would be better." Zheng Zhi laughs.

"Isn't it? If you can score a goal, you can see how those Korean clubs can play in the second half

"The draw is so angry. If they are really behind, they will be crazy."

"Ha, who said it wasn't?"

Players, you say a word, I say a word, but the face of center Zhang Yuning is not good-looking.

"I'm sorry, everyone. I'll try harder in the second half."

It was only at this time that people realized that they had accidentally stimulated the young general just now.

"Don't be silly, a column, a goalkeeper's excellent save, it is impossible for anyone, you have done well enough." Feng Xiaoting, sitting near Zhang Yuning, said with a smile.

"Yes, don't worry about it. Goals will come sooner or later." Zheng Zhi also advised.

Other players also immediately along with the two captains, comforted Zhang Yuning.

Although the center who plays for Ajax is young, his strength is good. Now he has a firm foothold in the national team and is regarded as the number one center in the team. His teammates also recognize his strength.

"Well, there's nothing else to say." Gao Han clapped his hands hard.

"As I repeatedly stressed to you before the competition, in the whole Asian region, we are not weaker than any of our competitors. Even in South Korea and Japan, we are confident enough to compete with them."

Speaking of this, Gao Han smiles confidently and sweeps the internationals in front of him. "I don't know if you believe what I said before, but now, no one will doubt it any more?"

All the international players are nodding.

If anyone doubts the cold again, it's definitely a brain problem.

In the past few games, the Chinese team has played very hard in every game. It can be said that they have fought hard all the way. Every player has constantly polished his mind and improved his confidence in this kind of arduous competition.

"Although, before the game, I always said that this game is not important, but I believe that you all understand its importance, and I always believe that such a game does not need any mobilization, and each of you will do your best for it."

All the players kept nodding.

They once thought that the national football team would miss the last 12 matches again, but what they didn't expect was that at the last moment, Gao Han turned the tide, led the team all the way to the last 12 matches, and scored five consecutive wins in one breath.

It can be said that now they are not only in the top 12, but also see the hope of reaching the world cup.

In this case, each of them is full of desire, because this is their first time, and maybe even the last time, to reach for the world cup.

If I miss it, I'm afraid I'll never have another chance.

Not only for veteran Zheng Zhi, but also for Feng Xiaoting and other players.

The world cup, which many of them dream of, is just around the corner. If they can't catch it, it will be their lifelong regret.

"After the first half, we all know that when we play South Korea, we should be patient. First, we should do our defense well and let ourselves stand in an invincible position, and then wait for the opponent to make mistakes."

After a pause, Gao Han held up an analysis report just sent by assistant coach Sergio Garcia and said with a smile: "Korea made a lot of mistakes in the first half, no matter from the platoon, the performance, or the players' mental outlook. I believe you all know that the other side is determined to win this game, They have to get three points and I can guarantee that they will do their best in the second half

"Never underestimate the spirit and will of Korean players, but never underestimate ourselves. I believe that you can put down all the pressure and fear, overcome all kinds of difficulties and keep calm and rational enough."

Gao Han came to the middle of the players, and his eyes swept over every player one after another.

"My requirements for you are very simple. We should give full play to our level, the defensive tactics and formation we practiced in training, and our counterattack. I believe that as long as we hold on, the opponents will make mistakes, and more than once. As long as we catch one of them, they will die."

"Guys!" Gao Han shouts forcefully.

"Opponents need these three points to save their lives, but we need these three points to make ourselves qualified for the world cup. As long as we win these three points, we will not only completely break the nightmare of Korean phobia which has been lingering over Chinese football for decades, but also get closer to the world cup."

"In the stands behind us, there are 40000 fans who have been cheering for us since the beginning of the game. In front of the TV, there are hundreds of millions, even billions of Chinese compatriots, you..."

Gao Han pointed out to each player, "if you put on this shirt, it means that they fight, and you carry their wishes. They are eager to see the rise of Chinese football, and they are eager to watch their national team enter the world cup like fans from other countries."

"I promise, as long as you do as I say, as long as you meet my requirements, I promise you that you will win the opponent tonight and let the invincible South Korea leave China with a historic defeat!"

"And we will step on the corpse of South Korea and enter the world cup!"