Chapter 548

In the dark hangar, a figure with injuries all over limped in and finally stopped in the center of the hangar. His tall body seemed to tremble slightly.

"Damn it!" the figure suddenly roared and punched heavily on the steel column around him.

"Bang!" the blood splashed, but Spartak didn't seem to feel the pain in his hand. His heart was full of anger and deep regret

If I hadn't softened my heart and agreed to Sula's request and let her follow me here as a squire, maybe all this would not have happened.

He hates his own weakness and incompetence, and he hates this damn hierarchy!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Spartak's face was ferocious, one punch after another, as if he wanted to vent all his anger on himself, completely ignoring the bone injury already visible on his fist.

Behind him, the cold blue mecha glowed faintly under the weak illumination of several indicator lights and looked at all this quietly

Until a long time later, Spartak fell to the ground powerlessly, lying on his back and panting violently, with tears streaming down his rough and cold face.

"Morsi, I swear, I will kill you... Sula, forgive me, forgive me..." Spartak was confused, his eyes were dull, and his mouth whispered intermittently

Originally thought that as long as he became a bronze soldier, he could change himself and the fate of the people around him, but the fact told him that everything had not changed much because of his own efforts, and he was still just a mole ant struggling at the bottom.

Spartak's eyes reflected the cold lines of the bronze armor, but his powerful steel body could no longer give him the slightest sense of security.

Even if you have it, you still can't protect your favorite people

"Oh? I feel the desire from the soul..." at this time, an ethereal voice suddenly sounded in Spartak's mind, full of unspeakable dignity.

"Hmm?" Spartak was stunned. He looked around blankly, trying to find the source of the sound. His eyes were still a little blankly.

"So, do you want to understand the meaning of life? Do you want to have... Real power?"

The voice sounded again and hit Spartak's deepest desire!

"Who?! who is playing tricks!" Spartak was shocked and finally realized that this was not his own illusion. He dragged his scarred body to stand up and looked around vigilantly.

However, the next moment, a pair of red awns suddenly lit up in the dark, which made Spartak's pupils shrink.

The upper body of the cyan mecha is completely hidden in the dark, like a fierce beast opening its red eyes

This... How is this possible?!

Spartak stepped back in shock and looked up at his familiar plane.

The mecha that should only be able to drive by itself was strangely started without any authorization?!

"Who are you?" Spartak's forehead showed a cold sweat. He looked at his mecha vigilantly and touched his right hand to his waist.

He did not act rashly. In this narrow space, he fought against the steel mecha with flesh and blood. Even the golden warrior may not be spared.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is that I have the strength you need to help you realize your wishes." the voice replied.

Spartak was shocked. He concentrated this time and finally found that the sound didn't come into his ears by air vibration, but really came out directly from the bottom of his heart

Psychic Communication?!

Spartak had an ability that only existed in rumors.

His hand had touched his weapon, but it suddenly froze.

Those who have this ability, whether in strength or status, can't be resisted by a low-level bronze warrior, let alone

Thinking of the mysterious man's words just now, Spartak hoarsely said, "you mean... Can help me realize my wish?"

"Hahaha! I have accepted many wishes. So far, the wish fulfillment rate is 100%. Customer satisfaction is 100%!"

This is absolutely true. The reputation of ghost captain's "wishing machine" is now a five-star praise on earth.

Of course, you can never find a bad comment option in the after-sales service

"So... Can you help me save Sura?" there was a glimmer of hope in Spartak's eyes, like a drowning man trying to catch the only driftwood in front of him.

"To be exact, I can give you enough strength to realize your wishes. Of course, the premise is that you can pay enough price."

"What do you want, my lord? As long as I have it, please take it! Even my life!" Spartak said excitedly.

"Really? Life is precious, and love is more expensive! I appreciate you, but what I want is not only your life... But also your soul! Ha ha..."

In the wanton laughter, the metal ground in front of Spartak suddenly changed!

Like mercury, the lines appeared out of thin air and began to spread rapidly. Finally, a strange and mysterious complex array pattern was outlined, and then the silver array pattern began to emit dazzling light.

In Spartak's shocked eyes, a silver vortex appeared in the center of the array pattern, and a red copper long handle hammer full of ancient and wild charm slowly emerged from the array pattern vortex inch by inch!

If rose were here, she would be very familiar with this scene

At this moment, the mechanical bug once again showed its unparalleled loading and force addition ability!

Mechanical worm: "

"This... What is this?" in the face of this incredible scene, Spartak obviously had some Spartans.

If the previous spiritual communication was still within his understanding, then this scene now completely subverts his barren scientific and world outlook.

Even the advanced technology of Woolf civilization can not achieve such a magical scene, can it?

"This is an artifact forged by the wrath of the magical material elements of the Delano world and passed down from generation to generation among the black stone orc clans." the big flicker who is familiar with this matter began to sell it with a high spirited and frustrated aria... Ah, no, introduce another masterpiece of yourself!

"It is not only the vanguard of destroying the enemy, but also the messenger of redemption and destruction in the prophecy!

Since its founding, many legendary orcs have held it, including the three chiefs of the tribe, Blackhand, ogrim and sal.

This legendary power of Warhammer has brought destruction to countless creatures of Azeroth and led the orcs to create a new era.

According to the prophecy, it can not only lead the holder to victory, but also easily lead to the destruction of the world!

In countless epic chapters that have spread around the world, people call it... The hammer of destruction! "

Mechanical worm: "..." ( ̄ △  ̄;)