Chapter 537

Seeing Nie Yun and ISAR flirting there, the peacock man who was hung aside was burning with jealousy in his eyes.

"Next, please check the assigned task and rush to the designated place to meet the front-line main forces according to the requirements of the task..." the presiding officer of the above meeting began to issue the task.

"Drop!" Nie Yun's personal terminal soon received his task.

"Counterattack troops?" Nie Yun frowned and looked at the mission statement in his hand.

Although the intelligence was kept confidential and did not disclose too many details, it was undoubtedly part of the counter offensive plan just mentioned by peacock man, and it was the collective task of the pioneering Corps

Nie Yun looked up at ISAR and found that she was also frowning at her personal terminal.

Obviously, ISAR is also aware of the possible high risk of this task.

Even combat missions have been specifically targeted

It's not about yourself again, is it?

Although there are risks, where are there risk-free combat missions on the battlefield?

The internal system of the Gemini army has developed extremely well. It is basically impossible to reap great achievements without taking any risks, even if you are the son of the speaker.

Risk equals merit!

This is the consensus circulated within the Gemini army.

Even Nie Yun had to rely on the "near death" of the solar system and the full operation of the family behind him.

This is why the top families have to squeeze their children into the Woolf civilization front.

It's a pity that the family's children died in battle, but the big family is prosperous, and the world will still turn without anyone. But if a few big men in the army can jump out of the waves, it's a profitable investment!

Even Arthas is the seventh in the family. Even if he was killed in battle, it would not hurt the Cruze family.

Although risk represents income, for Nie Yun, the risk and income of this mission are obviously not in direct proportion

"Cut! It's just a mobile defense mission!" the peacock man nearby heard a rather dissatisfied voice.

Nie Yun turned his head and looked at the peacock man who wanted to be dissatisfied, and his eyes lit up.

"Your Excellency ISAR, are we going to join the counter offensive forces? What should we do? It seems a little dangerous?" Nie Yun raised his volume a little and looked worried.

ISAR was stunned at first, then saw Nie Yun's eyes on the peacock man beside him intentionally or unintentionally, and immediately heard the string song and knew the elegance.

"What's dangerous? Arthas, I didn't say you. You still lack some soldier's courage and responsibility!"

Under ISAR's reprimand, Nie Yun admitted his mistake with a look of bitterness.

"But... Our regiment has just experienced a defeat, and the morale is not high. I originally wanted to let the fleet repair for another period of time to appease the army. Now it seems impossible, alas!" ISAR frowned and sighed again.

The peacock man who had already pricked his ears when Nie Yun opened his mouth saw that Nie Yun was being trained. He was secretly happy in his heart. At the moment, when he heard the goddess's worry, how can he press the restless heart?

"Your Excellency ISAR, since your regiment has been unstable recently, I have a proposal here. I hope I can do my bit!" the peacock man held his chest out and smiled.

"Huh?" ISAR raised her eyebrows with interest.

"Our regiment has received a mobile defense mission. In the current battlefield situation, Gemini can't afford to jump much waves, so it's relatively easier.

If your excellency ISAR needs some repair time, it is more suitable for your task, and our regiment is willing to participate in the counter offensive instead of your regiment!

For us, the real glory stage for soldiers is to rush into battle! "

What about? With my sharp contrast, I believe ISAR has recognized the true face of your little white face! Ha ha ha

Moreover, he not only showed his military spirit in front of the goddess, but also made greater military achievements. It's killing two birds with one stone!

"This... Isn't very good? After all, the task has been assigned..." ISAR hesitated for a while, hesitated a little, and didn't seem to be willing to give up those military achievements.

"Your Excellency ISAR can rest assured that this release is only a preliminary task assignment, and we can apply for adjustment according to the actual situation of our regiment.

What's more, we all belong to the second-class legion of the same specification, and we have the same combat power. As long as both sides agree to exchange tasks, even the staff will not deny my face! "The peacock man patted his chest with a heroic spirit that someone was on my head and wrapped around me.

Although his own family is only second rate, his own contacts are not bad. Moreover, this task exchange you love and I wish, even if it doesn't matter, will basically be approved.

"This..." ISAR really hesitated this time. After all, she couldn't bear such an honest child as Nie Yun

But before ISAR said anything, Nie Yun couldn't wait to hold the peacock man's hands up and down with an excited face.

"Thank you so much! Your Excellency peacock, it's a great help! From today on, you have won the friendship of the Cruze family!"

The peacock man was a little dizzy when he was shaken vigorously. Vaguely, he accepted a friendship card.


Under the "kindness is difficult to resist", the application process for the exchange of tasks between the two legions quickly went up, but it was intercepted by the Staff Department responsible for formulating task allocation.

"Hmm? Task exchange?" Beckman couldn't help picking his eyebrows when he saw the application document.

"Is it a coincidence or has seen something? If it's not a coincidence, then... Is it ISAR? Or Alsace... Ha ha! Interesting..." Beckman tapped his finger on the table with great interest.

Yes, Gillard's negative comments on Alsace spread from Beckman, and he also used his position to dig a hole for Alsace's legion.

For Beckman, he can hear the name twice in his grandfather Senator Victor's mouth, each time with a headache. He doesn't mind trying each other's weight.

If you accidentally play dead... It naturally means that the other party does not have enough capacity to act as his opponent. If you die, you will die

"Master Beckman, I think it's just a coincidence. It's better to reject this application directly?" a middle-aged officer beside Beckman suggested.

Although his age and rank were higher than Beckman, he unconsciously lowered his posture.

"No? Why not? We have no reason to refuse such an ordinary application! Pass it!" Beckman waved his hand carelessly and resumed his casual appearance.

It's nothing to arrange a risky task. Even speaker Cruze can't blame general Gillard. After all, most of the counter offensive forces are his own direct forces.

However, if you can't even apply for a task exchange that you love and I wish, it's a little more realistic and the eating appearance is too ugly.

But... It seems that the other party has no foundation here.

Obviously, a peacock man has been regarded as the "pawn" of the other party's "abandoning the pawn and protecting the car"


"Ha ha!" the peacock man smiled happily after receiving the application approval document. "Your Excellency ISAR, please look forward to my triumph!"

Peacock man finished and glanced at Nie Yun disdainfully again.

have a look! This is the bravery and responsibility of soldiers!

We are different, different