Chapter 648

"Boom!" there was a violent vibration in the command room of the gold coin pirate regiment.

From the porthole, a bulge suddenly appeared from the inside of the meteorite adjacent to them, and then disintegrated.

The huge explosion shock wave blew away countless steel and rocks, opened a gap several kilometers deep, and a large number of debris were thrown into space, like a small meteor shower.

"Boom!" after a huge rock fragment of more than 30 meters was thrown away, it directly hit a nearby fortress gun ready to go, which immediately triggered another martyrdom explosion and the scene was in a mess.

If it were not for the gold coins, the inside of the pirate regiment's base had been fully reinforced with special materials and explosion-proof treatment, the power of this explosion alone would be enough to completely tear the meteorite apart.

Not only that, with the explosion, a large area of defense facilities around were also muted.

The energy light of the muzzle quickly faded down, and then the gun barrel hung down powerlessly. Centered on the explosion point, the flashing lights went out one by one, just like someone suddenly turned off the switch in the dark night.

"Boss, meteorite 2 has destroyed a key energy node, and the defense facilities in areas 13 ~ 18 have lost energy supply..."

"Waste!" the golden dagger cursed with a livid face.

In fact, what just happened was the nearest explosion point to them, and a huge fire burst out from time to time all over the farther base.

Not only the outside, but also the inside was riddled with holes by these invading robots, and many important core positions were hit hard.

The whole East of the base was caught in the smoke of gunpowder, and more and more defense facilities were damaged to varying degrees.

He never thought that tens of thousands of robots had brought such huge losses to them.

In fact, the combat effectiveness of these invading robots can only be said to be ordinary. In front combat, a "chainsaw demon" can abuse them as a team.

But what's terrible is their amazing fighting wisdom.

Yes, it's wisdom, not intelligence!

They are not like robots with rigid programs at all, but more like a group of intelligent beings with souls.

Some can drill ventilation pipes, and some even shut down and pretend to be dead in the face of a large number of guards

He even saw on the surveillance screen that a wonderful guy actually took a group of gold coin pirates as hostages, threatened them with guns, and walked ahead to open the way for himself

This is what robots can do, shit?

He thought about remote control technology, but where is this?

It's the nest of the gold coin pirate regiment!

Not to mention that the energy field effect can greatly interfere with various signals in the fierce battlefield outside, I don't know how many signal interference equipment are arranged in my nest.

We should know that the most important thing of remote control technology is the stability of communication signal. It is better to have an intermittent and extremely unstable communication signal than not.

This is like the 100Mbps network speed in 4G state. If you want to control a precision robot that should have used 8g network speed, I'm afraid the controlled robot will be "Crazy"?

And if you want to transmit a smooth remote control signal in your nest, even the imperial royal family can't do it?

But now is not the time to think about the technical details. The golden dagger puts his eyes back on the battlefield again.

Today, these unidentified "death squads" carrying an amazing number of bombs not only invade the interior of the base for wanton destruction, but also continue to infiltrate into the central meteorite where the golden dagger is located, obviously with the idea of catching the thief and the king first.

"How is our defense here?"

"Don't worry, boss. We have begun to gather the surrounding guard forces that can be mobilized, and strictly guard at the four passageways. Tens of thousands of robots invaded by the other party will never break through us!

In case of danger, we can also directly blow up the channel and make us a safe island.

The outer layer of our meteorite has super alloy armor with a thickness of more than 10 meters. It can't get in by ordinary means from the outside.

Even if the other party has a legendary mecha and wants to launch a sneak attack here, we also have an independent large-scale shield system. We are absolutely safe here! "

"Hmm!" hearing the confident answer from his subordinates, Jin dagger was also relieved.

This core meteorite is a super fortress he spent a lot of money to build. It has multiple protection inside and outside. It can open a large protective cover when it is a last resort. Even a legendary mecha sneak attack can't break it.

It is this super large shield with a range of more than hundreds of kilometers that consumes too much energy and can't last long, so it can't be opened easily as a last resort.

Under this watertight defense, unless the front line is completely crushed, the enemy will not want to "steal the tower" at all.

Looking at the base around the beacon, the golden Dagger's face was very calm.

This time, the base was seriously damaged. It is definitely a huge project to repair, which can be called huge loss.

However, in his eyes, these are problems that can be solved with money, and the problems that can be solved with money are not problems for him.

As long as we can hold on until our reinforcements arrive, even if several major pirate groups work together, we can't help ourselves!

There is only one problem that he really can't understand.

Lord clorus's plan was obviously very successful. Under some secret operation, the two camps of heifan and Shuanglong were about to make brains. How could they suddenly shake hands and make peace and point the spearhead at themselves?

Now it seems that the two pirate groups of the dark temple and Kalon are not here. Instead, they put themselves in an extremely dangerous situation alone. There is a feeling that they have been determined by the enemy and turned into an army.

This feeling of being completely seen through by the enemy made the golden dagger tremble with fear.

But the red dragon's nest has been taken, and the battle between heifan and Shuanglong will never be fake... In this case, something must have happened after the battle broke out.

As long as he can find out the source of the accident, he can know who calculated himself behind his back!

Now the gold coin pirate regiment is under attack on all sides, and the other three are black sail, red dragon, madman and dragon cavalry. There is no doubt that there are several pirate regiments, but only the East

The seven pirate groups of broken star also know each other. This kind of unruly and strange robot is definitely not what the pirate groups of black sail can do!

It was clear that new forces other than them had taken part in the joint siege.

And there was a kind of intuition in the golden Dagger's heart. This wave of impeccable disaster might be related to this mysterious and disorderly hidden force!

In addition, the other three sides play more happily. In fact, heifan and others obviously focus on containment, which seems to hand over the main task to the East.

How much confidence is this?

But when did such a hidden force emerge from the broken star field, which could unite heifan and Shuanglong, who were almost to form a dead enemy?

The golden dagger suddenly moved in his heart and remembered the news he had just obtained not long ago.

It is said that the mysterious ghost captain joined the double dragon camp not long ago, and suddenly sacrificed a "long lost" legendary mecha in the war, which turned the situation around in one fell swoop

Ghost captain... Mechanical family... Strange robot with unknown Technology... Hidden secret forces

If mechanical mind is better? Who does the mechanical family give up?

Connect all these clues together and let the golden dagger blessing come to your heart immediately!

Is it that the man behind all this is

"Boss! Something's wrong!" suddenly, a scream from his subordinates interrupted Jin Dagger's thoughts.

He looked up and saw that in the surveillance picture, a large number of blue light spots suddenly burst out again from the meteorite group that was almost completely hit by the base fire into cosmic dust.

This time it is no longer a small robot, but a war weapon more than ten meters high... Mecha! The number is 30000!

Depending on the model, many gold coins are still the main export product of the Pirate Group, "bronze" mecha.

Through the continuous enlargement of the picture, everyone soon saw the power marks on the chest of these mecha.

It was a ghost ship with broken sails!

"Sure enough..." a flash of light flashed across the golden Dagger's face.

The man who planned all this... It was you!

Ghost pirates! Or should I call you... All things for a while!

The golden dagger finally passed through the heavy fog and vaguely saw the skirt of the truth.

Of course, he never thought that the cow that Nie Yun blew was sold to the golden dagger as a "secret" by Jinya

The gold dagger who is confident to see through everything will never expect that the truth revealed under the skirt may not be the holy light, but a... Safety pants?