Chapter 434

"Cough! Although it's a little late, I still want to introduce it grandly. This is the legendary ultimate control skill - life and death talisman!" Nie Yun coughed and introduced it seriously.

As a super material, mechanical insects are naturally sharp and unusual for manufacturing all kinds of weapons and equipment, but as a micro scale atomic spacecraft repair fluid, they can always do fine work!

Instead of giving full play to their strengths and advantages, it is absolutely a fool's talent to compete with a giant old tree demon that has evolved for thousands of years.

So Nie Yun made a plan to use mechanical insects for internal invasion at the beginning!

However, the body of the elder is too large, and the mechanical insects sent to Kara star are not enough to swallow the elder at one breath. Even if the mechanical insects were started immediately at that time, the functional destruction of the local body can never achieve the effect of disintegrating the opponent's combat effectiveness.

The elder is different from the twin spacecraft. Once the mechanical insect fools around inside it, it will easily attract each other's attention and vigilance.

With such a huge body, it can be said that if you stamp your foot, the whole Kara star will shake three times. Once the elderly know that they are "insect poison" and have no hope of self-help, they may jump over the wall in desperation and make some earth shaking noise.

Nie Yun was fine. At most, she lost a separate body, but rose was never spared under the madness of the elder.

At that time, Her Majesty the queen who took her to visit the shelter hung up. How can her cooperation with Kara civilization continue? It's good not to turn against each other!

What's worse, once the noise is too loud, it is easy to attract the attention of the twin stars overhead. If the other party misunderstands that this is a super weapon prepared by the Kara people, not to mention dozens of ground penetrating nuclear bombs to wash the ground, where can Nie Yun go to find the elder? All his roots are shaking violently, as if trying to get rid of something.

Although I don't understand why, it's obvious that this name is very arrogant, arrogant, cold and handsome. The effect is unprecedented and obvious!

"Despicable outsider! Think this little trick can defeat me?" the elder roared and began to save himself.

In Nie Yun's perception, countless mechanical insects incarnating termite structure began to be squeezed by the surrounding fibrous tissue, as if they wanted to squeeze them out of the elderly, and the small channels dug through began to heal and surround automatically.

The mechanical insect close to the face of the elderly is affected by an invisible force and can't help being squeezed out.

"Cough!" the mouth on the elder's face coughed, spitting out a small silver mist. Looking closely, there were mechanical insects and termites inside.

"Hmm?" Nie Yun raised his eyebrows with great interest.

It is not uncommon to be able to control the tissues of the whole body and eliminate foreign bodies. Squeezing bullets out of muscles is a necessary skill for every master.

If it is an ordinary micro robot, in front of this extrusion force, the precise structure is likely to be damaged, but it is just a little more difficult for the mechanical insect bionic termite to move forward.

But another way was beyond Nie Yun's expectation.

"It's interesting to force poison with mental power... However, it's useless. Once the life and death talisman enters the body, it's like gangrene attached to the bone. The middle one can't survive and can't die. The long-lived one and the one who knows the current affairs are heroes. Why don't we talk about cooperation again?"

Nie Yun smiled lightly, but secretly he began to prepare defense means.

"Kaka..." a slight sound of mechanical structure bite came from the body of the secret Silver Knight.

For ordinary Mithril knights, the functions and emphases of various models are different, but if Nie Yun, as the controller, goes out in person, switching to defensive posture is just an idea.

Just now, in order to avoid being affected by the battle, they have retreated to the edge of the underground space and backed against the cave wall. This position is also the most suitable for defense.

"You still want to delay! When I'm an idiot!" the voice of the elder was full of anger, and then countless roots and thorns and vines began to attack Nie Yun and rose.

The canopy above also began to clatter. The next moment, countless branches shook, and dense gray sharp thorns were thrown out. With a terrible roar, they covered them together.

The momentum this time was by no means just comparable. As soon as the elder came up, he blocked all the retreats of Nie Yun and rose and launched the most violent attack!

After a brief perception, the elder knows that it is now the Iron Fan Princess who swallowed the sun monkey. There is no way to save herself except to kill the controllers of these invading objects.

At the beginning, there were some effects of mental force to force "poison", but after those strange termites were prepared, they always reacted quickly, deeply pierced their sharp legs and grabbed the surrounding wooden tissue, which greatly reduced the effect of this move.

Even if you beat these guys into meat mud with your mind, after a while, people began to recover and make holes for themselves again.

What makes the elders more desperate is that a small number of mechanical insect termites have bitten through their external tissues, invaded their internal nutrient fluid circulation system, and began to spread all over the body along its circulation system!

This circulatory system is equivalent to human blood vessels. Even the elderly can't practice their muscles into the blood vessels, that is to say, it has basically lost the hope of completely expelling poison!

Even the elderly who are proficient in biotechnology can only come to the sad conclusion that "this poison has entered the heart, it is recommended to give up treatment".

The purpose of these invaders running around in their own body, how can the immortal guess that once they are found by these strange things to the core of their own body

Facing the biggest life and death crisis in history, the elder is completely crazy. He no longer cares about the attention of Gemini and begins to shrink his roots. Even if he fills this underground space, he will kill Nie Yun in the shortest time!

Rose was pale in the face of such an attack.

But just then, Nie Yun stood in front of her and raised one hand forward, "shield!"

A blue force field shield appeared in front of them.

"Bang bang!" the roots hit the shield, causing a ripple.

A large number of gray sharp spikes fired from the tree crown also hit the shield, but they were not bounced off, but exploded directly after the collision. The internal venom evaporated rapidly and soon formed a large green poison fog.

Even the strong black epidermis on the roots makes a noise under this corrosive poison fog. It is corroded by large areas, and its power can be seen.

However, fortunately, the force field shield has strong defense against physical attacks, and the poison fog can't invade at all.

"Hoo ~ OK, I should be able to hold on for a while." Nie Yunchang sighed with relief when he saw that the shield temporarily resisted the attack.

Using mechanical insect materials and energy crystals, Nie Yun just broke through the shield miniaturization technology not long ago.

However, this device is not small and needs to sacrifice most of the functions of the Mithril knight.

Gemini's power armor is also equipped with a shield system, but its defense and durability can't be compared with this one at present.

From the general area where the opponent's mind concentrated on defense, Nie Yun intuitively felt that the life gate should be in the middle of the eyebrows of the elder, and began to focus on invading here.

As long as he can survive for a certain time, Nie Yun believes that he will soon find the life gate of the elder.

"Boom!" the elder became more crazy, the huge roots gushed out of the magma lake, the surrounding underground space began to vibrate slightly, and a large number of cracks began to appear in the rock walls.

Countless attacks fell on the shield, and the shield shook more and more violently.


Nie Yun has a dignified face and tries his best to maintain the shield. Due to his small size, there are not many roots that can attack them at the same time, but the shield power is still falling.

Until the shield power dropped to 10%, Nie Yun almost thought he couldn't protect rose, an important figure. He finally felt some kind of special existence, and his face was happy