Chapter 679

While the other four pirates began to rob, Nie Yun took his ghost pirate fleet to avoid the densely populated star region of the Locke consortium and sneaked all the way to a very remote channel

When he saw the desolate but very familiar planet, Spartak couldn't help but take the heat in his eyes.

"Ryan star! We... Are finally back!"

"Roar!" "back! We're back!" "woo ~"

Cheers and many people's sobs rang out in the headset.

The Ryan people have waited too long for this moment.

Ryan star, although it is named after Ryan, is not their hometown, but a huge prison for Ryan people!

Today, with advanced weapons and a powerful fleet, they follow the ghost captain who gives hope to their family... And come back!

Although the Locke consortium consciously strengthened its defense here after the last Ryan robbery, the Gemini war was disadvantageous, and finally a group was transferred by clorus. Now only 50 warships remain.

In normal times, the combat effectiveness of 50 warships is enough to deter most pirate forces, and it is more than enough to deal with the ghost pirate regiment that attacked last time.

But the ghost Pirate Group at this time is no longer what it used to be

"Keep silence! Keep stealth!" Spartak whispered, and the excited atmosphere in the channel eased down and resumed silence.

Tens of thousands of mecha turn on the stealth mode, just like a group of assassins in the dark night, quietly approaching the "jailers" stationed in the prison, but their hearts are like an impending mountain torrent.

800000 kilometers... 600000 kilometers... 400000 kilometers

Until they approached 300000 kilometers, the fleet radar patrolling the high-altitude orbit of lane found some abnormalities and began to have some riots.

In the optical stealth state, the visual detection radar fails, and only the mass effect radar can work.

The mecha has a small target and light weight. It can go forward to a closer distance, so as to... Launch a surprise attack!

Almost at the same time when the stealth troops were found opposite, in the void somewhere a million kilometers away, a fleet of pure black paint slowly appeared, with a number of more than 300 ships.

"Command, the battle formation of the fleet is unfolded!" Nie Yun ordered.

The shield rises, the muzzle expands, and the naked attack intention is undoubtedly revealed!

Yes, this time, Nie Yun is ready to repeat his old skills and continue to rob people.

He is short of money, weapons and equipment, or people.

So others focused on the wealth of the Locke consortium, but he focused on hundreds of thousands of excellent soldiers on Ryan.

The mecha in front and the fleet in the back launch a coordinated attack by entering the radar detection range of the other party at almost the same time. This is the classic opening routine of sneak attack war, which is similar to the "infantry gun coordination" on the earth in the old era.

"Enemy attack! Pull the alarm!"

"Pirates! Those pirates again!"

"God, how can there be so many warships? Please ask for help!"

The left behind fleet of the Locke consortium quickly reacted, quickly entered the combat state, and began to release the fighter armor.

More than a dozen fortress guns just equipped on the high-altitude orbit of the planet have also begun to charge.

"Ab formation, alternate cover... Charge for Ryan!" Spartak roared, and the mecha engine spewed out a long red wake, like the most blazing flame in his heart!

"For Ryan! Charge!"

At the moment, the morale of the Ryan soldiers has been full, and they don't need verbal encouragement at all. Red eyes followed the front wing and launched a sprint.

In the formation of two planes in front and back, in the face of the enemy fleet that has reacted and began to fire and block with all its strength, the wingmen in front obviously need to take greater risks.

"Follow the mode, everyone cover your comrades in arms. If we die, we can reduce the evaluation level at most. If they die, they have to deduct military merit and rank!"

The wingman in front and the Ryan mecha in the rear are linked by short-range two aircraft, which are completely consistent in both action and dodge direction, as if they were together.

Obviously, this mode is to better cover the rear host.

"Don't worry, we'll die in front of them if we die."

"If I can get a five-star praise from Ryan's comrades in arms, I can earn military merit even if the mecha is destroyed. I'm afraid of death when I'm stupid."

"Yes, now their lives are much more valuable than ours. I have considered more than a dozen positions to block guns for each other. Now I'm struggling with which is more handsome."

"Hey, hey! Don't think about how to die. If you cooperate with your comrades in arms, you can brush your favor. It's said that the favor reaches the standard, and the recruitment mode may be opened in the later stage."

"Well... I've begun to fantasize about taking a group of Ryan soldiers with a height of eight feet and a waist of eight feet to the streets to flirt with good family women. Baa, ha ha..."


The so-called "ab" formation can be said to be a unique charge formation of the ghost pirate regiment.

It abandoned the "three talents array" used by the Ryan people and turned to the double collocation of the main wingman.

The key is that every Ryan warrior of the "hammer of destruction" mecha regiment is equipped with a fearless "wingman"... "Ghost Knight reserve".

Yes, it's the legendary immortal brave, boss natural enemy, experienced locust, and adventurer across the endless world... "Player"!

Through the last large-scale airborne and the debut of the gold coin Pirate Group, Nie Yun and the elder have basically practiced the super-s skill of "group descent" from beginner to beginner.

After several closed door discussions, some special adjustments and optimizations have been made in detail. Today's "Changsheng card" secluded energy signal tower has been upgraded from 4G era to 5g era.

The signal transmission distance is not necessarily improved much, but it has been greatly improved in low power consumption, ubiquitous network and so on.

In short, it can support more players online at the same time and last longer.

Even now, except for the three brothers, there is still no player whose spiritual attributes meet the ultra-high requirements of "bearing the coming consumption alone", but it is more than enough to pull tens of thousands of "reserve" players in a low-intensity war.

Although the aircraft sea tactics can effectively resist the heavy artillery of the fleet, the close combat is extremely dangerous, so the mortality of mecha soldiers has been high.

This is also the main reason why the Locke consortium bought Ryan as cannon fodder in order to pay less pension.

Therefore, Nie Yun developed the "ab formation" with serious policy inclination.

A Ryan warrior, coupled with a player fighter wingman, allows the player to take a more risky and dangerous battle position, and uses the player's "immortal attribute" to reduce the casualties of Ryan warriors. This is the essence of this formation.

With the progress of technology, Nie Yun's early "man-machine hybrid" plan began to be experimentally promoted and tried.

A group of Ryan soldiers with high morale, together with a group of players' meat shields who "look back to death", when tens of thousands of such combinations rushed into the other party's air defense circle, the battle was basically no suspense.

The mecha fell and the warship burned.

After paying a certain price, countless red eyed Ryan soldiers stepped over the remains left by the "jailers" and rushed into the thin atmosphere of Ryan.

In the dim night sky of Ryan star, it may be the most brilliant meteor shower in its life