Chapter 275

Command room of Haizu base.

Ten marine Marines in combat suits are busy, and the high degree of automation enables only 10 people to control and command a huge marine base.

"Captain! The Mothership has given 'shock wave weapons' authorization!" a correspondent commanded the ground and reported to the Marine Corps captain.

"Well! It seems that the Mothership side wants to give the opposite side a little more power!" the captain nodded and then turned to look at another member of the team. "Besides, is the 1000 hounds responsible for sneaking in in place?"

Hounds, which are highly flexible and difficult to find, can be used to attack tough problems, but they can hide, harass and go deep behind the enemy. This is the correct way to use hounds.

"Yes! It's in place, and the other party doesn't seem to notice it yet!"

"Hey, hey! This is our home, with a complete topographic map of Callisto. It's not easy to find some circuitous secret channels!" the captain laughed.

Hounds can be both soldiers and assassins!

When they were talking, they didn't notice that a small silver spider was hanging upside down on the ceiling, as if listening with interest.

Obviously, the assassin PK of both sides and Nie Yun win completely!

"Little Assassin" listened and found that the other party soon turned the topic to "what to eat at night", "the captain has an affair with XX beauty" and "get ready to get married immediately after going back".

It disdainfully skimmed its mouth. Then the thief took small steps, bit through the shell of a console and drilled in along the dead corner of everyone's sight. Then the small gap was repaired and no abnormality could be seen again


Both sides face the battlefield.

The precise and powerful bone spurs fell like rain, and suddenly earth and rock splashed. Weapons, vehicles and machines were pierced one after another. Their power was no less than that of heavy armor piercing bullets.

After a laser fort was punctured by several bone spurs, it exploded into a fireball with a bang and took away several robots around it.

At the moment, almost every weapon vehicle within mankind is attacked to varying degrees, and the other party is obviously giving priority to attacking large vehicle targets.

Even if only locked with the naked eye, the spear throwing accuracy of these hounds is still amazing.

After three rounds of spear throwing, the heavy firepower on the human side was almost paralyzed by 60%, and the robot lost nearly a thousand!

Facing the dense formation on the human side, the effect of saturation attack is very amazing.

Taking advantage of the long-range attack of his companions, which disturbed the formation of the human side, a group of hounds in front approached the formation of the human side in less than a minute under the full speed sprint.

The terrain here is relatively open. The machine gun array in the front row began to be powerful, and countless small robots began to shoot. More than a dozen hounds rushed in front were directly swept into a sieve by the dense bullet rain.

However, the hounds were still fearless and went on one after another. Finally, in a fire gap, dozens of hounds in front jumped up, jumped over a distance of more than ten meters in the hail of bullets and crashed into the formation of robots

They are like dozens of tanks, rampaging inside the robot force, setting off steel fragments all over the sky! Then more hounds rushed into the human array through this gap.

Like cavalry rushing into the infantry array, the disparity of single combat power makes the robot losing the formation protection fall into an absolute disadvantage, and the casualties increase suddenly!

However, in this scuffle, the speed of the Hound is inevitably affected a little. The hit rate of the snipers at high places also begins to increase, and the battle losses of both sides are increasing rapidly!


"Tut Tut, this is like a reproduction of the battle of cavalry attacking the thermal weapon defense array, and it really rushed in!" Schneider sighed at the battle picture.

"Ha ha! So, there has never been any outdated tactics, only outdated weapons!" General Hu also smiled.

The tactics had been drawn up long before the war, and the staff and combat personnel only needed to implement them according to the plan, so the three commanders seemed very leisurely.

"If it weren't for the lack of time to build hundreds of solid bunkers and fortifications, even if their bodies were strong, how could they compare with steel and giant guns!" Yuri said with disdain.

"Although the scene seems to be following our script, we can't be careless. After all, the other party is a higher civilization than us, and there must be unknown means!

I believe they will not dare to attack our base with such a small number of troops! "General Hu said.

"Well!" the other two nodded in agreement.

"Report, the other two wings have detoured back to our rear!" just then, the three generals received a report from the staff committee.

They turned their eyes to the rear of the battlefield.


The scattered hound troops are completing the final encirclement of the human side.

Dozens of leading hounds have begun to charge towards the rear of the human front, while the robots on the human side are still trying their best to resist the enemy in front and seem unaware of what is happening behind them.

Just then, with the sound of "boom!", an explosion suddenly occurred at the foot of a approaching hound, which directly blew it up. It didn't climb two steps after landing. "Boom!" another explosion, which directly blew it into two sections this time.

