Chapter 322

Gustav, who was extremely oppressed, looked at it and remained silent. But ISAR, who was watching the play quietly, was even more depressed. One or two of these feather people were too insidious!

"Cough! The situation here has been reported truthfully. What is the truth of the incident and who is behind it? I believe the review team of the United parliament will give you a satisfactory explanation after investigation!"

Gustav finally put down a sentence without being soft or hard, and then glared at Nie Yun fiercely. Only then did he close the communication in some embarrassment.

ISAR stared at Nie Yun with a smile. She didn't believe that the people taught by the Cruze family would care about the life and death of dozens of soldiers.

So obviously, Nie Yun's show is just to put himself in the position of vulnerable groups and victims, so as to take the initiative in the next negotiations!

However, Gustav was embarrassed by being able to speak in a few words. At least this move was really perfect, and... Good acting skills!

"Ha ha! The Cruze family has a talent! Interesting!" ISAR made no secret of her appreciation for Arthas.

"Your Excellency ISAR has flattered you. They really deceive people too much and make people speechless!"

"Well!" ISAR nodded, understanding Arthas's anger.

Anyway, they are all young people. They are framed and surrounded all the way. If they don't have a temper, it's not normal.

In the face of "fellow" ISAR, the tone of "Arthas" was obviously softer.

As soon as the solar system event ferments, "Alsace" is destined to become a thorn in the flesh of the sea family. Nie Yun is not confident to kill seven in and seven out of the Gemini civilization alone, so the feather family must fight for.

"Your Excellency ISAR, our warship is seriously damaged and needs to be repaired immediately. I wonder if we can arrange a repair dock for us? In addition, we don't have much supplies," Nie Yun frowned.

"Don't worry, I'll arrange these things. You follow our frigate to the second planet spaceport to rest and replenish. However, the solar system conflict has attracted the attention of the joint parliament, so you temporarily ban external communication and wait for the arrival of the review team."

"We obey the arrangement, but... Can we open the civil network authority to our ship? After being chased and killed for so long, my subordinates are nervous. They need to relax." Nie yundao.

"Well... Yes, it's not against the rules, but the information can't get in and out, and will be monitored by the brain!" ISAR thought and nodded to agree to the request.

"Thank you, sir!" Nie Yun nodded his thanks quietly. It seemed that he just casually won some insignificant entertainment benefits for his subordinates.

But in his heart, he almost set off fireworks to celebrate!

Why did you risk coming undercover? In addition to dealing with it and delaying the massive invasion of the solar system by Gemini, more importantly, it is for the various advanced technologies of Gemini civilization!

How did Nie Yun become a nuclear fisherman? you 're right! It's the Internet!

There is a golden house in the net and Yan Ruyu in the net... For Nie Yun, the net is a big treasure! Even the civil network of Gemini is absolutely amazing!

"No thanks, it's just within the scope of authority. I'm also a feather after all." ISAR made her position clear, and then the conversation changed.

"I heard Gustav has sent three reconnaissance ships to the solar system..." isalton paused and stared at Nie Yun, but she didn't see any obvious color on Nie Yun's face.

"As you said, there are two enemy ships in the solar system chasing you, but until now, they have not chased out of the wormhole. You are the party. What's your opinion?"

Nie Yun frowned and thought, "the neighboring galaxy is different from the solar system. It is completely under the monitoring and protection of the military. Since we escaped here, the two enemy ships will never dare to chase them out, which is tantamount to death! As for how the other party will choose to cover up the truth... I can't predict."

ISAR didn't see anything unusual from Nie Yun's face, so she nodded, "well, you can rest at ease. If you have anything, you can contact me directly!"

"Drop!" communication is off.

Nie Yun breathed a sigh of relief. It's not easy to fool, but it seems that ISAR's position on the side of the Yu nationality is quite firm. If she wins over, she should be a reliable ally.

"Your Excellency ISAR looks very talkative. I thought she would have any opinion of you, captain." Catherine beside her seemed relieved.

"Eh? What do you think of me? Why?" Nie Yun asked in surprise.

"Ha? Captain, don't you know? Your Excellency Assad ISAR is an important direct member of the Assad family, a political family. The head of the Assad family is the biggest competitor of speaker kruze in this election!"

Catherine looks strange. Are you from the cruzers? I don't know?

"Er..." Nie Yun was a little confused.

The promised reliable ally suddenly becomes the daughter of a political enemy?

