Chapter 657

"Captain, these robots seem different from what we've seen before? Eh? Listen! They can boost morale?!"

Among a group of pirates who were driven out of the bridge, a small pirate leader surprised the captain around him.

"Er..." the captain was also surrounded.

In his impression, the pure mechanical corps should not take a unified pace of the military parade. When looking horizontally, vertically and obliquely, it is a line, which appears in the field of vision with a pleasing mechanical beauty?

But can there be a trace of coordination in the behavior of these robots? It's a mess. They're playing stand-alone!

Besides, where are your machines and machines?

Just now I walked slowly. Unexpectedly, a robot held a strange metal cavity, raised his gun and scolded his mother

If it is not a pure mechanical structure obviously exposed, he will mistakenly think that it is a power armor controlled by someone inside.

But as a leader, even if I don't understand, I can't show that I really don't understand at all, which will damage my prestige

"Cough! You don't know much about it. These are high-grade goods in robots!

Captain ghost, the leader of the ghost pirate regiment, has heard of it? It's a high nobleman from the mechanical family, who is equivalent to a star Archon of our empire!

The artificial intelligence technology of the mechanical family is hundreds of years more advanced than that of the Empire. The Empire dare not even apply intelligent technology on a large scale. Do you think their robots can be advanced?

Otherwise, do you think tens of thousands of robots can break through the solid headquarters and force the golden dagger adults to end themselves? "

"Oh, it's a high-grade product of the mechanical family!" people around suddenly realized.

"But Captain, you said that since the ghost captain was a mechanical aristocrat, what would he do to us?"

"Yes! It's said that everyone in the mechanical family has no feelings and is very cold!"

"Yes, yes! I also heard that in the eyes of the mechanical family, our humanoid creatures are a pile of carbohydrates, at most recyclable organic materials. Will they... Directly throw us into the decomposition tank?"

"Well, a mother! Why did we vote for them?"

"Yes, the leaders won't pit the big guys because they want to protect their lives? It's better to surrender black sail than surrender them!"

All the people were worried.

As an enemy, even if there is a neutral faction like silver dawn, the imperial official's publicity of the mechanical clan will never be too positive. Therefore, in the eyes of ordinary people, the reputation of the mechanical clan will not be very good.

"Why don't we just turn against his mother? I've kept an eye and secretly hid some weapons..." someone suddenly whispered.

When the captain heard the complaints of the people, he was greatly surprised to hear that someone was going to have an accident.

"No! Don't be impulsive. See the one who just took the lead? The tragedy of the base is thanks to this robot. Do you want to become a cosmic fireworks?

Even if we succeed in killing them, a group of covetous mecha around us can tear us to pieces in an instant!

You don't have to worry. The other party has guaranteed everyone's absolute safety, and you can go or stay at will after today. There will never be a pit for everyone! "

Just as the captain tried to appease the people, a little brother stood up and helped him out.

"Don't worry, the ghost captain is not so terrible.

I have a brother who belongs to the golden tooth pirate regiment. He used to get enough food and clothing. I heard that after joining the ghost captain, he not only retreated from the front line to the second line, but also his treatment was no worse than ours day by day.

Apart from others, personal safety is absolutely guaranteed. I saw him send a circle of friends two days ago and said that he would go back to his hometown to marry his daughter-in-law when he had earned enough for a suite.

Who are you following these days?

The equipment of the mechanical family is well-known and advanced. Captain ghost is also a strong player in the competitive list. It is said that he also has a legendary mecha. Maybe we can get a leg this time! "


"Of course!"

"Well... I think I can wait and see..."


Just as the major "ship faction" players began to quickly receive the fleet, the Ryan soldiers who had just returned from the battlefield were surrounded by a group of robots in the hangar.

"Wow! Is this the Ryan family? This size! This muscle! Even gray skin has texture!"

"In order to resist the slavery and exploitation of the Woolf Empire, the tragic race that failed in the struggle for hegemony of civilization resolutely joined the pirate camp of ghost captain.

Racial characteristics: strong physique and high-speed reflex nerves... Hey! Look at this background introduction, it's definitely that elite NPC hasn't run! "

"Well... It forms a sharp contrast with those pirate soldiers with code on their heads and perfunctory names..."

"What a group of powerful and majestic men. If there is one behind them, it will kill a black acerbity. I don't know whether to open recruitment in the later stage?"

"In short, it must be right to brush high popularity while there are few players!"


Spartak, who had just fought a big war and was also responsible for the latest return after the break, just got out of the mecha cab and saw such a harmonious picture of man-machine communication.

Soon after the "little black" robot was put into production, it actually began to install the ghost pirate regiment continuously. However, it usually only undertakes some simple tasks of base guard, and its performance is very normal.

In the eyes of pirates and Ryan people in the base, this is an armed patrol robot with general combat effectiveness and at most a little intelligence, which is no different from those seen in the past.

Before today, no one expected that this group of dull headed iron pimples who thought they could only be the gatekeeper would become the forward of this battle, and they scored the goal and completed the task incredibly.

This makes everyone take a new look at the combat effectiveness of this robot. Many internal pirates think it is a mechanical killer mace hidden by the ghost captain... Floor sweepers in peacetime and great experts in wartime.

However, the evaluation has been infinitely high, which does not prevent Spartak from falling into a short "Spartan" state for the first time.

He didn't understand why, with such a short time, these robots were like a different "person", which was like being possessed by some unknown creature.

Is this the powerful "brush" ability of the mechanical family?

Yes, these robots are the last to survive the previous beheading mission.

To some extent, they got through the first act of the game copy and were qualified to continue to promote the development of the plot... So they appeared here.

However, their number has decreased from 50000 to less than 5000.

Although they are consumables and perform tasks that are close to suicide, the war damage rate of more than 90% is still very heavy, and the elimination rate is quite high.

Of course, this war damage has no meaning of demoralizing players.

On the contrary, the player's morale will be high from time to time because of various inexplicable reasons. It's very Tauren!

For example, now, just because a player in the crowd looked at Spartak who had just got off the plane, and then subconsciously burst out, it completely ignited the players present

"Golden... Golden NPC!"