Chapter 249

The combination of virtual reality technology and remote control technology can indeed achieve the myth of zero casualties in a war in theory.

"However, do you have so many remote robots for our soldiers to operate? I'm afraid the number needs to be calculated in millions?" someone present questioned, of course, but also tried.

"In terms of the number of soldiers in service on the earth, our inventory is more than enough."

"Hiss!" everyone took a breath. They were frightened by the data, that is, the other party now has more than a million robot troops? I'm afraid this can push any medium-sized country?

Of course, what they don't know is that there may be more in quantity than they think, but in size

"But if remote control machinery is used in large quantities, communication is disturbed..." the Secretary of defense asked a technical question.

"Communication anti-interference technology is our superior technology. At present, we have not found that the other party has the relevant technology to block our communication."

Everyone looked at each other. In the face of an interstellar civilization, they were able to achieve scientific and technological advantages. The strength of Captain ghost refreshed everyone's three views again.

If the Secretary of defense thinks deeply, it seems that the warship obtained by the ghost captain may come from a higher civilization! Otherwise, even the ghost captain can't have the confidence to use a warship against the whole civilization?

He looked around and everyone looked thoughtful. Obviously, Captain ghost's employment system and magical tactical technology have moved many countries.

Their soldiers are absolutely safe. They only need to wear a helmet and fight like a game. They can get remuneration and exchange for advanced technology and weapons.

Anyway, it's all pie falling from the sky.

But is there such a good thing in the world? The Secretary of defense always felt that there was a conspiracy that he could not see now.

He suddenly thought of what the other party had said before and asked, "excuse me, what did you mean by confirming that the Earth Defense Force 'has complete organization' as the prerequisite for the achievement of these two conditions mentioned earlier?"

Everyone was stunned. It just occurred to me that the girl seemed to have mentioned this premise, but because she was shocked by the content behind, everyone didn't notice for a moment.

So it seems that the reason for the pie falling from the sky is probably here!

"Complete organization" means that the Earth Defense Force has an effective unified command structure and a clear organizational system.

At the same time, in order to ensure the internal stability of mercenaries, we must also abide by the 'regulations on the employment of military personnel'! "

Employment military regulations? As everyone knows, the point comes.

"Employment military regulations" means that countries joining the Earth Defense Force have the right to enjoy the comprehensive military protection of both sides and eliminate foreign military threats, including but not limited to alien civilizations.

At the same time, in order to ensure internal stability, the member states of the Earth Defense Force shall not use military force against the friendly forces of the same member states. Violators who undermine unity will automatically terminate all employment relations with us and be included in the employment blacklist. "

It is well understood that this condition is actually an offensive and defensive alliance and non aggression treaty between all members. Similar treaties have been signed between many countries.

The benefits are obvious. It can protect the military security of Member States as much as possible and enable them to devote themselves to their tasks without worries.

But... A global covenant

The minds of these politicians were turning rapidly. Gradually, more and more people figured out the powerful relationship among them and took a breath in their hearts!

It can be predicted that there are two ready-made benefits of Captain ghost. Even if you can resist the temptation to join, the member states that have obtained various advanced technologies and weapons and equipment from captain ghost will quickly surpass the non member states on the earth and may eventually fall behind and be beaten!

In the face of such a choice, as long as those in power are not stupid, it is almost certain that all countries will join.

But... It's easy to join, but it's not that easy to quit

All this is because of... Scale!

The offensive and defensive alliances and non aggression treaties between multiple countries are very common! But this time, it is definitely the first time in history to play on this scale!

And that's the problem!

Whether you are kicked out of the earth defense force because of violations or voluntarily withdraw from the earth defense force, that means two points!

First, lose the ghost captain's technology and equipment support.

There is a more critical second point, that is to stand in the common opposition between the Earth Defense Force and the ghost captain!

Because the employment military regulations stipulate that both captain ghost and the earth defense force are obliged to eliminate foreign military threats for Member States.

What is a "foreign military threat"? This concept is quite vague!

Even if I spit across the border, I can define you as a military invasion. Do you believe it? An excuse or something is hard to find?

Even the most powerful country, the United States, wants to quit playing and withdraw from the earth defense force at that time, but are there still few countries that make enemies with Lao Mi? This means that it may face mass fighting by the allies at any time.

