Chapter 109

"What kind of monster is this?" the captain looked at the two demonic figures, and his eyes were also full of disbelief!

Stealth equipment is terrible enough. I didn't expect that the combat effectiveness could be so exaggerated!

The set of equipment on them must have secrets we don't know! If you can get

Although suffered a heavy setback, the captain's eyes were even hotter!

"Inform everyone to take the wounded away from the deck immediately and enter the lower deck of the aircraft carrier and the bridge area! Order the frigate to close up from the left and right sides and attack each other immediately, and cover the retreat of our personnel with small missiles!

After all personnel are evacuated, immediately block all entrances and exits on the deck!

Tell the frigate that it is allowed to use all attack methods except those weapons that may cause fatal damage to the cloud! Even if I plow the cloud deck, I will kill the two monsters! "The captain gritted his teeth.

Even if the cloud is scrapped, as long as you can get the other party's equipment wreckage, you will also make money! If you can get the secret of the other party's long sword attack weapon, it's blood!

The captain is like a red eyed gambler now, ready to put all his eggs in one basket!


After receiving the order, some of the remaining neon soldiers on the deck, if pardoned, immediately pulled up the wounded around them and fled in a hurry. Looking at the agile speed, it is estimated that even if the captain doesn't give the order, they are close to the edge of collapse!

To deal with this inhuman existence, their automatic rifles have no effect at all. The other party can't even deal with missiles!

If you rush up again, it will have no effect except to get a whip for nothing! I'm not m!

"Eh? Boss, they seem to want to retreat?"

"Hey, hey! I'm going to clear the field and use powerful weapons? See, the frigates on both sides are approaching! The reaction is not slow!" the boss sneered.

"What shall we do? Why don't we rush in?"

"What's the hurry! They can play summoning. Don't forget that our profession is a knight! Can our mounts be worse than their little monsters!"

"OK! I raise my hands in favor! Ha ha!"


"Eh? They didn't seem to stop our personnel from retreating?" the captain looked happy. It seemed that his tactical intention had not been exposed!

Do they belong to creatures with high force value but low intelligence?

The next moment, however, the captain was stunned.

From the surveillance picture, the two figures completely ignored the evacuees. Instead, they came to the edge of the left deck of the aircraft carrier and seemed to be observing the approaching frigate opposite.

"What do they... Want to do?" everyone wondered.

The captain suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart!


"Di! Air support mode is on! Please lock the target!" a hint came from their helmets.

The frigate in their eyes immediately showed dense marks, including main gun, auxiliary gun, missile launcher, radar and power cabin

Almost all the key points of warships are listed on it after being analyzed and screened by brain chip!

Soon, seven or eight red collimators appeared in front of them, locking all the targets on the frigate!

At the same time, seven or eight red laser beams were also emitted from the eyebrow center of their helmets, casting red dots on the target!

"Laser positioning completed! Strike started!" they confirmed almost at the same time!

"Whoosh! Whoosh!" almost at the same time, more than a dozen streamers fell from the sky with a terrible roar, like a small light rain!

"Boom! Boom!" the strengthened steel core magnetic needle hit the target accurately almost instantly!

The frigate on the left side of the aircraft carrier was suddenly attacked by two silver shuttles at the same time. It was almost ploughed from beginning to end. All the key points were hit, and it was badly damaged in an instant, and thick smoke was emitted from all parts of the hull.

Not only that, the position of the main gun turret was unfortunately hit by the stored ammunition, causing a small martyrdom explosion!

Just listen to "boom!" after a loud noise came from the inside of the ship, the turret was lifted up! The front deck burst into flames!

This is not the long sword electromagnetic rifle in their hands. The electromagnetic weapon of silver shuttle is more than ten times powerful! With only a dozen precision strikes, it almost paralyzed a frigate!


"... Zizi... Chuyun! Our ship was hit by enemy air fire! Heavy losses... Zizi... Weapon system paralyzed... Power system paralyzed... Being urgently repaired..."

In the bridge of the cloud, everyone listened to the intermittent urgent reports from the communicator, and there was silence

"Ship... Captain! Our radar can't find each other's aircraft!" the radar soldier reported helplessly.

"Poop!" the captain fell weakly on the bench, his face gray!

Yeah! There are still ghosts in the air! I didn't expect the other party's air firepower to be so terrible! This powerful electromagnetic weapon can be launched continuously!

But why did the enemy have such a low rate of fire when attacking Murakami class destroyers? Is it strategic deception?

"Captain! Two ghost knights are walking towards the right deck! They... They seem to want to attack another frigate!"

"Have our personnel evacuated the deck?" the captain asked hurriedly.

"Evacuation has been completed! The hatch has been locked!"

"OK! Immediately order them to launch small missiles at the ghost knight, and set off smoke bombs to cover themselves away from the ship and remind them to avoid air strikes!"

After the captain gave the order, he couldn't help smiling bitterly!

It's ironic that the frigate that should have escorted the aircraft carrier was ordered to leave the aircraft carrier and retreat, but do you have any other choice? If the frigate stays, it can only become the target of the other party for nothing!

But in terms of speed, can you run on the sea better than flying in the air? It depends on the luck of the frigate whether it can escape the attack of the other party!


The cloud deck.

The two brothers were going to solve the remaining frigate when dozens of small missiles hit them!

However, missiles of this speed are no longer a threat to them. The fire control system on the helmet quickly locks in the incoming missiles. The two people shoot down several threatening close-range missiles, and the rest directly rely on the excellent protection ability of armor to resist the aftershocks!

"Boom! Boom!" the deck of the cloud was immediately shrouded by the explosion, and the whole hull was trembling slightly.

When the fire dispersed, the two brothers who regained their vision looked at the frigate shrouded in smoke and fleeing rapidly for a while.

"It's fast! Boss, do you want the silver shuttle to catch up?"

"Forget it, these two frigates are of the same style. Even if you take one more back, the boss won't have extra rewards!"

"Well, that's right. Let it go! But why do you say the boss only needs one warship of each kind?"

"Well... Have you ever seen a local tyrant have two identical cars?"
