The three people who kidnapped Chu Xiaoxiao are famous fugitives in Nanwan. They are nicknamed "desperate Saburo"!

This time, entrusted by the mysterious employer, he paid a lot of money to kidnap Chu Xiaoxiao, the eldest daughter of Chu's group. If this vote is successful, even if the three brothers emigrate overseas, they can live at ease for the rest of their life.

The eldest of the three is the absolute core. He is cruel and cunning. The second is timid and obscene, but he is proficient in all kinds of vehicles and theft techniques. He is also very smart. The third is dull, but he has the strongest fighting ability among the three. He used to be a boxer of underground black boxing and is most trusted by the eldest.

The second son had a crooked mind and acted quickly. Soon, a simple military tent was set up. The old general Chu Xiaoxiao rushed to the tent, closed the tent and sat in front of the tent.

"Boss, who exactly is the employer? Why do you want to catch the eldest miss of the Chu family?" the second man also sat next to the boss, pretending to be curious, but his eyes didn't stop looking into the tent.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask. The more you know, the more trouble you have. You forget how your previous brother died?" the boss gave him a cold look. Although the second son's ability is very good, he has too many thoughts and is difficult to control.

The second child smiled, "yes, yes! I'm talkative! The boss calm down! But the little girl is unlucky. She doesn't stay in a good big city. She runs to such a remote place. Otherwise, we won't have a chance to catch her!"

"Well, it's also a fluke this time. Chu group is a large group in Fujian Province. Although it hasn't developed for a long time, neither mother nor daughter is a fuel-efficient lamp. Chu group has an amazing expansion speed. I heard that it is developing in Southeast Asia and is a rising behemoth!

I think it's one of the old forces that will kidnap Miss Chu this time. "Obviously, the boss has done enough homework and has a shrewd look in his eyes that is inconsistent with his rough appearance.

"Oh, so this miss Chu family should be very valuable! Isn't it a little low to give us 10 million? One point for three people and more than three million talents are not as good as another childe's luxury car!" the second was dissatisfied.

The boss narrowed his eyes and glanced at the second. There was a cold flash in his eyes.

"I've told you many times that you can eat as much meat as you can! If you have the power of others, you can also use this miss Chu family to get more benefits, but we are just a knife in others' hands. Let it see blood when you use it. When you don't use it, others can throw you into the Huangpu River!"

The second son was staring at him with a warning look from the boss. He couldn't help but get his throat dry. "Don't be angry, boss. I'm kidding. I'm kidding. Alas, the third son is so slow to pick up firewood. I'll help him."

Then the second hurried to the woods deep in the island.

"Hum!" the boss looked at the figure of the second child leaving, and his eyes flashed away.

"You're wrong. It's two people, five million a person, a lot..." whispered in the dark and was taken away by the sobbing wind.


On the other side of the beach, the third man stood in front of the "old sunken ship", holding a flashlight and looking at the abandoned fishing boat strangely.

"Why are there so many holes? It doesn't look like hitting a reef, but like being shelled?" the third man touched his head and said strangely.

In the dark.

Nie Yun: "

Mechanical worm: "

It seems a little too much

"Anyway, it's much faster to dismantle some wood on the ship than to pick up firewood in the woods. That's a good idea! My IQ seems to have increased recently? Sure enough, I still have to learn more from the boss, so I will become smarter and smarter!" the third is a little proud.

He walked into the "sunken ship", swept his flashlight around, and went straight to the cabin, ready to find some broken tables and chairs.

Just entering the cabin, with the bright light illuminating the cabin, the old three was stunned. It was completely different from his imagination. The cabin was very clean and tidy, and he could see all kinds of living appliances.

After a short period of consternation, he was shocked and alert. Someone!

However, at this time, there was a sound of something sliding in the darkness under his feet, and then his ankle was tight. He was surprised. When the flashlight swept down, he saw a silver white cable sleeved on his ankle.

"Is this?" the light circle of the flashlight went up along the silver white cable and finally shone on a cross beam on the cabin roof, where there was a ship anchor!?

The old three was shocked and immediately wanted to pull out a dagger and cut off the cable. Unexpectedly, at this time, the ship anchor on the beam suddenly jumped off the beam!

Yes, the third man absolutely dares to guarantee that there is no one or any mechanism around the anchor at a glance. It seems that he can't think of it. He jumps so without hesitation!

A reluctant anchor jumped from the beam and killed himself?!

The third man's last strange idea flashed, and then the next moment he tightened his feet, "ah!" after a short cry, when the third man regained consciousness, he had been thrown off his head and feet.

In front of him, the invisible silver anchor hung on the beam like him, swinging left and right. The old three's mind was a little confused. This strange situation made him angry.

"Step! Step! Step!" a burst of footsteps came closer and closer from the cabin door, and finally stood behind the third. Although the third couldn't see behind him, he could feel the undisguised malice from the other party.

"Who!?" the old three's hair is almost standing up. There are people in the old wreck! No, man or ghost?!

He suddenly remembered the legendary ghost ship and sleeping trough. It wouldn't be so unlucky! Am I smart? Am I smart?

"Dong!" after a dull knock, the old three eyes turned over and fainted.

Nie Yun threw away the pan in his hand, and the pan turned into a pool of silvery white liquid and melted into the sea wolf.

He clapped his hands and smiled with satisfaction. "Well, our first cooperation is so tacit. It's good! Let me see what good things this guy has!"

Finally, Nie Yun found a satellite phone, a Swiss Army knife, a pistol, two magazines and some sundries such as compass from the third.

He stared at the black pistol in his hand. The flower grower's 54 Type 7.62mm pistol with an effective range of 50m is the most common pistol in the flower grower's territory.

Although Nie Yun had seen some gangsters in the periphery before, he saw this real guy for the first time.

"I'm a good boy. If it weren't for my little babies, I would almost eat peanuts!" Nie Yun was afraid when he thought about it. The domestic gun control is world-famous. He never thought that the other party would have a gun!

These kidnappers are not easy!

Nie Yun put away these things, inserted the pistol into his back waist, then looked at the old three who was still swinging in the air, waved and said, "don't waste it. He still has some food on him. Remember to tie it up after eating!"

Then he saw that the ship was anchored into a pool of silvery white fluid. The third man fell down with a "pop" and was wrapped in a piece of silvery white. A moment later, all the iron products on his body were swept away, even the iron buttons of his trousers and belt.

Nie Yun looked at the old three tied up by the silver white cable, couldn't help nodding with satisfaction, and then turned his eyes to the outside of the cabin. In the dark, the only light source was very conspicuous