Chapter 397

"The cold ISAR is surprisingly popular. The beauty effect is different. If I can make her turn back, can I directly control the whole feather Legion?"

After Catherine left with a black line, Nie Yun pinched his chin and calculated in his heart.

He asked this question, not on a whim, but really concerned about the selection results, because the most popular, from a certain point of view, is synonymous with labels such as "most reliable", "most important", "most powerful", "most prestigious" and so on!

Judging from the feedback from the selection activities, the feather Legion has been firmly controlled by ISAR.

Grass roots officers highly praised her. She not only has a high personal reputation, but also her wrist is very amazing!

For senior officers, she showed both grace and strength, and took the medical treatment under her hands. For ordinary sergeants, she was like a spring breeze and was very protective of her shortcomings. From all aspects of military accomplishment, she is worthy of being a famous general of Gemini recently.

In contrast, the Sea Fleet on Gustav's side is much more extensive. Personal bravery is still an important part of the prestige of officers. The most popular are not senior officers, but some powerful Ace Pilots.

The most information the investigation team can hear is "XXX? HMM! He can fight very well!" "XXX? Hum! I'll hit him twice alone!"

This kind of Legion, Nie Yun doesn't need to analyze any intelligence at all. One word, until he takes it!

Nie Yun organized this selection, although it was a temporary intention, but it was definitely after careful consideration. The purpose of the selection is not only to sneak in secretly, but also to find out the internal situation of the Legion!

For example... Who are their military core!

Fight the snake and fight seven inches. Once there is a war, these people are their seven inches!

As long as these people are controlled or killed, the morale and organizational ability of the Legion will be greatly damaged.

Nie Yun withdrew his thoughts and put his consciousness on Kara star.


Rose has safely arrived at another secret safe house of Kara people under the escort of two secret silver knights. Although she looks very black after witnessing the big bang, she surprisingly does not condemn Nie Yun's behavior.

Rose knows very well that the protest at this time is weak and will only affect the cooperative relationship between the two sides. Anyway, Nie Yun not only provided valuable information and saved her life, but also took revenge on Gemini for herself.

In addition, Nie Yun underestimated Kara's recovery ability. This degree of trauma is almost just a painless appendectomy for Kara's life, which has been constantly reincarnated between destruction and rebirth for thousands of years, and can be completely recovered in less than a month.

Rose's face is not good. What's more, it's the feeling of weakness and frustration that makes people wantonly fire artillery at home!

In order to get rid of this depression, rose immediately gathered scattered subordinates through secret communication channels and issued a series of orders.

First of all, cancel the planning of large-scale Hunter cultivation base, control the industrial scale, develop in a small and refined direction as far as possible, and reduce the risk of being a nest.

In addition, we intensified the containment of Gemini bases and began to gather forces to prepare for retaliatory attacks on multiple Gemini bases.

Finally, improve the hunter's gene sequence to strengthen its flight and air combat ability!

The strength of Kara civilization... Is still too weak!

"Magic sword! Do you sell that powerful bomb?" Rose asked suddenly with a dangerous light in her eyes.

If there were a lot of super bombs

As soon as she heard Rose's words, Nie Yun knew what she was thinking, "sell it! But the price of that thing is not cheap. The energy crystals used inside it are extremely precious strategic resources in the Gemini civilization!

In addition, as a five-star reputable merchant who is innocent of children and old people, I would like to remind you that although this kind of thing looks powerful, it can surprise them by surprise, and the other party's force field shield can well defend against this kind of explosion. Therefore, once they are prepared, the explosion will basically play no role. "

"It doesn't matter. How many pieces can I buy with my remaining unlimited coins?" Rose thought that even if it can't be used to break the opponent's base, it still has a considerable deterrent in the field.

"Chenghui! You can still buy 5 bombs with your balance."

"What? I remember I exchanged 500000 with biosynthesis technology. After deducting 100000 Gemini intelligence monthly fee, there should be 400000? You sold me 80000?!" rose looked at the profiteer and looked at the magic sword.

"Oh, no, I only sell 30000 pieces, but the monthly fee for three bodyguards is 50000. Because one person was killed in the battle, I charge an additional 50000 bodyguard loss fee. In addition, the previous emergency information is the top secret information brought back by our senior spies at the risk of their lives. Isn't it expensive to charge you 50000 intelligence fees?

To sum up, your actual account balance is 150000, so you can only buy 5 pieces. "The magic sword explained patiently.

"You... You never told me that!" rose turned black.

"Oh, you don't know your account is secret free payment?" the magic sword looked surprised.

Rose: "

The eldest two next to him were also confused.

Is there such an operation? How did your 5-star high praise merchant come from?

Mithril Knight internal channel.

Boss: "our monthly fee is 50000? Why is the task reward only 5000?"

Third: "the bodyguard's loss fee is 50000? The system prompts me to deduct 50000 infinite coins directly because I lost my precious body! If it weren't for the wave of experience monster taken away by the explosion, I would be bankrupt now!"

Er Mao: "emmm..."

"Profiteers!" everyone present scolded in their hearts!

"Cough!" seemed to notice that there was something wrong with the atmosphere at the scene. The magic sword coughed and quickly changed the topic.

"In fact, your majesty, you are still very rich, such as reproductive technology, sensory sharing technology, life hormone, etc. in addition, I heard that you have a very magical thing..." it lists Rose's wealth at the moment.

Nie Yun hasn't forgotten that rose has a cosmic wonder that even Gemini covets very much.

As soon as rose heard this, she subconsciously took a step back and her face changed slightly. "You want my royal treasure?!"

As soon as the devil sword's eyes lit up, I talked about several things, but your first reaction was only one. Then it shows that the value of this so-called royal secret treasure is far higher than that in front of it. Nie Yun became more and more curious about it.

I think so, but Nie Yun immediately denied it with righteous and severe words.

"Don't get me wrong, your majesty. I'm just listing some valuable things. As for whether to sell or not, it's your decision. We can't do such a thing as forced buying and forced selling!"

You can do such a thing as secret free payment. It's not called forced buying and forced selling?!

Rose scolded secretly in her heart, but she knew very well that if she wanted to defeat Gemini, the help of all things for a while was necessary.

"With your strength, since you know the treasure is in my hand, there are many opportunities to take it from me. Why not do it directly?" Rose asked with a frown.

The magic sword pondered for a while before solemnly said, "an elder once told me not to bully women, because that... Is cheap!"

Everyone: "

It seems that the elder of a sword told it... Don't be cheap?