Chapter 325

Peace of mind with the family!

There was not much content on the note, but Nie Yun looked brightly, which was the guarantee of the head of the parliament!

The two commanders don't want to see each other. What's the matter? We also have backstage!

Don't worry, I'll make a black pot!

Nie Yun automatically changed this sentence into a rhetorical device, and then happily squeezed the note into a ball and stuffed it back into the hand of the sergeant around him.

HMM... eat something... It's still very unsanitary, isn't it?

The poor Sergeant looked at the little note in his hand with his eyes a little distracted. For a long time... He silently stuffed it into his mouth

"Awesome! Worthy of being professional!" Nie Yun looked at the sergeant with admiration.

Sergeant: "

There's nothing to admire, soul light!

I swear, I'll never use a note again!


The spaceport where Nie Yun and others are located is located in the orbit of the second planet. At the same time, it is also the temporary command base of the exploration corps of the neighboring galaxy of Gemini civilization!

Along the way, they passed through many shipyards and manufacturing workshops with huge space. Thousands of Gemini people flowed in them. Intelligent robots are also widely used. Nie Yun even saw large engineering mecha in auxiliary operation.

After leaving the industrial area outside the spaceport, they soon entered the central living area. After crossing a guide line, gravity was re applied to them.

Graviton technology has been developed for hundreds of years. The Gemini civilization has played the thing of gravity perfectly. In addition to military purposes, it is also widely used in other fields.

For example, each dock and manufacturing workshop of the spaceport can accurately adjust the gravity multiple according to different needs.

Another example is the force field used everywhere to pull the vertical elevator. Nie Yun also saw that someone used the traction beam device on his belt to move quickly like spider man under complex terrain

Everything about different civilizations is very novel to Nie Yun. He looks like a tourist and enjoys it. At the same time, he doesn't forget to make a video copy of what he saw along the way and pass it on to Yu and others.

Every detail here contains the future development direction of science and technology, which can reduce many detours and save a lot of time!

It's like if you are still studying Motorola's straight button mobile phone, people already know that the future is the world of full screen smart phones, so as to reasonably arrange the direction of scientific research. This is the economic benefits brought by foresight!

The specific value of "ghost captain's travels to Gemini" is difficult to measure, but if measured only from the economic value, Nie Yun is definitely the biggest super spy in the history of the earth! It can be called undercover for the rise of the earth!

Soon after entering the living area, Nie Yun was taken to his destination. The silver wing guard and the sergeant stopped. Nie Yun walked into the gate alone

This is a very spacious luxury restaurant. There is a long table in the center. The two commanders have arrived and are sitting on the sofa talking about something. Nie Yun vaguely heard words such as "review group", "parliament" and "surge".

Hearing the news, the two people who talked couldn't help moving their eyes.

Gustav with light blue skin narrowed his eyes dangerously when he saw Nie Yun's first eye.

He stood up and slowly walked to Nie Yun. They were very close. Gustav's tall body of more than 2 meters directly shrouded Nie Yun in his shadow.

"Captain Alsace, nice to meet you! The feather nationality is really a young hero!" the tone was not very friendly, but also some gnashing of teeth.

Nie Yun raised his head slightly, grinned and showed his white teeth, "Your Excellency Gustav praised you for your bravery in battle. I have heard the name of the sea family's dark blue beast!"

Huh? Blue beast?

When did I have such a nickname? Is it so famous in the Yu nationality?

But listen... It seems powerful?

"This... Cough! It's just a false name. It's not worth mentioning!" it's said that Nie Yun's words poked Gustav's cool point, even his words were softer.

Nearby ISAR smelled that the corners of her mouth were pumping, farting blue beast! I've never heard of it!

Nie Yun turned a blind eye to ISAR's strange eyes, coughed gently and stretched out his right hand.

"Cough! Your Excellency Gustav is too modest. I would like to ask you for your experience in Fleet Command when I have time. I hope you will give me your advice!"

Gemini is also polite to shake hands. Nie Yun stretched out his hand, which is a signal of friendship.

Gustav looked at Nie Yun's right hand in the air and looked at Nie Yun with a sincere face. He couldn't help sneering in his heart.

The boy doesn't think a flattery can clear up the hatchet with me, does he? How naive!

Thinking of being put forward by Nie Yun earlier, Gustav couldn't help laughing and held the steel prosthesis of his right arm. "Hey, hey! Of course! I like 'pointing' my younger generation best!"

