Chapter 235

Conference room.

The people below heard the very sensitive word captain ghost and talked about it one after another.

For the ghost captain, their mood is complex. On the one hand, there has been an unhappy outbreak between the two sides. So far, the ghost captain still detains more than 100 crew members. Although their personal safety has been confirmed, it is undoubtedly a great humiliation for the world's first power.

On the other hand, in this incident, it was the action of Captain ghost that finally led to the demolition of the bomb. It is not too much to say that he saved the United States and all mankind!

Although it seems that he did it, he still owes it after all.

Of course, the basis of all this is... They can't beat others if they want to do it!

"Then, if it was captain ghost, why would he do that?" the Secretary of defense asked with a frown.

"This..." the man obviously could not explain the motive of Captain ghost's behavior.

The district head, who had been thinking, suddenly opened his mouth. "About this... We have a guess in District 13!"

"Oh? Yes, you should have contacted captain ghost, so tell me your opinion!" said the Secretary of defense.

"I think you should have read several intelligence analysis reports about captain ghost I submitted. They are all from Jay, a senior member of our 13th district. He has unique opinions on the intelligence of aliens and captain ghost.

After the bomb was removed, he once made an in-depth analysis of Captain ghost again!

First of all, you can think about the strength that Captain ghost is currently exposed to the light. In addition to having an unknown strength base in the Pacific Ocean near the South China Sea, it is the space warship!

The appearance of this warship is particularly abrupt!

Even if it is hidden strength, the aviation industry can not be built and developed behind closed doors. Therefore, we suspect that the warship was not designed and built by the other party! "

"Didn't captain ghost build it? Could it be that he couldn't pick it up?" the Secretary of Defense said without knowing why.

"Not bad! We suspect it... Just picked it up!" the district chief nodded.

"What?!" everyone was stunned.

"I believe everyone has doubts. Is captain ghost's endless super technology really developed by himself? We thought so originally!

Although this possibility does not exist, it has become extremely small as the scientific and technological strength exposed by the other party becomes more and more incredible.

Let's assume that Captain ghost picked up an alien civilization space warship that accidentally fell to the earth, and the location is likely to be near that base!

So what can he get?

First, the advanced brain on the warship, even the legendary... Artificial intelligence!

This can explain why captain ghost has such a powerful electronic warfare capability.

Second, shipborne reconnaissance aircraft, that is... Air ghosts!

Third, the life medical equipment on the warship and the other party's incredible human body strengthening technology may come from this.

Fourth, the space combat suit. According to the analysis, the set of equipment on the ghost Knight fully meets the level of space warfare.

Fifth, there are seven shipborne fighter armours. There is no mature research system on the earth, which is too abrupt. But if they are brought by warships, is it normal?

Sixth, there are a large number of cosmic civilization data in the warship database! This can explain why the ghost captain knew so much about alien civilization and easily solved their bombs!

In addition, there is another evidence! After leaving zone 13, Captain ghost said that he would return to space to command the battle.

This shows that Captain ghost's permanent place... Is on that warship!

Generally speaking, the office of a force leader will be in the core area of the force he thinks is the safest! According to normal circumstances, shouldn't captain ghost command the overall situation from the earth base?

Well, obviously, this warship... Is their core! "

There was silence.

Yes, previously, Captain ghost's series of weapons and equipment seemed to appear sporadically, but such a connection seemed to be all that a space warship should have!

Each clue is like a string of scattered pearls, and at the moment, people named Jay connect them one by one, and things... Become clear!

"So... Captain ghost didn't move at all before, but he just started to be active in recent months because..."

"That's right! He's repairing the ship!

Or, the other party is completing the master recognition program for the warship! Otherwise, it can not be explained that the other party can so completely obtain a large number of warship technologies, including warship smart brain!

Everyone knows that once the spaceship is exposed, it will certainly cause a bloody storm on the earth! From the perspective of organization scale, the other party is obviously just a small force that gets the spaceship by chance. Only when the spaceship is fully restored can he have the confidence to protect himself!

