Chapter 491

Two pieces of information, one is the public information released by ISAR through the army announcement, and the other is that Gustav sent it separately to the three sub fleet commanders of the marine fleet with private authority.

ISAR's announcement naturally stunned all the officers of the two families, and the interior of the marine fleet immediately burst into a pot.

As their supreme commander, Gustav has always enjoyed high prestige within the marine fleet. He personally promoted more than half of the senior officers. When he received the news, he expressed shock and doubt.

They contacted their officers for confirmation, but all the news flowed into the sea like mud. Not to mention any response from Gustav, even their flagship was directly lost.

Then it broke out that the flagship attacked its own fleet, completely covering the coffin of the mutiny!

Now everyone is stupid. Is what ISAR said true?

The sea family officers were terrified. After confirming Gustav's loss, the three sub fleet commanders took over the command of the fleet according to the wartime emergency regulations and immediately exchanged information with each other.

Then they held an internal emergency meeting


"ISAR said that officer Gustav had defected, and now the flagship has lost contact. The situation is really strange!

But anyway, I will never believe that the officer will rebel. We have followed him for many years. What kind of person he is, it is clear to all of you here. I don't believe it when it comes to treason! "

It was the commander of the first fleet and Gustav's absolute confidant and top general.

He followed Gustav for many years and thought he knew him very well, so he didn't believe Gustav would betray from the beginning.

Conspiracy! There must be a big conspiracy in this!

Such a preconceived idea is naturally a strong defense for Gustav.

"I would never believe that officer Gustav defected to the enemy before today, but a series of orders issued by the previous officer are indeed quite strange. The war situation facing our fleet is deteriorating rapidly! How should this be explained?" the commander of the Third Fleet in charge of wormhole defense frowned.

Whether the mutiny is true or false, Gustav's previous orders are indeed quite suspicious!

It is obvious that the two fleet movements have created two excellent action opportunities for everything to return to one place, in wormhole and Kara.

Now think about it, this situation is by no means a decision-making mistake.

"What's more, now the flagship has defected to one side, and indeed sunk our warship. There is no doubt that the flagship has been controlled by the other side, and I'm afraid only your excellency Gustav can do this without warning.

Now all the evidence points to the possibility that Lord Gustav defected... "

This statement was again refuted by the commander of the first fleet.

"No, I think there are other possibilities... Could it be that the officer acted secretly, and this time our action plan was leaked again, causing the other party to take the plan into account?

Or, the other party first started the senior spy and directly controlled Lord Gustav by some means, and then pretended to be a growth officer and issued two false orders to us.

But when he controlled the flagship to attack our own people, Gustav was finally forced to resist in anger and risked his life to send us a final warning.

I have investigated that Mr. Gustav's information is sent through an independent communication system on the flagship, which shows that the master intelligent brain has been out of his control at the moment, and he may also be subject to personal restrictions.

Judging from the tone of that final note, I'm afraid such behavior will soon be discovered by the other party, so your excellency Gustav may have... More or less bad luck! "

All three of them were a little silent. They immediately outlined Gustav's red eyes and sent the last short warning message regardless of safety before the threat of countless gunpoints, which was a tragic scene submerged by the laser torrent

Um! It's really like the fighting style of your own officer!

This is Gustav!

"But if so, is it true that the man behind all this is as the officer said... His Excellency ISAR?"

Be careful, ISAR! This is Gustav's last warning to them.

"Why is it impossible? The intelligence protection inside our regiment is like nothing. It is like a sieve. Everything is gathered for a while. It is wantonly infiltrated and stolen. All kinds of arms and high-tech secrets frequently appear in the hands of the enemy. What kind of officer level can achieve this degree?

Before the electronic harassment, why did they keep the Yuzu intact? We were repeatedly defeated in the battlefield and scolded by the high level of the military headquarters, but a hairy boy of the Yuzu was promoted to the third level of the official and made great progress.

Now we even have our own officers in, but they still have to buckle excrement pots on us!

Why? Why is it always the Hai people who get hurt, but the Yu people who get benefit?

Now ISAR still wants to take over the command of our fleet. Who knows if she wants to kill us all in this neighboring galaxy? "

Hearing these indignant words, the other two could only remain silent.

Gustav's mutiny has not only brought a great blow to the reputation of the marine legion, but also, what's more terrible, he will affect the future of all present.

Although the soldiers brought out by a traitor will not be implicated if they are not involved in the case, more strict political review and colored scrutiny around them are inevitable. It can be imagined that their future promotion path may be several times more difficult than that of other colleagues.

Even for their own sake, they are more willing to believe that Gustav died bravely than rebelled.

"But... It may also be the enemy's deliberate estrangement to disturb our sight and provoke our relationship with the Yu nationality.

What's more, now that we have no leader, ISAR has pre emptively announced the mutiny of his Excellency Gustav, which accounts for the great righteousness. Except for a warning message from Gustav, we have no evidence to accuse ISAR of a problem.

According to the military regulations, we must obey the command of your excellency ISAR now. If we disobey orders at this time and investigate them afterwards, I'm afraid we all have to go to the military court. "

"This..." the commander of the first fleet also had a bitter face.

"I think we can accept ISAR's command nominally, but we need to be careful secretly!

If she really wants us to fight with all things for a while, and she hides behind to reap the benefits, then we won't work.

She is now the supreme commander. In the end, she is the direct person in charge. At most, we are weak in combat. We can shirk it to the absence of the chief officer and the military's morale is unstable!

Now the situation is unknown, and the best choice for the Legion is to protect yourself, "the silent second fleet commander suggested at this time.

"I said you are the most overcast guy at ordinary times. That's true! Ha ha! OK! Just do as you say!"

"Well... I agree!"

Three people hang up the communication, but their minds are a little confused

Although they agreed, their real thoughts were not external.

No one who can be an officer at the commander level will be a real fool. They all have their own ideas and guesses.

Some of these ideas can be said, others can only be buried in the heart!

One of the three is Gustav's loyal. If Gustav really rebelled, does he have a problem? Could it be another piece Gustav left in the army?

Nie Yun's previous provocation, intentionally or unintentionally, finally came to fruition. A final warning with more meaning can trigger endless conjectures, but it is more effective than a long explanation!

Now the sea people don't trust ISAR, ISAR also doesn't trust the sea people, and the sea people have begun to suspect each other.

The whole Legion has completely fallen into a serious crisis of trust