Chapter 659

Although the joint fleet of the dark temple and Kalon did not attack as soon as they came up, the two fleets in the confrontation had all their guns open and their shields were full, which had shown a strong smell of gunpowder. No one knew whether the battle would suddenly break out at the next moment.

At this time, a black crystal mecha suddenly appeared in front of Nie Yun and others without warning.

The whole body of this mecha is crystal clear and glowing under the irradiation of the surrounding light. Because of the black background, it looks very vague in the dark starry sky, just like a translucent ghost. If you don't pay attention, you will lose its trace.

The mecha has strange ball shaped crystals arranged at the elbows, knees, chest, back and so on, which looks like many pairs of eyes grow on the body.

Until the other party took the initiative to show his body, Nie Yun's fleet radar was slow to capture the other party's signal.

Shadow! The legendary mecha driven by the shadow has mysterious stealth ability and super small-scale mobility. It is known as the first assassin mecha of broken star!

According to the information collected by Nie Yun, it seems that the shadow signal is equipped with a special device that can weaken its gravitational fluctuation. Ordinary radar can't find its position at a long distance.

And when the distance is close enough that you can find it... To use a very fashionable word, when you see me, you are dead!

Although gravitational waves cannot be shielded, in theory they can be weakened or offset.

In theory, if you have an ultra thick metal wall in light years, you may be able to reduce the energy of gravitational waves by several percentage points.

Recently, the cloud Research Institute has also carried out similar research topics, such as "Research on the isolation effect of Mithril on gravitational waves", "Discussion on the shielding possibility of super energy field on gravitational waves", "interference possibility of space-time disturbance", etc., but there are few achievements.

Obviously, the Woolf empire is also ahead in this regard.

However, the shadow can have this high-tech product in the field of cutting-edge technology, which shows its deep background.

In addition to this top legendary mecha, the shadow also uses religion to rule the interior. All pirates in the pirate group enthusiastically believe in a god named "dark god".

Don't think that there is no religion in the interstellar age. On the contrary, the religion in Woolf empire is popular. The number of religions can't be accurately counted.

Because the more you know, the more you fear the universe, and fear is the hotbed of faith.

Through religious brainwashing, the shadow has cultivated an extremely loyal pirate army. No matter who is, he will feel a headache for this fierce and fearless cult.

It is said that many years ago, it was by virtue of the sneak attack and beheading of the shadow that the shadow directly killed almost all the top leaders of the previous seven pirate groups.

In addition, the fierce fighting method of the believer Legion exchanging life for life made the other party scared at the news. Only then did it succeed in the top position and become the new seven pirates.

When Nie Yun looked carefully at the legendary mecha, the shadow finally spoke.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Do I have to say congratulations to you?"

In the wide area communication channel, the shadow greeted flint and others like old friends, and was in the mood to make a joke, as if he didn't care about the destruction of gold coins.

"Ha ha! I haven't seen you for a long time, but should I say sorry and change to you?" flint smiled.

At the beginning, the two sides are the front of the language belt.

"So... The golden dagger is really dead?" the shadow asked suddenly.

"Well, I personally confirmed that the bodies were cold and dead."

The shadow was silent for a moment and sighed slightly. "Alas! An old friend who has known each other for many years suddenly left. It's really sad that some rabbits die."

"But if I say he committed suicide, do you believe it?" Flint's eyes narrowed slightly and said tentatively.

"Oh? That's really... Strong!" the shadow shrugged noncommittally at the news of gold Dagger's suicide.

This situation had long been expected by him.

Lucky escape or taking the initiative to choose death is the only possibility for a defeated golden dagger. Being captured will never happen.

"I don't know whether the golden dagger is strong or not, but we're curious about what secret he wants to keep." Flint's face coagulated.

Hearing the news of the golden Dagger's suicide, everyone didn't believe it at first.

No it... No need!

The seven pirates are also dignified people. As long as they surrender, any opponent will give them a decent treatment.

Er... Of course, if necessary, he will be given a decent way to die.

Even if the war is defeated, as long as there is room for turning around, even if he is arrogant like flint, he will at least choose to make a false deal with the snake, and then fantasize about a bridge section such as sleeping on wages and tasting bravery and Gou Jian destroying Wu.

But before we could figure out what to do with him, he took the poison himself? Too long?

If he hadn't watched the surveillance video at that time and personally confirmed that the body was poisoned and killed himself, Flint would never believe that the golden dagger would choose to commit suicide on the spot.

Pirates are neither loyal and righteous nor chaste martyrs. If they are captured, they have to end themselves?

