Chapter 686

"Hahaha! I'm really rich this time!" looking at the fleet of ships pulling out a long line behind me, the red dragon's eyes are shining and his mouth is almost to his ears.

At the moment, the Shuanglong fleet has completed its assembly and is slowly withdrawing from the sphere of influence of the Locke consortium with its booty.

But at this time, the size of the two fleets more than doubled?

Warships, cargo ships, and even large supply ships. There are all kinds of ships robbed. The only thing in common is that they are all full of amazing wealth!

Where the pirates passed, the spaceports, docks, industrial bases, major cities and other key areas of each planet were wildly looted by the pirates.

In all kinds of storage warehouses, the piles of various materials are simply dazzling the eyes of the pirates and completely open to them without defense.

Lots and lots of energy crystals, brand-new mecha and newly launched spaceships. The pirates feel like they are in a dream while grabbing them.

Usually they rob passing caravans at most. Have these pirates ever encountered such super luxury treatment as "self-help robbery"?

Even though most of the selected weapons and equipment and small valuable goods are in short supply in the broken Star area, they still fill the storage space of the fleet, and some cargo ships that have not had time to unload are packed away, resulting in the sharp expansion of the scale of the whole fleet.

If it had not been for the news of the return of the Locke consortium fleet, the Messiah had to forcibly pull away the red dragon who had robbed red eyes. He was reluctant to leave this pirate paradise.

"Alas! After this experience, I instantly feel that my previous pirate career... Is a waste of life!" Chilong smashed his mouth.

The Messiah rolled her eyes, but she had to admit that this wave of looting... Was great!

It is conservatively estimated that only with this harvest, they can not only restore their strength to the peak, but also greatly expand a wave of power!

"Two bosses, the fleet of the ghost pirate regiment has arrived in the nearby star domain and requests to be incorporated into our fleet."

Hearing the little brother's report, Chilong didn't think about it. With a big hand, "agree to the request and let them follow behind us!"

Nie Yun "consigned" his fleet. Naturally, he also said hello to Shuanglong.

In this regard, Shuanglong didn't think there was anything wrong. After all, holding together can fully prevent the enemy's wild area gank!

"How many warships does the other side have?" but the Messiah kept an eye on it.

"Er... About 100 ships," he reported.

"Only 100 ships?!" the Messiah stared, incredible.

Only 100 warships are used to protect their booty, the ghost captain... Do you trust us so much

Did I look away before? This is actually an innocent mechanical family with ordinary and normal brain circuits?

"I heard that the ghost Pirate Group robbed millions of Ryan people this time?" the mass narrowed his eyes and thought carefully in his heart.

The combat effectiveness of the Ryan warriors, even the broken star region, is well-known.

In the last siege of the gold coin pirate regiment, the performance of the Ryan mecha regiment was particularly eye-catching, and the average combat effectiveness was much stronger than that of ordinary pirates.

After robbing this wave, Shuanglong has no shortage of weapons and equipment for the time being. If a group of Ryan soldiers can join in, their strength will definitely rise again!

If they didn't know the exact location of Ryan, I'm afraid the Messiah would be tempted to rob people.

Now seeing such a large number of excellent soldiers in front of us, it is impossible to say that we have no idea.

Captain ghost deliberately sent a delicious duck to test our endurance? Sorry, I can't help it

"Er... Isn't that good? After all, Captain ghost has helped us a lot." seeing the look of the Messiah, Chilong immediately knew what she was thinking and couldn't help but show hesitation.

"What's not so good? I didn't say to rob. At most, I'll buy two or three ships according to the market price!" the Messiah stared.

The red dragon shrunk his neck and dared not speak.

At market price? Slave market price? This is not robbery?


On the other hand, 200 elite fleets belonging to the ghost Pirate Group evaded the unmanned patrol cordon of the Locke consortium, sneaked all the way, and finally came to a star region that was very familiar to the Ryan family.

"This..." the old patriarch recognized the star map of the nearby star domain at a glance.

Isn't this the wormhole area where you and others have fought with Gemini?

What are we doing here?

But soon, the old patriarch knew what they were doing here, because the harsh level-1 war readiness alarm had sounded through the whole fleet

Although cloros withdrew his fleet, wormhole, a strategic place, did not intend to give up, leaving 200 defense fleets here.

With the semi permanent defense line built during the previous confrontation with Gemini, these forces are enough to deal with the possible pursuit of Gemini.

But this time, the first attack... Came from the other side of the defense line!

