Chapter 476

The second attack of Houyi class frigate came late after the Gemini fleet collectively completed the turn and opened the force field shield!

"Bang!" the spear and shield held each other for a moment, and the shield value of the second attacked frigate decreased wildly!

When the attack was over, the blue eggshell outside the warship was almost invisible, which scared the people inside the warship into a cold sweat.

However, the Gemini fleet was also well-trained. A recent friendly ship immediately moved laterally and stopped in front of the precarious friendly army to strive for time for it to restore its shield.

The commander in the flagship was shocked when he saw this scene. With such a long range and such fierce power, even the cooling time of the main gun was so short?

Even the main guns on our strongest frigate "Aegis class" may not have such powerful performance?

What is the sanctity of this unique warship?

"Houyi class" frigate is indeed Nie Yun's strongest scientific and technological crystallization at present, representing Nie Yun's highest ship building technology, unreserved investment in mechanical insect materials, energy crystals and other strategic resources.

The main shield technology, main gun technology and propeller technology are the latest scientific and technological crystallization of the three strengths of earth civilization, ante civilization and Gemini civilization, which is personally integrated by Nie Yun at a large amount of computing power. It is definitely the strongest battle sequence that Nie Yun can take!

Nie Yun had been careful to hide his real strength because the volume gap with Gemini was too large. No matter how powerful he was, he could not use a few dozens of warships against the enemy's thousands of cosmic fleets.

Therefore, all Nie Yun's strategic plans focus on hiding himself and infiltrating the enemy. The frontal battlefield is an all-round defense relying on wormholes.

But today is different!

In the rear, Nie Yunman is the opening base of the solar system, and the infrastructure work is in full swing, which makes Nie Yun's comprehensive industrial capacity surge rapidly!

They are like seeds sown. With the support of billions of sufficient human resources, they have begun to gradually bring rich returns to Nie Yun.

Compared with the quality, Nie Yun has Mithril warships, and the performance is not inferior to the high-end power of Gemini!

Compared with the quantity, a large number of warships, mecha and other military products are being manufactured from the production line in the solar system, and then sent to the wormhole front all the time.

In the face of Gemini with vast territory and rich heritage, there is still a wide gap in the comprehensive strength between the two sides, but Nie Yun now has at least the strength to face up to one or two enemies at the level of development corps!

A stable and rapidly developing rear area is where Nie Yun dares to gradually expose his real strength and seize greater interests than neighboring galaxies!

The change in the balance of strength between the enemy and ourselves also changed Nie Yun's strategic choice.

When fighting against the enemy, if the enemy is numerous and weak, we must set up more banners and double the stove to show that we are stronger than the enemy!

In the past, he tried his best to show the enemy to be weak and reduce the threat, but now he wants to show the enemy to be strong!

He not only wants to use everything to return for a while and carry out strategic intimidation under the guise of the ant Empire, but also takes out a superior combat effectiveness to severely suppress the other party, so that the Gemini stars have to weigh the heavy price they may pay if they want to go to war!

With the strange expansion of wormhole of Woolf civilization and intensified friction between the two sides, Nie Yun believes that Gemini will not easily fall into the unfavorable situation of two-sided combat.

This battle is Nie Yun's first sharp sword from the front to the Gemini!

The third wormhole attack and defense war, the attack and defense of both sides reversed!

After two rounds of attacks by Houyi class frigates, the first batch of mecha troops of the earth army rushed out of the wormhole also began to attack the Gemini fleet.

The first echelon of more than 100 sorties formed dozens of small formations with three aircraft as a small team. They divided their troops into eight routes, drew an umbrella keel curve, and dispersed into the Gemini fleet in a semi surrounded formation.

After this wave of mecha was dispatched, the mecha troops pouring out of the wormhole continued to join the pioneer army, forming the follow-up attack corps of the second and third waves.

Gemini's fleet response is not slow, and warships have begun to release carrier borne aircraft armor and UAVs.

"Bang!" a small aircraft carrier releasing its armor was hit by Houyi frigate again!

