Chapter 346

After crippling three enemies, the mecha group on the Earth took advantage of the victory to pursue, made a rapid detour, gave up the remaining disabled soldiers and continued to chase after other complete Gemini teams.

"Sir, the other party's aircraft are biting behind us. If we don't respond, they may be broken by each one!" the watched team leader asked for help in the channel.

"Damn! After leaving all the fighters broken, the mecha troops will continue to perform the original mission!" the front-line commander can only choose to break the tail to survive.

These fighters are automatic intelligent weapons and consumables produced at low cost. As long as the established jamming task is completed, they don't feel bad even if all the fighters are lost!

Although this automatic weapon has good automatic combat intelligence, it mainly depends on remote control, so it is very vulnerable to communication interference.

In fact, Gemini has developed quantum communication interference technology, but this large equipment needs a special quantum interference ship. Gustav invested a lot in this unmanned weapon because he expected that there was no quantum interference capability in the solar system.

Nie Yun has not obtained the quantum communication interference technology of Gemini, otherwise these fighters will lose command and the threat will drop sharply!

As the Gemini changed tactics, nearly a thousand fighter jets spewed out their tail flames, spun their fuselages out of the formation, and then turned around together, shooting at the threatening earth machine armour group like thousands of corner nail concealed weapons!

The beam cannons at the top of these fighters fired in unison, and thousands of lasers made the front row armor on the side of the earth flicker with shield ripples


On the battlefield, the Knights of the round table internal communication channel.

"Attention everyone, direction 60, elevation 30 °, top left of us, 20 enemy fighters are coming towards us. Advance in formation C. After two rounds of volley, 30 missiles will make up another round!"

"Lance, your shield value is less than 30%. Go back to the rear array and find cover. Pasivar, you go to the front!"

"Move forward at full speed! We need to stand out as far as possible. We must quickly cut through the enemy's interceptor fleet, and we can't let their mecha troops attack our warships!"

Klein looked at the battlefield information provided by various auxiliary brains in the virtual operation interface, calmly observed the chaotic war situation around, and constantly made mobilization and command.

"Yes, Captain!" "I see!"

The Knights of the round table, led by Klein, became popular on earth because of the promotional film on the defense of Ganymede, but they did not take the opportunity to expand their personnel. They were still twelve, and all chose pilots as their fighting career.

After all, in the interstellar age, nothing is more suitable as a knight's Mount than mecha!

As a simple example, this is a comprehensive team with shield and output, and logistics is also awesome.

After a period of familiarity, they have even been able to fine tune their mecha to a certain extent according to their combat style and cooperation needs.

Based on captain Nie's basic policy of encouraging innovation, such as the request for private customization, the code will pass as long as it is proved feasible through the basic test. Of course, it is inevitable to charge a little cost

Although the weapons provided by Nie Yun have been optimized and operated by game fools, they can be used normally without too much professional knowledge.

But war weapons are by no means as simple as games!

How to choose the right weapons and how to cooperate with each other to cover all need to explore a little by themselves.

It's like a knife. Some people can only use it to sharpen pencils, while others can use it without empty hair!

A master surnamed Li, through in-depth study of a three inch and seven minute long knife, weight, shape, material... Coupled with professional advanced knowledge of gaseous fluid mechanics, broke into the great name of "Xiao Li flying knife"!

Therefore, only when we really understand our weapons can we give full play to 120% of the performance of weapons!

Although the current effect is not obvious, the Knights of the round table have been on the right path of team development

"Ha ha! I've killed four enemy planes!" Lancelot reported his achievements excitedly.

Although Gemini's fighters are faster and more flexible than mecha, their attack and defense are far inferior to mecha.

At the moment, the two sides are in negative distance contact, intertwined, and the mecha group in the group charging posture, like a giant hammer, smashed the loose fighter array in one fell swoop.

Loose light cavalry against dense heavy cavalry, especially in the blocking war, it is inevitable to hit the head and blood. It is quite easy for the earth!

It's not that Gemini doesn't want to use a more dense formation, but once they show signs of assembly, the three fire points on the earth will disperse them again with a round of salvo, so that their assembly can never form a scale!

"Lance, four is really nothing. I don't want to attack you. Look over there." taking advantage of a battle gap, the rear sniper Gao Wen marked a coordinate.

When Lancelot heard the speech, he turned around and saw a particularly eye-catching mecha charging not far from them.