It can be said that as long as the countries withdrawing at the same time do not exceed 50% of the overall military strength, they will all become vulnerable groups in an instant. This is not the upper limit of strength. You can't see the ghost captain at the edge, the town sea god needle!

For this reason, as long as the earth defense force is established in this meeting, no country will easily withdraw from this alliance at the risk of being attacked by a group. Even if the Earth Defense Force has only an empty shell, as long as there is an alliance, it is the most powerful military alliance in the world!

If they want to stay in the alliance, Member States dare not light the war! This may mean real... World peace!

If the previous public opinion promotion is paving the way for the establishment of the earth defense force, the two authorizations at today's meeting are inducements!

And the "employment military regulations" is coercion!

With public opinion and coercion and inducement, the other party is using all its resources to promote the preliminary militarization and unification of the earth!

And the global military is unified... So even if countries are still in their own ways, can you say that it is not a quasi Federation?

Those who want to understand have completely changed their eyes towards the girl!

To be exact, the view of Captain ghost has completely changed!

Just because he wanted to understand captain ghost's plan, but what surprised everyone was that it seemed to do him no good at all. Instead, it was setting up a strong opponent for himself.

The fragmented countries have no threat to the ghost captain, but he has actually established a unified Earth Alliance for himself. He is not only not interested in its rights, but also improves technology for it

If it is to hire enough people to participate in the fight against alien civilization, even if there are only two "inducements", it is enough for all countries to squeeze their heads to provide soldiers for him. He doesn't need to add so much to the snake!

Is it true that Captain ghost is the kind of bad guy who doesn't help grandma cross the road one day?

However, they naturally did not expect that Nie Yun's achievements today are closely related to the development of earth civilization. It can be said that the better the development of the earth, then his strength will only develop stronger!

According to the development speed of mechanical insects, if the earth wants to develop enough to threaten him, I'm afraid it really has to wait until the mountain has no edges and the heaven and the earth have merged

As for rights? Addicted to the "ghost system" technology, they will soon realize that their dependence on the ghost captain will be all-round!

What kind of bike do you want for the uncrowned king?


Everyone is thinking about the powerful relationship. No one dares to make a decision easily. This is related to the political trend in the next ten years or even hundreds of years. Anyone needs to carefully consider the gains and losses.

However, it is undeniable that the initial militarization and unification of the earth will greatly improve the security environment inside the earth. With the ghost captain and the alliance providing an umbrella, I am afraid that countries will reduce military spending one after another. With sufficient funds and the advanced technology provided by the ghost captain, the earth civilization will usher in a great development of civilization!

However, the military vested interests will be more uncomfortable. The political diplomacy of carrot and stick will inevitably be affected, because the stick will be confiscated collectively

The key now is... How strong the resistance of this force will be

The most painful thing should belong to the United States, which is bound by its own cocoon. The face of the Secretary of defense is black. As the initiator of the bill, he did not expect that things would evolve like this.

The earth defense force was originally just a play they used to kidnap the ghost captain. I didn't expect to fake it now. It's very embarrassing

Give up military superiority? What's the difference between that and abolishing martial arts? Is it the strong wind that brings me the ability to be an all-round man?

"Excuse me, does this all-round protection include a nuclear umbrella?" just then, a voice suddenly sounded.

The people turned in surprise and saw that it was the representative of the South stick country.

However, this issue is indeed of concern to everyone. The premise of world peace must at least be that the world is not nuclear.

"Nuclear umbrella", in short, when I was beaten by nuclear weapons, you have to be responsible for beating me back with nuclear weapons, so as to deter nuclear countries and provide shelter for non nuclear countries.

"Not included!" the girl's words stunned everyone, but her next words stunned everyone. "Because countries that join the earth defense force, we will provide 'nuclear defense wall'!"

Nuclear defense wall? Although I don't understand what it means, I feel so powerful?

"This is a global space-based laser weapon!" the girl explained. The silver disk projected a three-dimensional image of the earth, with more than a dozen blue dots in low earth orbit.

Then a red marked missile was simulated launched from the ground. As soon as it rose to mid air, a nearby blue dot sent out a laser to destroy it directly!

"It can quickly lock and destroy the missile within ten seconds after launch! Including but not limited to nuclear missiles!" the girl said.

"Hiss!" everyone gasped again.

One is nuclear protection and the other is nuclear retaliation. Everyone knows the difference!

In addition... Since it can attack global missiles, it means... It can attack the world?