Chapter 484

"Unexpectedly surrendered?" Nie Yun stared at the three white light balls, and his face was slightly strange.

The captain on the other side reacted quickly and immediately gave advice.

Nie Yun's original plan was to kill the three frigates to escort the elderly and ensure that its "road back to the universe" is unimpeded.

Second, it is also divided and raped. First, it eats part of the forces of Gemini to reduce the pressure for subsequent operations.

Now this situation slightly exceeded Nie Yun's expectation. The captain's knowledge of current affairs really surprised Nie Yun.

But... That's a good thing

He immediately issued a condition of surrender to the warship.

"Turn off the shield immediately, turn off the thrusters, lock the weapon system, and then... All abandon the ship!"

Facing the surrender conditions of the flagship, the captain of the frigate hesitated and sent a question to the flagship, why attack his own people?

If he didn't figure out the problem, he thought he might die in peace.

But to answer his question, the flagship's main gun sent out a symbolic glimmer of energy... Obviously, "Gustav" was not interested in answering his question.

This action frightened the captain to immediately and unconditionally close the shield and propeller according to the other party's requirements, lock the muzzle down, and then start the emergency plan for all personnel to abandon the ship.

Ten minutes later, dozens of escape boats loaded with sea family officers left the battlefield. Everyone looked at the ship gradually away with a complex mood and looked at it with a blank face.

Suddenly they were attacked by their flagship, suddenly surrendered, and suddenly they were asked to abandon the ship... Things changed too fast, but they didn't understand what happened at all.

At the next moment, a bright light column hit the empty frigate, blew the defenseless warship to pieces, and then another round of secondary artillery volley, mercilessly sank the previously severely damaged warship!

The Gemini survivors in the escape boat saw this scene, and their backs suddenly cooled. Fortunately, their captain reacted quickly, otherwise they would become cosmic dust like the three wrecks.

Everyone was thanking the wise captain, but the captain who saw this scene in the escape boat looked incredible.

Did you find out your plan?!

Although he chose to surrender under desperate circumstances, it was by no means his weak will to fight, but he knew what he could not do and made the only feasible choice at that time.

Therefore, when he heard the surrender conditions of abandoning the ship, he didn't really order everyone to abandon the ship. Before leaving, he left a mind and quietly hid a well-equipped Marine Corps in the warship.

When he wanted to come, since the other party threatened to abandon the ship, he just wanted to take over the frigate intact and enhance his combat effectiveness.

Then the rear hand of his ambush may play an unexpected role, and it is unknown that he can even regain control of the warship through a sudden attack.

But he did not expect that the other party would sink the surrendered warship without saying a word!

Then why did the other party let its own side abandon the ship first?

Have you seen through your own layout, or can't bear to lay hands on the former paoze and deliberately let us go?

The captain looked at the sea family flagship that caused all this in the distance and fell into deep doubt


Can't bear... Naturally, it's impossible. Nie Yun is not interested in showing his kindness to the enemy.

In fact, he had another purpose to let these Marine officers abandon the ship collectively!

After solving the only fire point that could threaten the elders, Nie Yun then sounded the alarm in his warship through his flagship smart brain!


Although the information control was carried out, the personnel inside the flagship did not know what had just happened outside, but they lost contact with the bridge for a long time and were restricted their personal freedom, which still made the crew in the warship feel uneasy and anxious.

At this time, all the crew were alarmed when they heard the highest level alarm.

"Alarm! Alarm! The warship self destruction device has been activated. The countdown starts in ten minutes..."

"The escape passage has been opened, please abandon the ship immediately! Repeat, the escape passage has been opened, please abandon the ship immediately..."

Everyone was stunned on the spot!

what? Self destruction?!

The warship is fine. It hasn't even scratched its skin. Why is it going to destroy itself? Are you kidding?

It seems that Gustav is the only one who has the authority to order smart brain to turn on the self destruction device? What does he want?

"9 minutes left in the countdown..."

Once again, zhinao's hint made all the people who looked at each other smile.

There was no time to consider the reason for the inexplicable self destruction command. For the sake of their own life, they rushed towards the nearest escape boat following the light instructions in the channel

Soon after, there were more escape boats on the high-altitude orbit of Kara star, and this time there were more. The flashing escape boat lights almost flashed into one.

The distance between the two sides was not far, and even two escape boats passed close by. Then the survivors on both sides passed through the porthole and saw the same amazement on the opposite face

This... What's going on?


Gemini's escape boats mainly rely on the initial launch speed to complete the battlefield separation. They have good protection, but they don't have much direction change or acceleration ability.

Nie Yun deliberately controlled the launch direction of these escape boats. Most of them will be pulled to the planet's atmosphere by the gravity of Kara soon, and finally complete the whole escape process of parachuting and deceleration.

According to Nie Yun's calculation, the escape boats taken by nearly 1000 survivors will be scattered in the vast Kara star jungle, waiting for possible rescue operations.

The reason why Nie Yun left these sea family officers is to drive them to Kara!

The battle in Kara's orbit must have been noticed by the Gemini fleet, especially the feather fleet stationed on the second planet, and ISAR is bound to respond.

The next battle development mainly depends on ISAR's choice, and Nie Yun can't predict it, but Kara, as a large target that can't move, can easily be affected by the battle.

Although Cara's most precious part has been packed away by Nie Yun, but as one of the only two life planets he sees at present, Nie Yun still wants to protect this "empty city" as much as possible.

Even if Gemini can regain control of Kara, it is not a task that can be completed in a moment to carry out rescue operations for so many people.

So... They have to worry about the final option of "destroying Kara".

These survivors... Is a temporary "amulet" with timeliness found by Nie Yun for karaxing!


The sniper force over the elder has been cleared by Nie Yun. In front of it is the vast sea of stars. As long as the gravity of Kara star is overcome, it is like a dragon swimming into the sea and will no longer be limited to the small Kara star.

At the same time, Kara civilization can completely get rid of the shadow of destruction shrouded by Gemini over Kara. It can be said that the sea is wide and fish jump!

The high-power thruster group is fully opened, and it is difficult to push the huge body of the elder to climb up slowly along a curved track.

The flagship of the Hai clan, which has declared complete rebellion with the battle, also shot a straight traction beam, which once again provided a rising power for the elders!

120 km... 150 km... 200 km

According to the formula of universal gravitation, the gravitational force of a planet is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

The roots of the elder began to leave the earth one by one, and with the increase of height, its Kara gravity was gradually weakened!

After breaking through a critical point, the elder officially became a satellite of Kara!

The first step of the "save the tree elder" plan was successfully completed, and Nie Yun also has a powerful space fortress in the neighboring galaxy!

With the "rebellious" flagship of the sea family, Nie Yun's strength can not be underestimated on the Kara satellite orbit!

The combat effectiveness of both sides increased and decreased, and began to tilt rapidly towards Nie Yun