Chapter 565

Even if she lost her integrity, there was no lower limit to win sympathy, but the code finally failed to recover her three-month bonus.

Nie Yun felt it necessary to carry out an internal rectification movement against this unhealthy trend of daring to make fun of his boss.

But then again, the development speed of the emotional template of the code also exceeded Nie Yun's expectations.

Since the acquisition of the body, the code thinking mode has rapidly moved closer to normal human beings. It has not only developed the attribute of eating goods, but also has a stronger sense of autonomy and a darker personality

Of course, Nie Yun will never admit that this is a close friend. He may have been influenced by himself

"My parents are busy making money outside to marry their stepmother. As a result, the daughter raised at home grows savagely, and her extreme character is understandable... HMM! It must be so. It's a painful lesson to neglect discipline!"

Nie Fu was distressed and used the ultimate mace of all his fathers in the world - deducting pocket money!

But as the saying goes, if you don't get pocket money, it must be the wrong way you want pocket money!

Who's the code? Captain ghost's number one brain and intelligence leader! Can a mere allowance embarrass her?

The code followed behind Nie Yun, quietly opened his network account and checked the balance

Well... Fortunately, I left a lot of money to spend

Let's see which stock can rise sharply


Chu Xiaoxiao didn't dare to go there for the time being. Nie Yun strolled around the Atlantis headquarters with the code.

Atlantis lunar headquarters is divided into four divisions, namely, commerce department, scientific research department, security department and administration department. The office locations are located in the four buildings of the vortex building.

Among them, the highest security level and the core location is undoubtedly the scientific research department, which is also the real permanent residence of Yu and other scientists.

"Hello, boss!" Mr. Yu heard that Nie Yun came suddenly and greeted him at the door in person.

At this time, Yu Lao was no longer a hobbit, but restored his original image of a white haired old man!

Nie Yun looked at Yu Lao, who was young and handsome in front of him, and asked with a smile, "how does your body feel?"

"Very good, no, it can't be better!" Yu Lao talked about his current physical state, and his face was red.

"The cell activity of my whole body is at the peak of my life, and I have about twice the physical quality of normal young men. I think I can borrow from heaven for another 100 years! Ha ha!

But it's also thanks to the boss who doesn't hesitate to spend precious water of life. It seems that he can only sell it to the boss in this life, "Yu joked.

"Little things, little things! Ha ha!" Nie Yun waved his hand and was in the same good mood.

Which is the best human body transformation technology?

Dr. Nie, who has a complete "human template", is absolutely unique in the world.

Absorbing a large number of biotechnology of Kara civilization, especially the research and application related to "water of life", Nie yunben's advanced "human body transformation technology" has made another leap.

One of the biggest breakthroughs is to overcome the "stem cell regeneration technology"!

Stem cell is a special cell with self replication ability and strong differentiation potential. Under certain conditions, it can evolve and differentiate into a variety of functional cells.

In theory, only a small number of stem cells are needed to cultivate the vast majority of human tissues and organs.

The fundamental reason for Kara's "super regeneration ability" is that there is a special activated stem cell in the body, which can quickly differentiate into damaged organs or even missing limbs, similar to gecko tail regeneration.

In addition, this stem cell regeneration ability can also produce a large number of new active cells to replace aging cells, so as to maintain the long-term activity of the body, which is also the secret of Kara people's long life.

Yu Lao's body transformation this time draws on the latest achievements of the mystery of the Kara people's body.

Use the powerful effect of water of life to stimulate the potential of human stem cells and regain the ability to divide various organs and tissues, so as to complete a reborn whole-body repair, including nerve cells that are very difficult to overcome!

This kind of whole-body repair does not consume much. It only needs some water diluent of life.

Of course, the more dosage, the better the effect.

Moreover, the repair effect is mild, which is much safer than Nie Yun's "gene countercurrent" technology.

The difference is that the Kara people obtained this magical ability because their ancestors were baptized by a large amount of water of life, and finally obtained the racial ability after a long time of genetic optimization.

At present, Nie Yun's stem cell regeneration technology can only rely on the water of life.

It has also been raised whether it can replicate the genetic optimization miracle of the Kara people and add a new racial talent to mankind.

However, evolution is a long process and quite accidental. Before he is sure, Nie Yun dare not rashly modify human genes.

