Chapter 520

Catherine watched it for a long time. From the initial shock to now, she finally had some aftertaste.

Mr. Alsace was right, and the other party didn't dare to turn his face, so he deliberately made a look of arrogance and recklessness.

The most important thing in negotiation is the competition of momentum. Which side has more momentum and more confidence can gain the upper hand in the next negotiation.

Just now, the two sides seem to be tit for tat. Despite the rising anger and the escalation of the conflict, they are actually using their own chips to attack each other's weaknesses.

The black deacon moved out of the parliamentary decision-making, out of the ant Empire, and out of attractive advanced technology. These are the important chips of the other party that Arthas had to worry about.

In this regard, Gemini, which lost the war and had to sign an armistice agreement, has an absolute disadvantage!

In addition, the intelligence ability of everything is amazing. From the words of the black deacon just now, it can be heard that the other party may have already clearly understood the strategic intention of the parliament, which is equivalent to that the other party has already known the bottom line of its own negotiation before starting to talk.

So from the beginning, Alsace's negotiation task has actually fallen into passivity!

But I didn't expect Arthas to find another way. He told the other party directly and clearly with an arrogant attitude that he would not worry about parliament, interests or both.

With the arrogant attitude of his second ancestor, taking personal gratitude and resentment as the starting point, he stressed his anger, his determination to retaliate, and the political power represented behind him.

The so-called king of hell is easy to see, and the little devil is difficult to deal with. In the face of a second ancestor who is desperate for the overall situation, doesn't know the general situation, and just wants to avenge public and private affairs and solve personal grievances, the trump card tailored for the Gemini star in the black deacon's hand has completely become a pair of waste cards!

Raise your strengths and avoid your weaknesses!

The original negotiation... Can we still talk like this!

Catherine thought of this and looked at her officer. There were little stars in her eyes

The tense atmosphere between the two sides continued. The black deacon bowed his head and was silent. He seemed to be thinking silently and weighing the pros and cons.

All the people around are nervously waiting for the follow-up development. Even if they are vaguely watching the verbal confrontation between the two, they are aware that this negotiation seems to have ushered in a key node!

"Hum!" the black deacon finally snorted coldly, breaking some long silence.

"It seems that we have had serious differences before we started... I suggest taking a break for an hour. Both sides need to calm down and start again."

Although his tone was still full of uncontrollable anger, the atmosphere at the scene, which had reached the climax, suddenly fell from a high place and eased a lot.

"Bang!" the negotiators on the Gemini side seemed to hear the sound of a heart landing at the same time, and were relieved

"Long winded, really not simply!" Arthas just glanced noncommittally, then turned and left, just waved his hand behind him.

The attitude is still so arrogant, but obviously did not refuse the proposal to come back after a break.

The accompanying people are still a little stunned. Why haven't they talked about it yet? They have to have a halftime?

However, in this case, the black deacon opposite did not lift the table and took the initiative to suggest that both sides calm down and talk again.

It seems that... It seems that... After Mr. Alsace got angry, he somehow got the upper hand?

They didn't react until Alsace took several steps. They quickly picked up the negotiation materials and followed up


Falling angel, commander's lounge.

"Sir, you just did it on purpose?" Catherine respectfully handed a glass of bright red juice to Nie yunrun's throat.

Nie Yun took a sip of the juice and felt the sweetness of an alien drink. Then he smiled and looked at Catherine, "see?"

At this time, he looked calm, smiled at the corners of his mouth, combined with his handsome appearance, he was a peerless beautiful man as gentle as jade. Where else did he look like the arrogant and domineering second ancestor just now.

"Captain, your excellency is brilliant!" Catherine exclaimed.

"But I don't understand. You're so sure that the other party doesn't dare to turn over?"

This is the most crucial issue in the whole negotiation, and it is also a problem that Catherine has been thinking hard but can't solve.

If there is any problem with this basic judgment and the two sides collapse directly, then this wonderful classic negotiation case enough to be included in the textbook will have to become an annotation script for Alsace's three-level descent

Nie Yun brushed his lips in his heart.

Why are you so sure?

Because I don't want to turn over, I won't turn over!

Have you ever seen your left and right hands fight each other and beat yourself black and blue?

My heart is full of stomach Fei, but I can't say so naturally.

"Since the other side has offered to establish trade relations, it is profitable for them, and their willingness to negotiate will not be much less than ours.

Businessmen pursue profits. As long as they grasp each other's point, they can grasp it.

Besides, there is no foolproof strategy in the world. I just bet on a possibility with a bad hand according to limited information. Finally, you see, I choose allin, and the result looks good! Ha ha... "

i see!

Catherine worships more. She is a wise, visionary and more courageous decision-maker!

"I have another question. What if you lose the bet and the other party really turns over the table?"

In Catherine's mind, such a wise Alsace must have a better failure plan?

"What if you lose the bet? Of course, you are willing to admit defeat and bow to admit your mistake!" Nie Yun gave a small look of "you don't know this".

Bow... Bow and admit your mistake?!

Catherine: "

Catherine, whose eyes were blank, walked out of Nie Yun's lounge and repeated nervously, "endure humiliation and bear heavy burden! This must be humiliation and bear heavy burden..."


On this side, Nie Yun, who fooled away the problem sister, finally had time to start implementing his next plan

"Yin Si Xu Chen! Forbidden Art - reincarnation of filthy soil!"

After a dazzling gesture, Nie Yun folded his hands, then slapped his right palm heavily on the ground, and the dense tadpole runes spread out along the center of his palm.

The next moment, the metal ground in front of Nie Yun suddenly showed strange ripples, and a metal coffin slowly rose from it

Mechanical worm: "

What's special? I just send an express. It's both password and light and shadow effect. It's so complicated that there's no labor cost?

"Dong!" the metal coffin lid slid open automatically, revealing the figure inside

Nie Yun looked at his handsome face, which was the same as himself now, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Ka!" Nie Yun snapped his fingers.

The mechanical insect that had already been implanted into the nerve center and completed adaptive debugging was immediately activated, and the other party's eyes slowly opened, revealing a pair of charming purple pupils.

"Then... I'll give it to you!" Nie Yun walked forward with a smile and stretched out his right palm.

"Happy to help!" the people in the coffin showed the same smile, walked out of the metal coffin and raised their right palm.

They are like images in a mirror, with the same face and dress, approaching each other with completely synchronous actions

"Pa!" the two palms hit each other, making a clear sound, like completing some kind of handove