Dozens of hounds were directly killed by countless underground explosions before they got close. The human side set up a minefield of nearly 200 meters behind the front!

Although it can't stop the other party's advance, it's enough to win some time for the frontal battlefield.

At the moment, the periphery of the human array has completely become the main battlefield, and the two sides are completely scuffle and hanging.

Fortunately, after obtaining the "performance parameters" of the hound, the code has established the virtual training model of the hound for the first time, allowing all the earth defense forces to start simulated confrontation training!

After nearly three hours of simulation training, these players of the Earth Defense Army have basically found out their combat routines. At the moment, they don't seem flustered and are resisting tenaciously with the team as the unit.

Despite adequate preparations, the huge gap in melee strength still makes the human side suffer great losses. The peripheral front is collapsing and the battle is spreading to the inner circle!

"The heat is almost up! Start to carry out the next plan!" Yuri ordered at this time.



Soon after Yuri's order was issued, the robots in the inner circle suddenly retreated together and began to shrink the formation to re-establish the defensive position.

Then... "Boom..." a deafening series of explosions sounded. I saw that the robot troops left outside the half moon formation and fighting with the hounds exploded together, and the dense explosion immediately emptied most of the hounds in this area.

The explosion in this circle finally formed a blank area, which bought time for the human side to rearrange the front. Therefore, the scene at this moment seems to return to the situation at the beginning!

This tactic is called "onion tactics". After the outer layer falls, they choose to die with the enemy, take the initiative to peel off one layer by self explosion, and then continue to fight the enemy with the inner layer.

If the enemy wants to advance, he needs to peel off the onion layer by layer, be destroyed in repeated bursts and self explosions, and finally drain his blood in the tug of war.

This tactic is difficult to achieve in reality. After all, there are a few heroes who dare to break their lives!

But here, everyone dares to clap his chest and shout "fire on me". The nuclear bomb explodes on his head without blinking!

Under the onion peeling tactics of hurting the enemy by one thousand and losing eight hundred by oneself, the two sides have gradually become a war of attrition, and the number of troops on both sides is declining rapidly.

At the moment of the battle, the hounds have lost more than half, leaving only about 400, while the human side has also suffered heavy losses, the heavy firepower has been basically lost, and 2000 robots remain.

At this time, seeing the war situation, the Hai nationality base finally used large-scale attack means.


"Shock wave weapon starts, resonance starts!" ordered the Marine Corps captain.

"Yes! Start!"

In the Haizu base, a ten meter high cannon with a round muzzle looked down vertically and began to hum. At the same time, a black disc-shaped object on the back of a hound also began to hum in an insignificant corner outside the battlefield of both sides.

If you observe carefully, you can find that the buzzing sound of the two has a very strange sense of coordination, and is becoming more and more similar.

"Resonance completed, seismic wave center data acquisition completed, target positioning completed! Launch preparation completed!"


"Zi ~" massive energy poured into the interior of the giant gun, and then an invisible wave was blasted to the earth in an instant


The sea wolf.

"Captain, there is a sudden violent gravitational fluctuation at the sea family base!" the code suddenly said.

"Hmm! Carefully record all the data!" Nie Yun said, but his face was not surprised at all. Instead, he waited with some expectation to see the other party's weapon effect.

It can be seen from the gravitational wave radar in Ganymede base that a magnificent gravitational wave was directly blasted to the center of the earth by a giant gun, which then triggered a complex gravitational shock in the earth's crust, but strangely triggered a huge crustal gravitational change at another "resonance point" thousands of kilometers away like a butterfly effect!


"Boom!" on the battlefield of both sides, both sides who are engaged in fierce fighting feel that their feet suddenly vibrate slightly, and the vibration is getting bigger and bigger. Just when they are stunned and inexplicable, the human side suddenly finds that the enemy's Hound forces are retreating rapidly!

"No! It's the other side's attack!" the three generals immediately responded with a general conditioned reflex.

"Come on! Order the troops to withdraw immediately..." Yuri froze as soon as he was halfway through his words.

In the top view of the battlefield, with this battlefield as the center, the earth suddenly began to shake, and finally "roar!" a loud noise, the area within a radius of 3 kilometers fell together, and the earth was broken inch by inch like glass, a shocking doomsday scene!

The hundreds of meters of sharp rock pillar on which the robot leaned also collapsed under the violent shock. Suddenly, smoke filled the air, and countless robots were directly buried


"Shit! Beat cattle across the mountain?!" Nie Yun looked at the scene in amazement and burst out a rude remark!