What if it turns green?

"Yu Lao, why is it still the way I looked when I saw you? Why don't you make yourself look younger?" Nie Yun asked as he walked in.

"Hehe! Good looking skins are the same, and interesting souls are one in a thousand."

"Oh! You have taste!" Nie Yun said.

It is worthy of being a leading figure obsessed with scientific research. This ideological consciousness is much better than those losers.

"Cough! OK, ok... Ha ha..." Mr. Yu gave a ha ha.

At this time, the code behind suddenly came up and whispered to Nie Yun, "boss, you don't know. Originally, you always wanted to be a 20-year-old guy and wanted a beauty package of Wu Yanzu's version. As a result, his wife knew about it..."

Nie Yun took a whiff at the corners of his mouth.

This old guy is old but not old!

In the old age, the physical quality is improving and hearing is excellent. Naturally, I heard the little report given by the code name.

"Cough! Boss, this way, please. I'll show you around our experimental base."

Yu Lao took Nie Yun into a long corridor. On both sides of the corridor are dozens of large and small laboratories, which can be seen through transparent French windows. A large number of assistants and small robots in white coats come and go, efficient and busy.

"Why is it so cold? What about the others?" Nie Yun looked at the slightly cold laboratory and said curiously.

There are many robot assistants, but none of them are alive.

"Oh, we usually only do some relatively safe small experiments here. We usually use virtual reality technology to run all over the solar system, and there happens to be a large experiment today, and everyone basically goes to see the excitement!" Yu explained with a smile.

With the full support of Nie Yun, the resources consumed by the scientific research department are indisputably second only to the huge construction project expenditure, which can be called a golden beast.

Just one moon is not enough. These crazy scientists are a scourge for two days.

For example, the research on high-risk topics such as biochemistry, nuclear energy, quantum, space-time and so on will cause huge environmental damage and disasters if you are not careful. You must have a safe and independent isolated environment, sometimes even a single cosmic celestial body.

For example, the previous battlefield Ganymede has become the largest biochemical test base on Nie Yun's side.

A group of scientists who opened the "brain chip hanging" opened a research institute in the solar system, even on the surface of stars, and set up the first stellar thermonuclear reaction observation laboratory.

Hundreds of large or small laboratories are all over the solar system. Although the resources occupied by each laboratory are not as large as those of large-scale projects, the resources consumed by scattered laboratories are still astronomical.

If there were no Nie Yun's mechanical insects who worked hard all over the world for infrastructure construction, even if the output scientific and technological achievements had huge patent fees, they would not be satisfied with this hole.

Regardless of the cost of resource investment, Nie Yun has obtained a steady stream of scientific and technological achievements.

The science and technology obtained from several alien civilizations have been transformed, integrated into the scientific and technological system of earth civilization, and gradually entered the stage of large-scale application. The third Crescent City is one of the products of this comprehensive scientific and technological progress.

"What experiment is so attractive that everyone runs to see the excitement?" Nie Yun asked curiously.

"Oh, it's an experiment about the 'space distortion limit test of high gravity field'."

High gravity field space distortion?

Uh... Why does it sound so familiar? These guys don't want a black hole, do they? Nie Yun's heart jumped.

"It seems that the risk factor is very high?" Nie Yun frowned.

"Please don't worry, boss! We've gone through a lot of detailed data analysis, and there will be no problem, and we can guarantee everything!" Yu patted his chest.

Just then, Leng Buding interrupted again.

"Report to the boss, just half a minute ago, a high-energy reaction occurred at the experimental base t108 within the small star cluster, the base signal disappeared, and the nearby space probe showed that the base had been devastated!"

Nie Yun jerked from the corner of his eye and squinted at the foolish Yu Lao.

Is that what you call foolproof?

Sure enough, before long, there was a shouting of abuse in the depths of the corridor.

"Lying trough! Lao Liang, who asked you to increase your maximum energy by 20%! Now, it's fried again!"

"Er... I think the effect of this experiment is good. It's a good chance..." another voice said weakly.

The air was quiet for a long time, and Yu could only cough awkwardly.

"Cough! Well... Don't worry, boss. Besides, our safety work is still in place. There will be no casualties!"

Nie Yun: "

You're one of the casualties across a billion kilometers. Let me see. The soul is light!