The protection capability of this small aircraft carrier is no better than that of a frigate. After all, its main combat function is not frontal combat.

The force field shield of the small aircraft carrier was overloaded after holding on for less than two seconds. Yu Wei of the gamma ray gun plowed a long ferocious scar on the side of the warship. It was visually observed that two or three ejection ports were destroyed, and many equipment inside the warship were burned by gamma rays, emitting thick smoke.

Some unlucky rogue mecha had just been ejected. Unfortunately, they were swept away by the attack of this gun and immediately annihilated in the torrent of energy.

On the other side, the officers of Gemini were frightened.

Did you really break the shield? The attack power is a little scary!

Also, three main guns in three minutes? This speed... Cheated?

Gamma ray, also known as γ Particle flow is the radiation released during the nuclear level transition of atoms. Its wavelength is shorter than 0.01 angstrom and its frequency is higher than 150 billion Hz. It is a high-energy electromagnetic wave photon with strong penetration.

In the universe, gamma ray bursts are one of the most high-energy events. Neutron star collision and merger, supernova explosion and black hole formation may produce huge gamma ray bursts.

For example, if the sun has a supernova explosion, the gamma ray burst can directly evaporate the earth!

This is a kind of high-energy ray more violent than ordinary laser. Even in the interstellar battlefield, which is always in the air, gamma ray weapons can be called heavy artillery!

In fact, the manufacturing principle of gamma ray is not profound. Even earth technology can produce generators, but the weapon grade gamma ray gun not only has a huge volume and high requirements for naval gun materials, but also has a great burden on the energy system of warships.

The energy consumed by a gamma ray gun is almost seven or eight times that of the ordinary main gun of Gemini. If an ordinary frigate comes to such a gun, it will have to burn the energy line first.

Even Gemini, at present, can only be equipped with this weapon on large warships at the cruiser level, and each launch takes a long time to cool the naval guns.

Material technology is the key bottleneck restricting the practical application of gamma ray gun!

However, it is a coincidence that Nie Yun, who has mechanical insects, is almost leading by relying on "material technology" and pulling other technologies

After spending all Nie Yun's technical reserves, he finally moved the big killer to his own frigate.

Today's small-scale test fully reflects the powerful power of this weapon. Three guns destroyed one ship and seriously injured another. Such a record is absolutely dazzling.

As a price, Houyi class frigates can not carry other weapons at the same time, and even their close defense ability is quite weak. Once they are close, their combat effectiveness will be halved.

However, in today's battlefield situation, the role of this heavy firepower fort has been brought into full play!

The commander of the Gemini fleet clearly saw the threat of the enemy's new warships, but due to the insufficient range of his own side, he could only order the warships to accelerate and offset the range advantage of the other side.

At this time, the earth army's mecha force has been one step ahead into the defense circle of the Gemini fleet!

Once so many mecha close in, the Gemini fleet will also have a headache.

"Whoosh!" "whoosh!"

Gemini's warships began to fire, and a large number of rogue mecha came forward to stop the mecha troops of the earth army. The wormhole battlefield was hot in an instant.

At this time, Gustav just received the information that the wormhole was raided


Looking at the real-time battle picture from the wormhole battlefield, Gustav's face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

"Who can tell me what's going on? Who's in charge of the command? Give me an order and shoot him now! Shoot him!" Gustav roared angrily.

On our side, relying on the favorable location of the wormhole, we also arranged a full 15 warships to establish a defense line.

If the other side wants to break through this level of firepower network and doesn't throw a dozen or twenty warships as cannon fodder, how can it break into the nearest star?

But what does he see now?

At the moment, there are only 14 own fleets, one of which has basically lost its combat capability! And the other party is filling mecha in the neighboring galaxy with joy. The number is almost 300 by visual inspection!

Such a good card is played like this. Did you meet your pig teammate?

However, the angry Gustav didn't notice that the adjutant standing behind him looked very strange after reading a message requesting "Tactical Guidance"

What's special... Do today's spies like Biao acting so much

Shall I disarm him now?