Chapter 468

Earth Defense Force headquarters.

"Report! Just now, there was an unknown attack over the earth. A space orbit attack suspected of high-energy rays was fired from the neon W24 meteorological observation satellite and suspected to have hit a ground target!"

A staff officer hurried in to report.

The laser weapon attack from the satellite can not hide from the major astronomical observation systems on earth. The obvious high-energy light and the infrared track can last for a long time.

"What? Unknown attack? Or was it launched from a neon satellite?" the three top commanders were stunned.

Before the ghost captain was born, all countries had no ability to install laser weapons on their launched satellites. The American Star Wars plan of last century had such an idea, but it finally proved that... It was just bragging.

After the ghost captain appeared... Well, is it necessary for countries to install laser weapons on satellites at this time?

Other people's space warships are floating in the earth's orbit. Unless you use thousands of laser weapons to launch ten thousand arrows at once, it's like threatening an aircraft carrier with a water gun

This self-knowledge still exists in all countries. Therefore, in terms of control over the earth orbit, all countries are basically in an ostrich state of giving up treatment. No one dares to test the bottom line of the ghost captain.

So they don't believe that neon satellites are loaded with practical laser weapons.

"Where is the target?" Yuri asked.

"After preliminary judgment, the target of this mysterious attack is a private manor in Ukraine. According to the information we have, it is likely to be a secret stronghold of the killer organization skeleton society." the staff officer replied.

"Skeleton club?" the three were more confused.

Who the hell is the attacker? Why is it related to the killer organization?

"Didi!" when everyone was confused, a message prompt popped up on General Hu's personal terminal.

When he opened it, his face first changed, then relaxed, and finally there was a silent silence

Chu's villa was raided. Although the situation was inexplicable, fortunately Chu Xiaoxiao was fine.

But now that Nie Yun appears... It means that Captain ghost knows what happened tonight

So what happened tonight must have something to do with the skeleton.

Look at the efficiency of this revenge. There is no overnight revenge at all! Did captain ghost do it himself?

"Cough! Everybody... I think maybe I know who the attacker is..."


Neon Kyoto, Tianshou Pavilion.

In the moonlight, Prince Zhaode in kimono was laughing in the attic.

"Ha ha! OK! It is worthy of being the most powerful ninja family in my royal family! Mr. ITO really didn't disappoint me! Ha ha!"

"Your Highness, my subordinates still think it's too risky. Even if Chu Xiaoxiao is in our hands, we're facing the ghost captain!" an old man with gray hair frowned.

He was Prince Zhaode's chief of staff. He served him since childhood. He can be regarded as half of Prince Zhaode's teacher.

"Hum! What are you afraid of? It can be seen from this incident that Captain ghost is not a God. It's just that technology has been ahead of the earth for hundreds of years. As long as all electronic equipment is shielded, he can't really monitor the world!

This is his biggest flaw!

We don't even have a mobile phone in the garrison this day. How can his intelligence network penetrate?

Besides, even if the operation fails, it will probably lose an ITO family! They have little effect now, and this time they will be used as waste, "Prince Zhaode said with a cold smile.

After several generations of inheritance, the list and secret key of ITO family finally fell into the hands of Prince Zhaode, which was also the biggest card he decided to play after receiving the intelligence of "ghost princess".

"All the actions were planned by ITO alone, and the collaborators were responsible for contacting him. I didn't intervene in the whole action at all. Who knows I'm the person behind the scenes?

Those who know my identity are now in that deep-sea coffin. As long as I get what I want, all secrets will be buried at the bottom of the sea, including Chu Xiaoxiao!

At that time, with the resources we have, as long as we hide and develop silently for a few years, can't I Zhaode become the next "ghost captain"

Prince Zhaode flicked the feather fan with a smile, which was quite the wind of ancient strategists thousands of miles away.

The white haired old man opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but when he looked at Prince Zhaode with a high spirited face, he couldn't say anything.

Intellectually speaking, Prince Zhaode's operation was watertight, and even he could not find any fault.

But as the old saying goes, it's up to man to make things happen... In heaven!

There is no absolutely perfect plan, let alone the mysterious ghost captain?

"Alas! Since your Highness has made up his mind, your subordinates should do their best to help." the old man sighed and bowed down to leave.

"Ah! Wait!" Prince Zhaode raised his hand.

"What else does your highness have to say?" the old man bowed and asked.

"It's nothing, but I suddenly thought that there was a loophole in my plan!" Prince Zhaode said with a strange smile.

"What?!" the old man was surprised when he heard the speech. He just wanted to ask what the loophole was, but the next moment, he was frozen in place.

Because Prince Zhaode had taken out a beautifully shaped pocket crossbow from his wide sleeve, and the black arrow was straight at the old man.

Prince Zhaode's face was still smiling, but the coldness in his eyes made the old man cold.

Up to now, he can't understand Prince Zhaode's meaning.

"So... I'm the loophole!" the old man smiled miserably.

The contact with ITO is the responsibility of himself, so in addition to the deep-sea coffin, there is also an insider exposed to the sun... That is himself!

"Whoosh!" with a short whistling, the sleeve arrow disappeared into the old man's calf.

"Hum!" the old man fell to the ground with a dull hum, but he bit his teeth and sweat, but he didn't even scream.

"The arrow is the venom of tiger spot neck groove snake. When it is poisoned, the whole body is paralyzed. Death will come without pain. This is what my prince can give you... The last kindness..."

Prince Zhaode showed a sad face, and even the corners of his eyes were glittering, but in the eyes of the old man, it was like crocodile tears

"Ha ha..." the old man smiled miserably.

Looking at his black and swollen legs, he was able to guess his "cause of death" afterwards.

Accidentally bitten by a poisonous snake, the rescue is not enough! Prince Zhaode lost his right arm!

Prince Zhaode even attended his funeral in person and cried bitterly on the spot, winning the reputation of deep love between master and servant

The body was rapidly losing consciousness, and the old man was paralyzed on the wooden floor.

The bright moonlight crossed the corridor column of the attic and slanted on him, but there was no cold temperature.

This is the student I trained. It's ironic

However, at this time, when the old man was dying, a dazzling red beam penetrated the dark night sky and obliquely drilled into the Tianshou Pavilion. The dazzling light made the old man's pupil instinctively shrink!

"Boom!" the beam of light penetrates the whole three-story attic and bombards the ground behind the Tianshou Pavilion.

After a moment, the light column slowly thins until it turns into a light spot and disappears.

In the Tianshou Pavilion, when the old man's retina recovered from the strong light, there was a sea of fire in front of him.

Where the light of death from the sky passed, everything burned in an instant, and the position of Prince Zhaode had been completely swallowed up by the flame.

Through the flame, the old man can only vaguely see an incomplete figure

People's panic cries came from around, but the old man smiled and wept at the corners of his eyes.

"Hahaha... It's up to man to make things happen... God! Hahaha..."


Millions of feet high

"The second!" Nie Yun turned the muzzle slightly and aimed at the next target