This mecha is not eye-catching in painting. It is also a standard rogue mecha. It has no characteristics in appearance, but

"Lying trough! Why did he run into the enemy position? A machine armour protrudes so much from the array and hasn't been killed yet?" lance was stunned.

It's like an ancient confrontation between the two armies. As a result, a cannon fodder actually sneaked into the enemy's middle army, and it's still alive. It's incredible!

Is there any mistake? We're playing StarCraft, not the assassin League, okay

Then the next moment, something more shocking happened!

This mecha is like a death waltz on the battlefield. It uses beautiful arcs to avoid light beams.

Where they passed, the surrounding fighters almost looked like fireworks specially welcoming the distinguished guests.

Two beam guns opened their bows from left to right. From time to time, several missile repair knives were thrown from behind. Just for a while, four sparks had exploded around it.

Just then, two fighters charged and attacked it from left to right, but the mecha was not in a hurry.

"Whoosh!" two bursts of fire killed another fighter in front of it. Then it inserted its gun into the suspension system outside its thigh and pulled out the handles of the two lightsabers at its waist.

At the next moment, the engine behind the mecha suddenly flared, and a standard swivel 360 ° avoided the beam attack from the two fighters by a millimetre.

Then, at the moment when the two fighters crossed the mecha, Lancelot seemed to see a flash of light on the sword handle in the mecha's hand.

"Hiss!" "hiss!"

The two fighters flew by inertia for a period of time, which turned into bright fireworks in the two clusters of stars

It's just that the lightsaber starts and closes in an instant. It's like two knife pulling techniques. It's as accurate as a scalpel. At the moment when both sides cross, cut the two fighters!

No fancy, the action is extremely simple, and even the energy loss is reduced to the lowest. This is battlefield killing!

It seems that it has swept away a pile of insignificant garbage. While stepping on Lingbo micro steps to avoid attacks from all directions, this mecha turns into a battlefield reaper and keeps making star fireworks!

Looking at the handsome figure of the army passing through, killing one person in ten steps and leaving no line for thousands of miles, Lancelot could only open his mouth, "er... Er..." speechless

"This... Hang up?!" Lancelot finally said after holding for a long time.

This reaction speed, this cheating prediction ability, and that wonderful precision operation have completely deviated from the limit that ordinary humans can do!

Lancelot looked at the name displayed on the other party's head - vanguard captain!

Sure enough, no one can have such abnormal strength except him.

Vanguard captain, this is a legendary lone ranger. Since the battle of Ganymede, his personal achievements have blinded everyone's eyes and become the focus of all people on earth.

Many earth media offered high bonuses to buy his real identity, but unfortunately, so far, no one knows who he is.

Unlike those virtual operators who became famous in Ganymede, it is said that the vanguard captain never showed up, and no one has ever seen him in the virtual world, but whenever there is a war, he always rushes in front of the most dangerous front, just like his name!

And every time a war breaks out with Gemini, he will undoubtedly become the most dazzling existence.

So is Ganymede, and now... So is Ganymede!

On the record ranking list, the leader of the vanguard team firmly locked the top of the list with 29 fighters and one mecha. The rest of the top five are not as good as him.

Not only did many people see the scene just now, but also the standby personnel in the rear who were watching the live broadcast of the battlefield.

And all those who witnessed this scene shouted in their hearts... This is God and man!

"This God operation of domineering side leakage is not a seed explosion, but definitely a gene lock?"

"Is it possible that new humans have appeared on the earth since the ghost captain?"

"Don't you know the captain accepts disciples? I'd like to be the first disciple of the vanguard!"

"Line up downstairs. I'd like to be the second senior brother of the vanguard!"

"The third junior brother says hello to the second senior brother!"

"Fourth younger martial brother, please accept my knee!"


However... In the eyes of everyone's admiration and fanaticism, the mecha that was about to ride alone through the fleet suddenly became stiff, and its eyes gradually dimmed!

Uh... What happened?

Did you drop the line?!

Everyone is stunned. How can you make such a moth at the critical moment?

They are stunned, but Gemini's intelligent fighter obviously won't agree to press pause at this time, and then kindly ask you to recheck the network speed or something

At the next moment, more than a dozen light beams directly hit the stopped mecha. In the eyes of everyone's regret, the mecha, which has created brilliant achievements, finally returned to the embrace of the stars, leaving everyone with the light and heat of regret


Kara star.

Nie Yun opened his eyes in amazement.

Disturbed by the fun of opening trumpet dishes, Nie Yun has no time to pay attention to the fate of the legendary mecha in the eyes of everyone.

Because... The whole base sounded a sad alarm!