Chapter 650

However, the roar of the golden dagger cannot be replaced by actual combat effectiveness.

In the first round of contact between the two sides, the golden dagger found that the blue light spots belonging to his side in the picture were disappearing rapidly.

"Boom! Boom!" after a round of fighting, there was a continuous explosion in the mecha group of the gold coin pirate regiment. The impacted front line of defense immediately sank, and was instantly torn open by the fierce Ryan family.

"Come on, hold the line!"

"Damn it, this is at least a group of mecha soldiers above bronze level. We need reinforcements!"

"I'm bitten, wingman! Where the hell is my wingman? Help!"

"Don't mess up the formation! Hold on in front!"


Gold tooth listened to all kinds of shouts from the battle channel, and her face was a little ugly.

In terms of combat effectiveness alone, the gold coin pirate regiment is definitely the lowest recognized existence among the seven pirate regiments.

It is not that their equipment is not sophisticated enough and their personnel quality is not sharp enough. On the contrary, they are second to none in terms of equipment and personnel quality... At least their salary is higher, and they are definitely not much worse.

The main reason is that their combat experience is far less than that of the other major pirate groups. They are jokingly called "old soldiers among a group of fierce bandits".

Although the gold coin Pirate Group accumulated bloody original capital in the early stage by looting houses, it soon found another way to create a tangled black market business empire by relying on the golden Dagger's network and superb management skills.

It's not easy to sit at home and sell stolen goods. It's too late for other pirates to envy.

With a more easy way to make money, their "attendance rate" is far lower than that of other pirate groups. They also lack experience in large-scale operation of large legions, and lack a sense of bravery than the other pirate groups.

In addition, the elite of the gold coin pirate regiment have been transferred to defend the other three enemies, and the combat effectiveness of these reserve mecha legions in the East can be imagined.

On the contrary, the Ryan race who fought against them was a race with excellent combat talent. They had extremely strong combat skills and nerve reflex. They were born machine armor soldiers. Otherwise, they would not be selected by the Woolf empire as a vassal race after defeat.

After such a group of excellent soldiers have sufficient weapons and equipment and firm faith, can their combat effectiveness be comparable to that of working for the Locke consortium before?

The Ryan soldiers are not only better than each other in personal combat effectiveness, but also far from being comparable to the free and loose pirates in terms of unity and discipline.

Every three of them are in a group, one is the main attack, one is the support, and the other is waiting for the opportunity.

Whenever someone falls into a crisis, friendly forces on the side always launch an attack to clear the siege. Once injured, they can get cover at the first time and retreat to the rear to restore the shield.

Their attacks were wave after wave, followed by comrades in arms in front, back, left and right. The formation was rigorous, there was evidence for advance and retreat, and the enemy's aircraft fleet was divided and destroyed layer by layer like a blade.

"A2 ~ A13 teams gather and charge in one minute! B2 ~ B13 teams are responsible for fire support..."

"Combat units in E67 area, please note that the area will be covered by fire in 10s. Please avoid..."

"The N3 team lost too much, regrouped with the N4 team to attack the marked enemy target..."

"J2 ~ J30 team, fire support to F34 area in 10s..."

In Spartak's headset, the battle tips of smart brain kept ringing. He looked at six directions. While constantly killing the targets intercepted in front, he kept moving according to the instructions and cooperated with the large forces to cut the enemy.

Although the current equipment of "hammer of destruction" is still popular, the supporting intelligent system on each mecha has been optimized and upgraded by Nie Yun, and has been connected to the code named tactical sharing platform.

This tactical sharing platform not only has the computational support of the entire huge lunar computing center, but also can get the tactical support of the top staff committee of the earth defense force.

The most intrepid warrior + the most sophisticated battlefield simulation + professional military command system

Although only 30000 mecha participated in the battle, and the hardware may not be better than the gold coin pirate regiment with better equipment, they are supported by the military system of the whole earth, which is far better than the non professional gold coin pirate regiment in software.

"Boom! Boom!" the explosion of the fighting began to spread towards the interior of the base.

With the continuous reduction of the fleet of gold coin pirates, the gold coin pirates who were already under attack on all sides and had low morale showed signs of being directly smashed by a wave in a short time

"Damn it! A bunch of losers!" as the war became more and more unfavorable, the golden Dagger's face was gloomy and could drip water at the moment.

A little-known Little Pirate Group, only got tens of thousands of machine armours, can break out such amazing combat effectiveness. Facing them is like facing a group of sophisticated and fierce killing machines!

Even the mecha. Where did the ghost captain find so many tough and fearless senior pilots?

He really didn't expect that such a powerful gang would emerge from the broken star field as soon as he wasn't careful.

If the ghost Pirate Group had not enough inside information and lacked vital warships, their strength might be close to the big seven

Seeing that there was already a mecha approaching his core meteorite, the golden dagger looked at the confident man just now, "what else do you need me to teach you?"

"Yes! I... I'll open the Shield now!" the man shivered and immediately stood up straight with a cold sweat on his face.

With the order, the gates of the four channels leading to other meteorites began to close slowly, then "hiss!" ejected the gas in the channel, and finally the channel slowly contracted to both sides, disconnecting the only physical connection.