That's the truth. Now, who else in the world can threaten captain ghost? "

It took them a long time to digest the information inside. Then everyone basically had an idea in their mind. I really want to go out and pick up the spaceship

"Cough! Well, even if this is true, what does it have to do with the ghost captain pushing public opinion?" the Secretary of defense coughed twice.

"As mentioned in the previous report, Captain ghost originally wanted to test aliens on his own. After discovering the gravity bomb, I'm afraid he should also realize that he made the same mistake as us... That is, underestimated the malice of aliens to mankind!

Since the "doomsday crisis" incident, we and aliens have evolved from a local war to an all-out war. The contradictions between the two sides have become irreconcilable, and mankind can no longer stay out of it!

Therefore, the ghost captain who saw this clearly gave us two choices through this event!

First, he is still waiting for the outcome of his battle with aliens on "visit day", and then he will be judged by fate!

Second, unite and become an ally of Captain ghost in the form of "Earth Defense Army"! Or... His vassal! "

Hearing the speech, everyone looked at the district head strangely.

"You said vassal? Did I hear you right? He wanted us to be his vassal in the United States?!" the former military officer almost jumped up and scolded excitedly.

"Cough! This is only one possibility. Although it is difficult to accept, from the current strength comparison, the two sides are likely to be asymmetric.

Not to mention anything else, if we humans really have a war with aliens, what help can we provide to captain ghost with our current scientific and technological strength? "

"This..." everyone was silent.

Indeed, the war between the two civilizations must be decided by space warfare, and their space military power... Is almost zero!

In addition to those satellites and astronomical observation stations that can provide some intelligence support, in addition... Can we send some KFC by rocket to do logistics work?

Thinking of this, everyone could not help feeling a little depressed and had to admit that the gap was indeed a little big. Even the very impolite military member was silent.

"In fact, since captain ghost promoted this public opinion through a speech, we have no choice! Even if our country refuses to form the 'Earth Defense Force' regardless of public opinion, will other countries be indifferent?

As long as one big country in the United Nations wavers and puts forward a proposal, it will certainly receive the support of the whole world. At that time... Under the common survival interests of itself, I'm afraid there will not be a few forces that choose to join together, especially those small countries that have no self-protection ability at all!

Even those politicians and rich people who have experienced the "doomsday crisis" like frightened birds will tend to strengthen the self-protection power of mankind!

If you don't join the forces, I'm afraid they will be labeled as weak, careless and even anti human?

It can be predicted that the big country that took the lead in proposing this bill will gain great prestige and support and gain a great voice in the "Earth Defense Force" to be established in the future!

I'm afraid... Someone is drafting a bill now... "The district head said inexplicably in his eyes.

Everyone took another breath! If you think about it, this is really likely to happen.

"In fact, this is not an opportunity! Please imagine that if you are captain ghost, will you just let it go after promoting all this?

Perhaps captain ghost can repel the enemies of the first wave of "visiting day", but how can a warship fight a huge civilization?

Therefore, if it were me, I would provide the "Earth Defense Force" with more advanced technology and equipment at an appropriate time to enhance the strength of our allies to deal with the threat of alien civilization.

At that time, I'm afraid I haven't joined the forces of the 'Earth Defense Force'... "

The district head didn't speak clearly, but everyone understood what he wanted to say.

At that time, I'm afraid those who have not joined the "Earth Defense Force" will cry and faint in the toilet


"Wonderful! It's really wonderful!" Nie Yun sighed after reading the information transmitted by the code.

This guy named Jay came into his sight for the second time.

Although limited to imagination, he can never guess the existence of mechanical insects, but it's not right, it's not far away!

From the beginning, Nie Yun was actually building a space warship and its combat system around the sea wolf, so many technical clues will coincide with Jay's inference.

It's just that Nie Yun is building forward, while Jay is pushing backward. However, as far as the result is concerned, it's quite close!

"Jay has been included in the key observation list!" the code took the initiative to screen talents for Nie Yun.

"Hmm? Code, I think your intelligence seems to be improving very fast recently? It seems that quantum computers are of great help to you!"

"Indeed, in the next step, I intend to communicate with others as a human individual to understand life."

"Oh? Good idea! Well... It seems that I happen to have a role here that suits you very much!" Nie Yun touched his chin and said with a smile