Chapter 1907

The big array master carried his hands and looked at the demon queen with cruel eyes.

"You can choose to leave the array. This is your freedom. This array can't limit your actions. But once you leave the array, the whole castle protection array of the magic castle will disappear. At that time, ogres will rush in, hehe..."

"Stop talking..."

The queen of the devil trembled, and her eyes were full of horror and fear when she looked at the big array master. She never thought that the big array master who helped her guard the magic castle was a hungry wolf in sheep's clothing.

But the big array master obviously wanted to completely destroy the state of mind after the devil. He continued with a dark smile and said: "if you don't leave the array and spend at most one incense, you will completely lose your strength and become a useless person. Although I like some resistance, I don't care so much now!"

"You're crazy..."

The demon queen cried. It was the first time she had been so rude.

Under the turbulent state of mind, the fortress protection array suddenly changed and became more and more bright and dark.

The ogre sense was directly and forcibly impacted by the turbulence of the fort protection array. Many ogres instantly penetrated the fort protection array and rushed in again.

The guards of the magic castle just breathed a sigh of relief. Unexpectedly, the ogre rushed again and was immediately killed. Suddenly, there was a riot, scream and cry.

When the demon queen saw that her people were slaughtered by the ogre, she gritted her teeth and poured magic into the Dharma array again. The next moment, the fortress protection array became shining again.

"Ha ha... Drinking poison to quench thirst!"

The array Master said carelessly. He stared at the demon's body with eager eyes and said, "I have a lot of time. I'm waiting for the moment you fall. Anyway, I don't care to wait for so long!"

The demon queen clenched her teeth and supported hard, but she knew that she could not hold on.

Just when the big array master was proud, a small figure appeared behind him. The flame condensed and exploded. A fireball hit the big array master, and the strong impact directly blew the big array master out.


The little figure came out. It wasn't the little princess. Who was Angie.

"Why are you here..."

Seeing her daughter appear, the demon queen was surprised and happy.

Angie flattened her mouth and said, "I miss you..."

She turned her head and looked at the fallen array master and gave a cruel Pooh.

"Hum, I knew this guy was not a good man. Now he really shows his fox tail!"

The demon queen sighed, "yes, who could have thought that the big array master was such a person!"

Angel said, "mother, let me help you!"

With that, she also stood in the array. Her magic was the same as that of the queen of the devil, so she was not excluded by the array. With the infusion of angel's magic, the queen of the devil also felt relieved.

The fort protection array became shining again.

Just then, a sneer began.

"Ha ha... Ha ha... Ha ha..."

In the gloomy and terrible laughter, the big array master slowly stood up. His back was blackened, which was caused by eating the fireball just now.

But strangely, there were a few stars in the charred clothes.

"What a little princess, the sneak attacker is really good at it. If I hadn't been wearing a bodyguard, I would have been seriously hurt by you!"

The big array master grabbed his clothes and tore them. Under his coat, there was a silver vest, on which countless Dharma arrays were engraved.

"What, you..."

The queen of magic and angel changed their faces at the same time. They hadn't reacted yet, but they saw the big array master's hands move and press them on the array.

At the next moment, the operation speed of the array suddenly doubled.

The queen of magic and angel felt that the magic in their body was absorbed by the array like a tide, and their face suddenly changed.

"This is..."

The array Master said coldly with a smile: "don't be surprised, it just accelerates the operation of the array! In this way, the power of the fort protection array will be doubled. Of course, your magic consumption will also be doubled!"

The empress of the devil was weak and Angie's magic was insufficient. The FA array crazy absorbed the magic of mother and daughter, and immediately they both looked painful.

The master of the array licked his lips and said, "well, little princess, although you haven't grown up, you have become a beauty. It seems that you haven't enjoyed the joy of men and women. Let me take you a taste!"

As soon as he said this, the queen turned pale and shouted, "dare you!"

"Hahaha... Why don't I dare!"

The array master laughed wildly: "you two are dying soon. Let me play with you! Now the magic castle is besieged by ogres, no one will think of saving you!"

The look in the eyes of the demon queen and angel suddenly showed the color of despair. At this time, a faint voice rang.

"Have you forgotten something!"

With the voice, a figure slowly emerged, not who ye Xu was.

Angel saw Ye Xu and called out in surprise.

"Why are you here!"

Ye Xu said with a smile, "why, didn't I come in time?"

"Just in time, too timely... Come on, help me beat this villain!"

Angel pointed to the array master and shouted.

The array master fiercely stepped back two steps, pressed his right hand on the array, and shouted loudly: "kneel down, otherwise I will double the array and let their mother and daughter dry up and die!"

Ye Xu shook his head slightly, looked at the big array master with compassionate eyes and said, "I don't know where you learned Juyuan array. It's full of mistakes. You dare to show off in front of me. Go away. I don't want to kill you!"

The array master looked at Ye Xu and said with a grim smile, "hum, it's not so easy to cheat me. Kneel down!"

Ye Xu said with a faint smile, "I won't kneel because I don't have this habit. If you want to speed up the array, speed up!"

The master of the array said with a grim smile, "OK, you asked for it!"

His right hand played a magic power and poured it into the Dharma array. In an instant, the speed of Juyuan array soared twice again.

"Hahaha... Four times the speed, I don't think you'll die..."

When empress devil and angel were in despair, ye xuqu flicked his finger and broke a spirit stone into the Dharma array.

The spirit stone dripped around, emitting a strong aura. This aura was divided into three parts, one part penetrated into the Dharma array, and the other two entered the queen devil and angel respectively.


The queen of magic and angel felt that the lost magic became full again, and their faces suddenly showed surprise.

The array master looked at the spirit stone and suddenly exclaimed: "magic stone, how can you have magic stone..."

Ye Xu said with a smile, "ha ha, this is not a magic stone, but a spirit stone. Your so-called magic is just the aura of heaven and earth