Nie Yun suddenly felt that the identity he was looking for was really a little unreliable. He was a top-ranking childe, there were groups of dog legs, good family women molested casually, and so on. His political enemies attracted a wave first

There are only two commanders in Bilin star. One is afraid to kill himself, and the other... Even if he doesn't do it himself, he must open champagne to celebrate his death

This is to mix the rhythm of doubles! Can you make people play happily?!

Or... Make a strategic retreat, kill the two warships next to you and kill them back to the solar system?

Nie Yun sighed, lamented how difficult life was, and then got up with a murderous face and went out.

"Ah! Captain, where are you going?" said Catherine in consternation.

"Write the report..." Nie Yuntou waved his hand without looking back.

Write a report? Catherine was confused.


Three hours later, a "report" led by Nie Yun has been placed in front of the two commanders.

"What! Attacked!?" gustavho stood up with an incredible face.

"Yes, commander, just after we passed through the wormhole, we were attacked by two warships. The two reconnaissance ships were destroyed by fire in less than a minute. Their ships were injured and returned. They... They are really dead!"

"Send the battle video!" ISAR frowned.

As like as two peas of the same group of sea battleships, they were already excited at the very beginning.

At the next moment, the two ships fired together, and dozens of rays flew all over the sky

The picture is shaking violently. It seems that it is difficult to turn to retreat during the attack, and soon after, huge explosions have occurred on both sides

"Unexpectedly... Damn it! How dare they! How dare they..." Gustav was clearly in a state of rage.

Their warships actually attacked their own reconnaissance ships, which undoubtedly shows that the mutiny of two warships in Alsace's previous report is not groundless.

But Gustav doesn't understand at all. I don't mind if you want to kill Alsace. Keep your hands and feet clean. I'll definitely applaud you.

The problem is that everything has been exposed. Don't you think of a way to hide it quickly or simply explode and destroy the body, and dare to attack the military reconnaissance ship?!

What kind of behavior is this? Please, the dead man is a little generous, okay!

Do you still want to resist arrest with two frigates?

"Have you sent a communication request?" asked ISAR.

"Yes, we sent a communication request at the first time, but there was no response. We even showed our military identity, but it made their attack more fierce!"

Hearing the speech, ISAR looked at Gustav with a cold face. "These two warships must have completely defected. What do you sea people say about this?"

"Hey! Why are you looking at me like that? It was our reconnaissance ship that was destroyed. Do you think we will attack even our own people?" Gustav said angrily.

"Everything has a reason. If you get enough benefits to take risks, nothing is impossible.

The wormhole entrance of the solar system is narrow. It can only pass through frigate level warships, two warships, and some possible auxiliary defense facilities. Even if we have thousands of troops, we have to pay a considerable price to break into the solar system.

In other words, the other party's purpose is probably to prevent us from entering the solar system! So... Who will benefit the most if we can't enter the solar system? "ISAR looked at Gustav suspiciously.

The solar system was originally the pioneering galaxy of the Yu nationality. If it is blocked, the Yu nationality can only watch the Hai nationality develop neighboring galaxies, and then wait for the next valuable life galaxy to be discovered.

This time may be a few years or decades, which slows down the development speed of Yu nationality in disguise, which is undoubtedly what Hai nationality wants to see most!

In exchange for such a result with two frigates, ISAR, I'm afraid she will choose the same!

"What do you mean? The suspicion was instigated by our sea people?" Gustav naturally understood ISAR's meaning.

"Even if you didn't order it, what if it was some radical organization?" ISAR asked.

Gustav was speechless. There were racists in both ethnic groups, and there had been no fierce military conflict caused by them before. This possibility does exist.

"Maybe... They were controlled by the civilization called the ant empire!" Gustav tried to find an explanation to get rid of the sea tribe.

"Then what is as like as two peas in the ante Empire? What is the reason why the Alsace aide will suddenly mutiny?

Do you want to tell me that the "ant Empire" has entered our Gemini, not only bought a warship from you, then plotted a warship, and finally a Senior Sergeant of our family?! "ISAR said coldly.

Gustav was silent. He was speechless

It doesn't make sense, unless there is a technology that can copy your warship at a glance, a technology that can remotely invade your warship, and finally a technology that can remotely control the members of your warship

Any of these technologies is enough to make people tremble with fear, and have three at the same time? That's a fart. Think about how to surrender and lose half!