Chapter 59

Nie Yun said it casually, but Chu Xiaoxiao, as a business genius, knows the weight of Nie Yun's sentence.

Since Chu wanted to compete with riyao group in the iron and steel trade industry, the Intelligence Department of the group naturally made a detailed investigation on this industry long ago.

At present, florist is the largest steel producer in the world, and its output accounts for about half of the world's total steel output. Due to the lack of domestic iron ore resources, it imports a large amount of iron ore raw materials from abroad every year, of which more than 80% comes from kangaroo country!

Kangaroo, as the first exporter of iron ore, relies on monopolizing iron ore resources to earn amazing profits from flower growers every year, which makes domestic iron and steel production enterprises very passive, and a large number of profits are seized by raw material manufacturers.

If we can impact the domestic market at such a low price, it will break the iron ore monopoly of kangaroo country, which is definitely a strategic victory for flower growers!

Not to mention Nie Yun also needs a lot of steel!

Due to the economic slowdown, a large number of overproduced steel in China are dumped abroad every year.

In 2017, 50% of the world's anti-dumping investigations were against the exported steel of flower growers! This makes florists very embarrassed internationally.

If the trade of buying iron ore and selling steel can be carried out without limit, the two major domestic problems of flower growers can be solved at the same time, which is of great significance!

Of course, Chu Xiaoxiao can't determine the trade volume of Nie Yun, so she can't evaluate the impact, but the price alone makes her immediately realize the amazing value.

"Are you sure to sell it at half the market price? I'm afraid it's not even enough for the mining cost?" Chu Xiaoxiao sat down and asked seriously.

Mining cost? Do I have that?

"Don't worry, when did I talk big?"

Chu Xiaoxiao thought for a moment. It's really not. Last time you said you wanted to sell nuclear fuel, it was a thermos!

Compared with that kind of thing, should iron ore be only a "small business" for Nie Yun's organization?

"But these iron ores have no certificate of origin, no problem." Nie yundao.

In a sense, without the export certificate of other countries, these are smuggled goods!

"This is no problem. We are now a military enterprise, and we can get special approval from the government through the military! This kind of thing is very good for the country. They want you to give more goods, the better!"

It took them less than half an hour to finalize not only the order for the military, but also another large order. The efficiency is not high.

When Chu Feng called them to dinner, Chu Xiaoxiao said what had happened. She was also stunned for a long time.

There are two problems perplexing Chu, one is the import and export qualification of the customs, and the other is the supplier problem. Unexpectedly, Nie Yun easily solved it with two transactions.

If Nie Yun's iron ore and steel orders are not capped as he said, those domestic suppliers will flock to Chu without greeting! Soon, Chu will become the meat and potatoes of all domestic iron and steel enterprises.

Compared with Chu Xiaoxiao, Chu Feng has richer experience and older eyes.

Iron and steel is the core material of infrastructure construction. Nie Yun dumped iron ore to the flower growers at almost half the price, which will greatly reduce the cost of domestic infrastructure!

It is equivalent to reducing the production costs of almost all domestic enterprises, which will enhance the market competitiveness of domestic products in the international market and have an immediate effect on the national economy!

Where is such a large amount of cheap iron ore mined? Nie Yun and the organization behind him became more and more mysterious in Chu Feng's eyes


Xiacheng Public Security Bureau.

"Director! The confession of scar and others has been obtained! But..." the subordinates of the report stopped talking.

"Say!" Liu Guodong frowned.

"The general process of the matter is not much different from the previous information. In addition, according to scar's subordinates, a mysterious man prepaid 100000 to scar, asked him to catch Nie Yun and force him to ask some things, and promised to pay the remaining 100000 after the matter was completed.

As for the identity of the mysterious man, the other party is very careful. He doesn't even know the scar! "

"Hum! Hide your head and show your tail!" Liu Guodong had guessed about the forces behind the mysterious man.

Who else but riyao group can have such financial resources and motivation!

"In addition, not long ago, the suspected disabled scar and the gangster went to the town hospital, but the doctors there were helpless.

Without any trauma, their right arm lost consciousness. The town hospital couldn't find out where the problem was. It was very strange. Then, another more strange thing happened! "

"What's up?" Liu Guodong was interested. He was also very curious about Nie Yun's means.

"Soon after scar and his men returned to their stronghold, scar was strangely paralyzed, and the symptoms were very similar to high paraplegia! Now scar is stupid, and his mouth is still shouting - 'devil'!"

"Hiss!" Liu Guodong stared and gasped.

Demons? If Nie Yun did it, this method can be called a devil!

"High paraplegia?! are you sure he hasn't suffered any trauma or heavy blow?"

"It has been seen by professional doctors. It's absolutely right!"

"Where was Nie Yun then?"

"Although I don't know where he was at that time, there are more than ten gangsters in that stronghold. No one has seen Nie Yun. He has an absolute alibi!"

"This..." Liu Guodong felt that the news he heard today was enough to surprise him for a year!

He looked down for a moment and immediately ordered, "the target seems more dangerous than we thought. He has unknown means. Inform the police officer who is looking for Nie Yun immediately. Don't act without authorization after finding the target. Inform me immediately and never conflict with the other party!"

"Yes! Director! Then... The deputy director?"

"Hum! Don't worry about him. I'm afraid they've already received the news and are having a headache!" Liu Guodong smiled with some schadenfreude.


"What? You said the man you were looking for was abandoned?"

Han Yi was banned from home by Han Xiangsheng these two days. He was in a bad mood. Now he heard another bad news, which made him even more upset.

"What's the matter? The forces behind the other party shot?"

"No, no, it's just... Something strange..."

When the man said everything he was about to hear, Han Yi frowned more and more.

"You mean, he's alone, he abandoned the scar, and scared him out of his mind?"

"Yes, young master, it's true. I've asked several people to confirm it again and again, and in the process, we also found that it seems that the police are also investigating this matter."

"Did you expose your identity and leave any tail?" Han Yi was a little uneasy.

"Absolutely not. I've been calling the scar. He hasn't even seen my face!"

"Well, that's it. Don't touch Nie Yun again!"

In the face of Nie Yun, who can hurt people invisibly, Han Yi is really afraid. He doesn't dare to do it again until he knows the truth of the other party.

Waving back his men, Han Yi sat on the sofa and frowned, "Nie Yun..."


The situation stirred by the scar incident did not affect Nie Yun at all, at least... Did not affect his appetite.

"Woo woo, ah Yi, I'm sitting in Shi Zai Tai's haotoothed music!" Nie Yun said vaguely to Chu Feng with his mouth full of dishes.

"Hehe, eat more when you're delicious. My aunt has made a lot. Come on, another bowl!" Chu Feng smiled and filled another bowl for Nie Yun.

"Mom, how can you bring him food and rice? Who is born!" Chu Xiaoxiao was a little jealous.

"If you can eat as delicious as others, I'll clip it for you!" Chu Feng stared at Chu Xiaoxiao.

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at the dishes piled high beside Nie Yun. If Chu Feng hadn't made some dishes urgently, the full table wouldn't be enough for Nie Yun to eat alone!

"Bucket!" Chu Xiaoxiao whispered. As soon as the chopsticks were about to reach in front of him, the only piece of braised meat left in the dish disappeared.

Chu Xiaoxiao's forehead jumped out a well!

Nie Yun swallowed the braised meat in his mouth. He licked his lips and swept the table.

"Oh, Xiaoxiao, pass me the plate of lion heads over there!"

Chu Xiaoxiao: "