Chapter 580

"Do you feel very unwilling? Regret not taking me as a hostage?" Nie Yun, who saw through what Jinya was thinking, said with a smile.

"Hum! I have nothing to say about becoming a king and defeating an enemy!" Jin Ya's words were full of resentment, which was obviously right.

At the same time, he glanced at the three Mithril Knights behind Nie Yun without trace, and then he was acutely aware of their changes.

In fact, in order to save "online time", the eldest three have been offline after completing the task. Now they are simply controlled according to the intelligent brain's automatic program, which is obviously different from the previous in flexibility and initiative.

"If I say that your means are no threat to me, even if you detonate the ship, it won't hurt me at all, do you believe it?"

I don't believe it! Jinya wants to blurt out.

But looking at Nie Yun's relaxed smile and the three secret silver Knights behind him, he couldn't say anything.

The sense of oppression brought by absolute strength forced him to think carefully about the authenticity of Nie Yun's words.

But if this is true, how terrible should the other party's hidden strength be?

"So... Relax your leg muscles. Although I'm only 2 meters away from you, the consequence of you jumping on can only become a pool of broken meat. Even without the three men behind me, the result will not change at all. Do you... Believe it?" Nie Yun stared at him with a smile.

"Er..." Jin Ya's face stagnated, and a panic that was completely seen through rose in her heart.

Their every move, even in each other's eyes, there is nothing to hide!

The intuition exercised in the dark world told him that the guy in front of him didn't cheat him this time.

"You... You're really joking." he lowered his shoulders, relaxed his muscles, put on a harmless posture for humans and animals, piled up an ugly smile on his golden tooth face, and unconsciously used honorifics.

Facing the gold teeth that seemed to be soft, Nie Yun smiled. The next moment, without warning, he raised a index finger and slowly poked it into each other's eyebrows. A strange silver light appeared on the index finger.

Jin Ya was startled. He thought Nie Yun was going to kill him. He immediately wanted to resist, but he found that he couldn't move a penny.

It was as if she had been fixed. No matter how hard gold teeth tried, her body was suppressed by a huge force. She could only watch Nie Yun's fingers get closer and closer.

The next moment, the eyebrows hurt, and Jinya regained control of her body.

Looking at Nie Yun who slowly took back his fingers, Jin Ya's eyes were frightened, "you... What did you do to me?"

Special! Look out of sight!

Where is this guy? He's a docile little fat sheep. He's clearly a Tyrannosaurus Rex in sheep's clothing!

That kind of strange body fixing ability should be spiritual power. Yes, this guy is still a strong man in the spiritual department. With his silver warrior power, he is still suppressed. The other party's spiritual power has absolutely reached the master level!

Now he believes it completely. If he just chose to take a risk... He would really die!

In the power system of Woolf Empire, there are very few people with spiritual ability. Their combat effectiveness is not the most powerful, but they definitely belong to the most strange power, which has some effects similar to "magic".

In particular, the high-level masters with strong spiritual power have strange and unpredictable attack methods, which is definitely a powerful existence that even gold soldiers do not want to provoke.

"What did you do? Well... You can call it the high-tech three corpse brain God pill." Nie Yun smiled very evil.

"San Shi Nao Shen Dan?!" Jin Ya's face became more frightened. This thing is not a good thing as soon as he heard it?

"This is a kind of super micro mechanical virus. It usually lurks in your nerve center, and once you receive the command, it is activated... Ha ha! Believe me, you don't want to know the specific content. The picture is too beautiful..."

Nie Yun left enough imagination space for Jinya.

These ferocious pirates don't have a good kind. It's not too much to say that they kill without blinking an eye. Nie Yun never thought that he could make the other party obedient when his tiger body shakes. If he wants to deal with the wicked, he must be more evil than them!

Gold teeth beat a spirit.

In a series of fights with the other party, he was completely crushed by strategy, means and strength. Now his life is also in the other party's hands. Most of his unwillingness and caution in his heart immediately extinguished.

"Who on earth are you? What do you want to do? I'm just a small pirate group leader. I shouldn't let the forces behind you deal with me so deliberately?" Jin Ya said bitterly.

