Chapter 604

At night, the carnival in village 67, which had been noisy for a long time, finally fell silent. In the night, only the embers of the campfire were emitting a slight light.

Sura snuggled up to the drunken Spartak and suddenly felt the corners of her clothes gently pulled.

She looked down and found that it was Qiqi, a little girl. She immediately smiled and gently hugged her in her arms.

"Why don't you go to bed so late?"

"Sister Sula, can't dad come back again?" Qiqi asked softly with her head down.

Sula was stiff, and Spartak's hand moved slightly. The habit formed on the battlefield made him sleep very shallow.

"Why, I said, your father is just on duty and can't come back with us this time." Sula still couldn't bear to tell the little girl the cruel reality.

"Really? But mom just cried in the room for a long time..." Qiqi whispered.

Although she was young, she was influenced by everything. She didn't understand anything. She eventually noticed something.

Sula was silent for a long time and didn't speak. She just held Qiqi, who was sobbing in a low voice, tighter.

Spartak quietly opened his eyes without making a sound, but looked at the gray starry sky in confusion.

Qiqi's father was his fellow countryman and comrade in arms, but he was assigned to different combat teams. After a battle two months ago, he never heard from him again.

In the end, there was not even a formal death notice.

However, no one will care about such "small things", because living, they have to do their best.

Maybe one day I will disappear quietly in this world like that comrade in arms. At that time, I don't know if my relatives will be as sad as Qiqi

Spartak looked at Sura around him with a trace of pity and intolerance in his eyes.

If you die, Sura... And the children you may be born in the future, what kind of future will you have?

Even if I am promoted to a senior bronze warrior, I still can't change the tragic fate of my family

Just then, a dazzling meteor suddenly flashed across the dark sky, illuminating the whole valley.

Spartak looked up in surprise, and then saw dozens of fire meteors cutting through the sky in the night sky.

"This is... A spaceship!" Spartak was surprised and stood up immediately.

He knew that the Locke consortium had few troops here, but he saw that there were nearly 100 landing craft breaking through the atmosphere, which was probably not the beginning of the "looting" that took place on this remote planet today by later historians