The word instruction was read very heavily. Then Nie Yun found that the strength of the opposite hand was gradually increasing

Nie Yun kept smiling, but a Silver Spider in his sleeve climbed up Gustav's steel prosthetic limb from under his wrist, and disappeared a moment later.

My compliment... Is not free!

So... Your Unicorn arm! I'll take it!

On the other hand, Nie Yun's indifferent smile was put in Gustav's eyes, which was a naked ridicule!

"Hum!" Gustav snorted coldly, adding some strength.

However... The hateful smile on the other side is still

Huh? Is this hard support?

Shouldn't it? My prosthetic limb can twist steel into a twist. Do I have to shout twice? Didn't I adjust the output parameters when I went out in the morning?

Gustav did not believe in evil and continued to slowly increase his strength!

ISAR saw that they kept their posture and didn't understand the fishiness. She just wanted to say something to make Gustav restrain a little, but the words haven't been exported yet

"Click!" a clear cracking sound sounded, and suddenly the room became quiet. Their eyes looked at the palms of their hands


Soon afterwards, an amazing gossip came out from the medical room inside the spaceport, and quickly spread through the internal communication network!

"Hello! Have you heard? The speaker's son who escaped from the solar system has just entered the medical room!"

"What? Someone assassinated him in the spaceport?"

"No! It was said that Lord Gustav shook hands with him, and the bone of his hand was cracked!"

"Hiss! The hand Lord Gustav used?"

"Right hand!"

"Sleeping trough! That's a 100000 horsepower super alloy prosthesis. The nickname of iron arm Gusta is not given for nothing. Who dares to shake hands with him with his right hand?!"

"That Alsace is too miserable. Is it targeted by the sea clan?"

"Who says not? In the solar system, the sea clan didn't kill. It's estimated that it's to mend the knife?"

"Hey, hey! You can eat rice and don't talk nonsense! We Haizu won't do such a despicable thing!"

"Then you say, if two people shake hands, how can you shake yourself? I'll have a look!"

"This... Cough! Maybe it's a relapse?"

"Sister Ni, the old disease has relapsed! Brothers of the Yu nationality, beat him up!"

"Oh! Don't hit your face!"



Half an hour later, Nie Yun, whose right hand had been wrapped into zongzi, sat on the table.

The noise outside didn't affect Nie Yun's appetite. In fact, he had a strong appetite at the moment, so he insisted on going to the dinner with injury!

But at the moment, Nie Yun's expression was no longer just indifferent. His forehead was sweating, his lips trembled, his face turned white, and he looked like he was going to faint at any time.

Gustav on the other side stared at Nie Yun with a burning eye.

Where's the expression just now? Give me that look back!

"Gustav! You've gone too far! You're also the younger generation of my feather nationality. You must explain this!" said ISAR coldly.

With low eyelids, he beat the key protection witness of the Yu nationality... Er, no, it's a "grip" injury. If this thing gets out, will ISAR still have the reputation of "allowing the Hai nationality to suppress the younger generation"?

"It's really not my fault, he..." Gustav pointed to Nie Yun to explain, but he didn't know how to explain it for a moment.

Nie Yun said that he pretended to force too much. As a result, he couldn't bear to see the other party pretending to force, so he didn't control his strength?

Can you pretend to force a crime?

"No... don't blame your excellency Gustav, it's all me... I'm not careful. In fact, I already have an old disease. I just had a relapse..." Nie Yun turned pale and tried to squeeze out a smile.

Gustav heard that there was no gratitude for being rescued, but only anger!

Old disease relapse, sister Ni! Explain it for me. Please find a better reason, okay?!

Whose old disease relapses will crack ah!

Gustav stared at Nie Yun with a livid face. This guy's acting... Did he graduate from Gemini film academy!

ISAR was obviously embarrassed by Nie Yun's "excuse". "Anyway, Gustav, you must apologize afterwards!"

Apologizing is a gesture. Although he has no face, Gustav knows that he has been cheated again. This mute can only bear it!

Gustav with a livid face just wanted to agree, but Nie Yun suddenly opened his mouth, "that's inappropriate. It's not Gustav's fault originally. There's no need to apologize. If this matter is spread out, where's the majesty of your commander?"

Two people are stunned. They are so easy to talk. They actually look like calming things down? Is this boy a good tempered master?

"It's even more inappropriate to compensate. Even if I really want a sea storm class mecha? But it's the commander's plane. Even if I like it very much, it's not appropriate!"

Gustav: "


Mechanical worm: "..." (╮ (╯ ▽ ╭)