"The rear! The enemy appears in the rear! It's a pirate!"

The unexpected raid plunged the left behind fleet of the Locke consortium into a brief panic, but it reacted quickly.

The warship began to turn its body, the mecha troops began to eject, and a large number of weapons in the defense line also turned their guns.

"Hmm?" Nie Yun raised his eyebrows slightly.

This reaction speed, the enemy seemed to have expected them to come?

That's interesting

The fleets of both sides soon began to shoot at each other. Unexpectedly, the ghost Pirate Group, which had the first advantage, fell into a disadvantage in firepower.

"Boss, the fire density on the opposite side is 30% higher than expected. Obviously, these are not the other party's ordinary fleets, but elite!" the code quickly found something wrong from the battlefield statistics.

Sure enough!

Mingming's backyard is on fire, but an elite team is still arranged here

It seems that the other party has already guessed that they will come to seize the important place?

Just then, as the opposite fleet spread out its formation, a warship that was obviously several times larger slowly emerged.

flagship! Cloros' flagship didn't come back with the army, but waited here!

"Is my intention so obvious?" Nie Yun touched his nose.

Nie Yun led the elite to the wormhole, naturally in order to fulfill his second commitment to Gemini... Wormhole control!

In fact, Nie Yun wants to hand over the control of the wormhole to Gemini, not only in exchange for the chip of "vector engine", but also to achieve his own strategic purpose.

That is to contain the Locke consortium!

Although the current situation seems to be very good, Nie Yun has left huge hidden dangers this time.

Gemini, broken star pirates and Locke consortium. Among the three forces, Gemini has been seriously damaged. Broken star pirates are a mess, and Locke consortium's comprehensive strength is still the most powerful.

Although this time the pirates took advantage of the opportunity to roll a handful of the wool of the Locke consortium, which hurt jinlocke's muscles and bones, and almost breathed away.

But relying on the advantages of Woolf Empire, it can quickly recover after the war.

So here's the question. If the Locke consortium recovers, what does it want most?

No doubt, revenge!

And the target of revenge has to be said. The ghost captain who directed all this is definitely the number one target.

In addition, the forces behind clorus are also potential threats. It is hard to believe that they will give up when the "vector engine" is intercepted.

In this operation, the ghost Pirate Group, which is in the limelight, is like cooking oil with fire. Behind the seemingly beautiful scenery, it is actually facing a huge survival crisis!

If you can, Nie Yun wants to kill the dead fat paper and completely disintegrate the Locke consortium!

As the nest of golden Locke, the fortification of the Locke galaxy can be called the super fortress level. The difficulty of the strategy is more than one level higher than that of the bandiaozi military base of the gold coin Pirate Group?

The pirates don't look at the fierce robbery. In fact, none of them are willing to bite this hard bone, especially when the reinforcements may return at any time.

Unless Nie Yun can gather the strength of the five pirate groups to attack at any cost, but I want to know that several other pirate groups will never agree to this thankless action.

Since he can't do it in a short time, Nie Yun can only think of other ways, such as... Find more allies and trust them.

Gemini is undoubtedly the best choice at the moment!

As long as the broken star field can be connected with the Gemini, it can form a potential of attack on the Locke consortium, so that the Locke consortium will throw a rat's deterrent even if it wants revenge.

But there is a premise, that is, the strategic node of wormhole must be opened!

Obviously, clorus also thought of this layer and had been waiting here for a long time.

"Boss! According to the comparison of the combat effectiveness of both sides, even if we can win here, we will definitely pay a great price. In addition, since the other party has been prepared for a long time, we don't rule out the possibility that the other party still has other killer maces!" the code quickly said after analyzing the battlefield situation.

"There's no way. In that case, we can only call for help outside the field." Nie Yun's face was still relaxed.

The other party saw through his intention and only added some trouble to him. This was a conspiracy.

No matter whether the other party has prepared in advance or not, the outcome will not change.

In the final analysis, the situation that the Locke consortium is short of troops and eager to return aid has not changed after all. Even if it thinks that the wormhole will be attacked, it can't leave much troops for defense at all.

Otherwise, what is waiting here is not 200 elite ships, but an ambush on all sides.

Although Nie Yun brought a little less troops to steal the tower this time, the Gemini fleet has arrived opposite the wormhole!

ISAR has no reason to object to the credit of such a big wave of Baina for recovering the wormhole by herself and only dealing with a mere 200 warships.

Soon, a large number of transition reactions appeared in the wormhole direction, and void vortices suddenly appeared