It doesn't make sense unless... He has a reason to commit suicide! Like... Keeping a secret!

Except that Chilong is a bit silly, the other pirate leaders are not fools.

A secret that can be kept by a pirate boss at his own discretion. How knowledgeable the characters involved in this secret should be.

In fact, flint and others who hold an attitude of "you can say it for the time being, I can listen to it for the time being" towards Nie Yun's "second prince hypothesis" are also somewhat confused.

Is it the big man?

At the thought that he might accidentally destroy the Royal Highness's horse, even flint, who had previously clamored that he would rather be broken than complete, had a little swing in his legs and stomach.

"Secrets? So... What secrets do you want to know?" the shadow looked around and asked meaningfully.

Everyone is silent, even if they have guessed, but everyone knows that it's much safer not to know than to know at this time.

Some things come out of the mouth as soon as they are said.

The Messiah and red dragon looked at each other with a trace of complexity in their eyes.

"Cough! Secret, of the course, is... Your relationship with the golden dagger!" flint said immediately.

"Aren't you and Caron having a hot fight outside? Why, for a gold dagger, you were together before?

Do you want to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and then the three pirate groups work together to clean up the mess? "

"Hehe! This regimental commander flint is a bit of a traitor. I heard that you suddenly attacked gold coins. Carlon and I are in danger now!

Who knows if you want to aim at us after you destroy the gold coins and increase your strength?

The joint efforts of your four pirate groups have destroyed the balance of power in the broken star domain. Kalon and I chose to rescue gold coins just to keep warm and protect ourselves. "

Flint didn't want to say, and the shadow naturally pretended to be confused.

He didn't want to give each other more association space, so he turned his eyes to the ghost Pirate Group on the edge of the joint fleet.

"Captain ghost, meet you again! Unexpectedly, the ghost Pirate Group, which was not seen by me in just a few months, has now developed to this scale, which is amazing.

So... What role do you play in this event? "

Nie Yun hasn't spoken yet, but flint has laughed and took over the conversation.

"Ha ha! Brother ghost has made great efforts this time. He is not only the direct initiator and facilitator of our coalition army, but also led his powerful troops to take the lead in breaking the base of golden dagger. He can be said to be the first hero of this war!

In this way, if we want to be resourceful and resourceful, we must give corresponding status to excellent pirates with strength!

Therefore, after internal discussion, we unanimously decided that he accounted for the majority of the spoils of the gold coin Pirate Group, and the vacant seven pirate seats will be officially taken over by the ghost Pirate Group from now on! "

Kill! Naked support!

Nie Yun couldn't help drawing corners of his mouth.

Flint, who tried to belittle the role of the ghost pirate regiment when he just divided the spoils, now boasted himself to the sky, which was not kind.

By saying so, he is equivalent to directly blaming himself for the destruction of gold coins.

Er... Although the facts are similar, carrying this pot will undoubtedly make yourself and the ghost pirate group the primary revenge target of the mysterious enemy.

In fact, as long as this matter is investigated a little, unless flint and others are tight lipped, it will be revealed sooner or later.

This is the side effect of Nie Yun's high-profile participation in the game.

Nie Yun, who is secretly engaged in trading, certainly wants to... But he doesn't have the strength and inside information of the other party in the broken star field.

If you want to keep a low profile, you can't break the game. If you want to break the game, you can't keep a low profile. This is an unsolved proposition.

Flint is worthy of being a thoughtful old coin. In a short sentence, he not only dumped the pot, but also pulled his hind legs.

When the tiger comes, I don't have to run faster than the tiger. I just need to run faster than others.

With the ghost Pirate Group as the first hate target, wouldn't his black sail be safer?

Sure enough, the shadow's eyes at the ghost Pirate Group immediately changed.

It seems that the culprit who sabotaged their plans... Has been found!

Nie Yun, who was forced to do business by flint and pushed directly to position C of the stage highlight, is also quite single.

Since I can't hide my glory, let me... Dominate this stage!

"Yes, the golden dagger was killed by me alive! What? Bite me!"

Shadow: "

Flint: "

Everyone: "

This scene happened to be recorded by a pirate who became a well-known painter in Congliang in the future. With the artistic expression of "post interstellar era", it is permanently fixed in the historical records of the future broken star field.

The pirate king, who dominated the Woolf Empire, issued the most arrogant declaration in front of a crowd of staring pirates... Refuse to fight!

It is said that this famous painting "refused to accept". At a later auction, it was taken away by a super rich man named Alice at a sky high price