Since the other party controls himself by this means, he certainly doesn't want his own life. I'm afraid the other party has other plans for himself or his Pirate Group.

After carefully observing Jinya's expression and confirming that he has basically given up resistance, Nie Yun nodded with satisfaction. An obedient indigenous pirate plays a great role in the task of opening a map, otherwise he wouldn't spend so much effort to teach each other to be a man in an all-round way.

After all, even the eldest three can't maintain long-term activities here. He needs a "puppet" who is familiar with the local environment.

"Who am I? You are very lucky. Many people have asked me this before, but most... The graveyard grass is several feet high."

(Arthas: "...)

Jin Ya: "

Are the normal opening questions so dangerous?

"But now that you have asked questions in good faith, I might as well tell you that you can call me 'Captain ghost', a man determined to become the pirate king!"

Jin Ya: "

"In other words, your golden tooth pirate regiment has been incorporated by my 'ghost pirate regiment' since today. Is there a problem?" Nie Yun finally entered the theme.

"No... no problem," Jin Ya replied with a strong smile.

This is not a sub question, but a single choice question, because if you choose the wrong one, you will send it directly to your head!

"Well, now, I need you to take good care of your men and organize people to rob, rob and set fire. Except for changing the name of a more tasteful organization, everything is still the same! Your... Understand?"

"Yes, captain." Jin Ya quickly straightened his position and changed his way, even with a happy look in his eyes.

"Business as usual" means that you are still the head here?

Not even a confidant or a watcher? This greatly reduces the resistance of Jinya to being incorporated.

In this predatory pirate world, status and strength are the foundation of everything, but there is an extra boss on the head, which is not a big deal for Jinya.

The mysterious and powerful forces behind Nie Yun raised a glimmer of hope in Jinya's heart.

Looking at the black sail pirate group of the seven giants, we know that there are two completely different living conditions with and without the support of big forces.

The top ranked pirate groups are more or less inextricably linked with the big forces outside, and even many are specially trained thugs and privateering fleets by the big forces.

Just think about it. Where can we arm ourselves with so many high-tech weapons and equipment just by looting?

"Is it difficult that his little Pirate Group is favored by a big money owner?"

Put away all kinds of thoughts rolling in his heart, Jinya honestly began to implement Nie Yun's first order, the riots in the base quickly subsided, and all kinds of rescue and repair work began.

The pirates in the base heard that they had been incorporated. After the initial surprise, they soon accepted their identity conversion.

In the chaotic broken star region, internal fighting is no smaller than external threats. Annexation and annexation occur every day. The pirates here are used to the changing King flag at the head of the city.

Since you can defeat the former leader, you are stronger than the former leader, and following the strong is the way for the bottom pirates to survive!

Even those little doubting pirates, after hearing that everything in the pirate regiment was going on as usual, few of them came forward to blast and stab.

Not to mention the slightly chaotic pirate group outside, Nie Yun has used the highest authority he has just obtained to start plundering the data stored in his brain.

A large number of basic intelligence of Woolf Empire and relevant data around the broken star domain flow into Nie Yun's database

"Well... You can choose some basic information to give to Gemini. Anyway, even if you don't have yourself, I believe Beckman can get it soon and exchange it for some prestige." Nie Yun touched his chin and smiled.

Taking advantage of the time to download huge data, he turned and looked at the robot in front of him, which was the "destroyer" previously regarded as the bottom card by Jinya!

At the moment, it has been completely closed. Under close observation, Nie Yun can detect its extraordinary.

The blade as thin as a cicada's wing flickers a blurred glare under the light. There is no weld or connector on the unknown metal shell as smooth as a mirror. It is a high-tech creation formed as a whole.

"The technological products of the mechanical family..." Nie Yun turned around it.

Nie Yun was also quite curious about why they suddenly gave up their original attack instructions, not to mention involving another very strange intelligent race

Behind him, a Mithril Knight came forward under Nie Yun's command, opened his arms and hugged him like a lover.

On the destroyer's body, the silver visible to the naked eye began to spread