Chapter 601

"Captain, it's fun to make money for a while, but we'll have endless future......" behind Nie Yun, the dog head military master Jin Ya, who has returned from broken Star City, has a sad face.

Although the troops can make a net profit of 100 million by pulling out and sneaking around, this kind of good thing was unthinkable before.

However, the greater the benefits, the greater the risks. This time, they offended the two local top forces at the same time, heifan or Locke consortium. As long as one party wants to retaliate against them later, Jinya thinks they can share their luggage and go their own way.

"Soldiers will block. Besides, which pirates have you seen rise peacefully?"

The cake is so big. If you want more resources, you will inevitably touch the interests of the old forces. Either be a quiet little pirate, or step on the bodies of other pirate groups.

Jin Ya was stunned. Listening to this, the captain has great ambition


On the other hand, after Beckman's fleet "surrendered", Nie Yun sent them directly to Catherine's secret base without giving them a chance to contact the ghost Pirate Group.

"Lord Beckman, look, it's another task force!" the adjutant was excited.

Outside the side window, there were a number of warships such as the fallen angel.

It was not until I saw these friendly forces, Beckman and a bunch of Gemini officers that I finally believed that I really had a narrow escape.

Beckman is in a mixed mood at the moment.

When he was in a desperate situation, it was Alsace, a competitor, who saved him, which made him feel frustrated.

"I didn't expect that he was connected with the local pirate forces..."

There is no doubt about the failure of this competition, but it is unacceptable for Beckman to fail in this way.

In his opinion, he did not lose in ability, but in luck.

If you first found a good place like the broken star field, maybe the result would be the opposite

"Your Excellency Beckman, the fleet is in short supply now. Maybe we can apply to the friendly forces for assistance," the adjutant suggested dutifully at once.

Previously, in order to escape the pursuit, they had to throw most of the materials on the spacecraft into the universe to reduce the load. Now, let alone continue the war, it is even a problem to fill their stomachs.

"Hiss!" the cruel reality hit Beckman's wounded heart again.

Is there anything more embarrassing than being saved by your opponent?

Yes, I was saved by my opponents one after another


Gillard soon received the news that Beckman was safe and sound.

Although he was shocked that the so-called "friends" in Nie Yun's mouth were actually a group of pirates, the results were quite satisfactory.

"Alsace, you did a great job! Senator Victor asked me to convey his thanks to you."

"It's my duty to rescue the friendly army!" Nie Yun said angrily.

Who in the end did it when he heard that it was good

Gillard pulled from the corner of her mouth and brought the topic back. "But Beckman has discarded a lot of materials. I'm afraid you need to continue to give some support."

Obviously, Beckman can't pull down that face to beg Nie Yun. He can only save the country by curving.

As soon as Nie Yun heard this, he immediately patted his forehead!

Yes! How to miss the profit point of material supply! an error!

"Alas!" Nie Yun sighed heavily. "Your Excellency, to be honest, our fleet has suffered serious loss of ammunition and materials after many fierce battles.

Of course, we have nothing to say about rescuing the friendly forces, and we can squeeze out some materials, but it is not a long-term plan to tear down east walls and make up west walls after all. If you don't mention it, I also want to reflect this situation to you. "

"Oh? What can you do?" Gillard frowned. He believed Nie Yun would not aim at nothing.

"The materials are not enough. Naturally, I bought them from my 'friends'!"

"Buy? Those... Pirates will supply you?" Gillard wondered.

"Of course, the price will be a little more expensive."

Gillard was relieved when he heard the speech. "Money is not a problem. You let go and talk. I believe in your ability!"

A hundred million people have been saved. Is there still a little supply?

"Thank you for your trust." Nie Yunmei made another extra money.

"Well, now that your two fleets have converged, what are you going to do next? You know the situation there, and I want to hear your opinion." Gillard asked solemnly.

Nie Yun knew Gillard would ask, and he also had a draft.

"My opinion is... The task force returns to Gemini immediately!"

"Oh? Why?"

"Obviously, Beckman's fleet has basically lost its combat effectiveness. Even if our two sides merge, there are less than 50 warships.

The Locke consortium, which fought with our side, has more than 500 warships in the Garrison's Fifth Fleet alone. It is not only very dangerous, but also has limited results. "

"But now you are our only source of intelligence..."

Gillard naturally knew that what Nie Yun said was the truth. The strength of the Woolf Empire completely exceeded their expectations. Now it is of little significance to continue the raid mission.

On the other hand, after this distress, Haizu also wanted to let Beckman, the seed player, return to the safe rear.

However, it is a pity to pull out the nails that have finally hit the enemy's interior.

"We can evacuate, but that doesn't mean we will lose the source of intelligence." Nie Yun said with a smile.

Gillard's eyes lit up and soon understood what Nie Yun meant, "you mean... The pirate?"

"Of course, the pirates are well-informed. As long as they have money, the movements of the Locke consortium can be bought at any time! Moreover, my friends can not only save people, but also provide all kinds of looting and raiding employment tasks, which can completely replace our roles.

These local snakes are familiar with the surrounding environment and are much more efficient than us! We can cooperate with pirates to fight a 'proxy war'! "

Proxy war? Gillard's eyes brightened when she heard the word.

The Pirate Group is completely synonymous with anti society and anti-government. It only recognizes money but not people. It can become their long-term partner!

Whether it's intelligence gathering, house raiding, murder and arson, pirates are professionals who do this!

What's more, Arthas has used his superb diplomatic skills to win over a pirate, paving the way for bilateral cooperation.

As for money... Just increase the trade volume with everything!

"What if they don't work or provide false information?"

"There are many pirates here. We have more than one choice. Smart people should know how to do it."

"Are you sure these pirates won't turn back?"

"As long as we give enough money, why do they turn back?"

"What if the Locke consortium offered a higher price?"

"We are a civilization, and they are a consortium." Nie Yun smiled.

Civilization can spend all the money in its pocket in order to survive, but the action of a consortium is fundamentally interest. This is the difference between the two.

Spell consumption? This possibility did not exist from the beginning.

"Hahaha! Good! I agree with your plan. From today on, you are the person in charge of the 'agent plan'. I ask you and Beckman to return to the Gemini as soon as possible!" Gillard laughed.


After hanging up the communication, Nie Yun also showed a smile at the corners of his mouth.

The ghost Pirate Group has a separate seat, which is enough. The alien "Alsace" must gradually fade out of sight, so as to be more conducive to the "localization" development of the Pirate Group.

On the other hand, returning to the "Alsace" of Gemini can give play to the greater value of this identity!

Now that he has just made great achievements and won the gratitude of the sea family and Victor family, it is certain that he will be promoted to a higher level, go back to obtain a higher status as a Gemini and command a larger fleet, so that he can leverage more power and resources and grab greater benefits for himself in this war.

Solar system, Gemini, Woolf

Like a chain, the idea of a huge interstellar organization in which all things return to one time seems to be slowly and firmly realized step by step