The "buzz" of the core meteorite that became an isolated island, the huge energy was vented, which led to a violent disturbance of the surrounding electromagnetic field, forming a void arc, and then a huge blue shield slowly wrapped the whole thing


Turning his head, he looked at the slowly closed gate behind him. A "chain saw maniac" flashed red in his eyes and continued to walk towards the depths of the meteorite.

At the same time, power a, which has been quietly occupied by Nie Yun, gathered in the same direction all the way under the banner of "friendly army", and soon gathered into a small force with a total of 11 units at the entrance of a spacious channel.

At the entrance of the passage, two gold coin pirates wearing full power armor are on duty with live ammunition, and they are surrounded by two obviously more advanced mechanical guards standing quietly.

Seeing a group of "chain saw crazy demons" coming straight towards the entrance of the channel, the two guards couldn't help looking at each other, and their eyes were inexplicable.

One of the guards immediately raised his gun and stopped the group of uninvited guests.

"Hey! Stop! Don't you know our territory is next? How did your person in charge set the defense zone identification?"

Hearing this, the head of a chain saw maniac tilted his head, and finally typed a line of words with projection equipment.

"Don't shoot yourself!"

Guard: "

When did the chain saw monster bring its own barrage?

They felt something strange, but just wanted to speak, they heard "Zi La" twice.

Looking back, I was shocked to find that there were two more "chain saw demons" behind the two mechanical guards, and a huge chain saw appeared on their chest, which directly passed through their chest!

"Zi!" the chain saw was still shaking and rotating, and a harsh metal cutting sound came out. The mechanical guard who had never received the attack command was dazed and helpless, with electric sparks all over and trembling all over.

Then, seven or eight chain saw demons immediately surrounded them. Without saying a word, lifting the chain saw was a burst of random chopping. For a time, parts flew and oil splashed!

A moment later, there were only two piles of broken limbs that could not see their arms and legs, and a group of "chainsaw demons" with red eyes raised their heads and looked at the two gold coin pirates.

"Gu ~" the two people, sweating all over, swallowed their saliva.

Didn't you say your own people don't shoot? Why did you move the knife?

"Oh, my God!" "run!"

The 11 "chainsaw demons" opened their long legs, opened their shields and roared into the channel.

The passage is not long, but there are also some defenders inside. After discovering the abnormality here, they immediately began to intercept these invaders. The four mechanical guards roared over and opened fire at the first time.

Nie Yun's heart moved. The eleven controlled power armour immediately formed a 4331 formation. The last "chainsaw monster" flashed overhead and a projection screen appeared... "Quarterback"!

"Bang bang!" the enemy's bullet rain hit the four "chainsaw demons" in front, and their shield value immediately fell like a waterfall.

Obviously, the individual force values of the two are not at the same level.

But Nie Yun never wanted to win them

In the process of running, the ten "chainsaw demons" in front suddenly drilled out small silver spiders all over their body, and then "dada" jumped onto the last "quarterback" one after another with short legs, and finally gathered towards the palm of the right hand, forming a silver vortex at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Boom, boom!" after four huge collisions, the bodies of the eight machines suddenly collided together, and the huge kinetic energy made them fall to the ground together.

The seven "chainsaw demons" behind them crossed the enemy they were clinging to and continued to accelerate forward.

Another wave of enemy rushed up, and then was hugged. The cover team continued to move forward. The whole team was still rushing forward with tacit cooperation!

During the forward rush, the number of "chain saw demons" is getting smaller and smaller, but it is getting closer and closer to the gate of the central control room!

At the same time, the harsh alarm had already sounded throughout the central control room.

"What's going on?!" the golden dagger was surprised.

"Yes... There is a group of intruders who somehow hacked more than a dozen chain saw demons, and now they are coming towards the central control room!"

"Asshole! Who said it was safe?" the golden dagger grabbed the collar of the man and angrily said.

Immediately he reacted, and now was not the time to scold his men, "come on! Close the door of the control room for me!"

When the heavy super alloy gate was slowly closed, Nie Yun had only one "quarterback" left in his hand, but he was still 100 meters away from the gate of the control room. Not only the shield was dim, but there were at least seven or eight enemies in the middle.

Seeing that he was about to be isolated outside the gate, Nie Yun suddenly stepped on his left foot and tilted his right hand back.

"Bang!" the huge inertia drives the whole power armor to slide and continue to rush forward. In the sliding, the fuselage shows a classic baseball throwing skill... Leg raising, waist twisting and upward pressing!

At this time, the silver vortex in the palm of its right hand has converged into a ball.

"Watch me throw the profound meaning... Super bullet spiral worm pill!"

"Whoosh!" the silver ball tore the air and roared out at high speed.

Almost at the next moment, the "quarterback" who completed the task was completely torn to pieces by the oncoming artillery!

"Bang bang!" the silver ball looks like a metal texture, but it has amazing elasticity. It "swish" bounces at high speed on the upper, lower, left and right walls. It can't catch and intercept at all. It is like a residual shadow passing through one enemy and heading straight for the target!

Finally, the moment before the super alloy gate was closed, it accurately drilled into the last gap in the central control room!

"Bang!" the heavy alloy door more than five meters slammed shut.


Looking at the silver ball that just hit the console in front of him, and still braved the white air in the residual power of rotation, the golden dagger rushed straight to the tianlinggaier from the soles of his feet