Chapter 701

A neutral "roll" made the battlefield silent for a moment.

The whole person of the shadow was almost confused.

He thought he might be rejected, but he never thought he would be rejected in this way.

Even if the two dragons and the madman, flint is the pirate leader he is most confident to convince, because he has the greatest desire for power and is most unlikely to yield to forbearance.

But what happened now? Let me go?

Even if you think the conditions I give are not good enough, we can still discuss the price and return the money on the ground!

Despise a baron... What immortal promise does everything give you?

Let you an empire, or let you shine?

"Very good! It seems that you are determined to follow all things for a while and walk to the dark! If you want to die, I will complete you."

Although I couldn't see the specific expression, it could be seen from the blue vein exposed neck under the mask that the shadow had left anger.

Flint smiled bitterly, and this time it was a sin to death.

It's not that I'm not excited, but no matter how great a benefit, I have to live to enjoy it

The shadow finally glanced at the huge fleet in front of him, and then turned out of the command room without hesitation.

The dark temple must have been lost, but if the enemy thinks my shadow is a soft persimmon that is easy to pinch, it's a big mistake!

It's time for you guys to recall the fear of being dominated by the shadow signal in those years


Dense naval guns are raging, and countless mecha fight each other.

In the face of the six pirate coalition forces with absolute superiority, the defense system carefully built by the dark temple was soon destroyed one by one by saturated gunfire.

Unwilling to wait to die, the Pirates of the dark temple had to start a tragic charge. The believers brainwashed by the spirit showed amazing tenacity.

No one was afraid. Everyone shouted the name of "dark god" and rushed to the enemy with fanatical eyes.

They prayed for the gods they believed in, and believed that death was a return. Even if the body was seriously damaged, they should find a chance to rush up and die with the enemy.

The madness of looking back at death made all the pirates feel numb.

However, no matter how fanatical the belief is, it can not reverse the absolute gap in combat power between the two sides. In the face of dense artillery fire, the fleet and mecha of the dark temple are eliminated without suspense.

"Click!" "boom!"

Leviathan's open mouth suddenly closed, and a dark temple warship captured by the directional force field was directly bitten in two and exploded into a fireball.

Leviathan, with rough skin and thick flesh, was the first to engage in close combat with the dark temple, and became a fire attraction on the battlefield.

Thousands of synthetic biological beasts gathered around Leviathan to help stop the crazy attacks of dark temple mecha.

A large number of attacks fell on Leviathan, but were blocked by layers of bone armor. Compared with Leviathan's huge body, the damage caused can only be regarded as tickling, which fully explains what is the first meat shield in the broken star domain!

Defense is desperate, but the firepower is fierce!

Leviathan is huge, with a large number of Fortress guns and air defense firepower on his body. He incarnates into the most eye-catching super fort on the battlefield and destroys a large number of enemies who continue to rush madly.

Last time, Nie Yun was clever. He used a flagship to fight alone with the Kalon beast. The other party despised the enemy and didn't even bring his younger brother. Finally, the Mithril warship not only successfully penetrated into the other party's stomach, but also cheated to fight and repair the warship.

The battle effectiveness of the Kalon beast was turned over by electricity without even giving play to 12 / 10, but it does not mean that the strength of the Kalon beast is not strong.

If it is a frontal confrontation, even if the ghost pirate group can defeat the Kalon, the loss will be absolutely huge.

With Leviathan in front, the output of the rear fleet is more calm, and the fleet of the dark temple is almost as many as it comes and dies.

Among them, several large flagship ships clustered together are the most eye-catching, providing considerable heavy firepower for the fleet in front. Nie Yun's jiewang gun is like the sharpest sniper gun, specially shooting at those very threatening large warships and hard bones.

"Hum! It's ridiculous. I really think I'll be dazzled by anger?"

The shadow hidden in the dark glanced at the flagship pile with obvious bait meaning, and couldn't help laughing.

Although he is arrogant, he will not be arrogant enough to kill all the pirate captains opposite with a legendary mecha.

You don't have to guess. The other party will certainly guard against his own assassination. He must have set a lot of traps around his flagship!

The shadow is strong, but there are at least four legends on the opposite side, and both close combat and long-range are available. An assassin alone to pick a complete legendary team?

I'm afraid it's too long?

Even if you are quite confident in your hiding and escape skills, you have to guard against any targeted traps because the other party lures you so much.

Patience is a necessary accomplishment for a legendary assassin!

You guard against me today, can you still get together every day?

When a few people are alone and relax their vigilance, it is the best time to make their own moves!

But... The dark temple I worked hard to build was destroyed. You have to pay some interest today

The shadow turned his eyes to Leviathan, who was killing all sides on the battlefield.

The shadow of Leviathan's power is naturally experienced. It is definitely a great threat in the operation of the large legion, and will certainly cause no small trouble for our future actions. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate this strategic arm as soon as possible.

It is not difficult to kill Leviathan for mastering all kinds of hidden shadows of Kalon.

The Kalon beast was originally the product of their secret laboratory. It was put into the broken star field, not only to enhance the strength of their own layout, but also to verify the combat performance of this biochemical weapon.

Unfortunately, no matter how strong the fortress is, it is still easy to break through from the inside. This is Leviathan's fatal defect.

Under the cover of the chaotic battlefield, the shadow quietly approached Leviathan's battlefield.

He did not act immediately, but looked around very carefully until he confirmed that there was no ambush around Leviathan.

"Roar ~" Leviathan, unaware of the danger, opened his mouth again, and the invisible directional force field shrouded the warship of the next dark temple.

Even if he tried his best, the unlucky ship still couldn't bear the huge pulling force, and was slowly pulled into the huge black mouth



The giant mouth closed slowly, and the fire and explosion all over the sky behind him were isolated. The whole world was suddenly dark and silent, as if from day to night

A moment later, a pair of dark red eyes with cold light suddenly lit up!

The void twisted slightly, but soon returned to normal.

The ghost like shadow signal successfully sneaked in, but it didn't show its shape immediately. Instead, it carefully maintained its stealth posture and was on full alert.

He looked around. For Leviathan, who was more than 200 kilometers long, it was only an empty and huge space for dozens of warships in his mouth.

The detector was fully open until it was confirmed that there was no ambush around. The shadow carefully avoided all kinds of debris and debris around and slowly dived deeper into Leviathan.

As the creator of the Kalon, the shadow side naturally knows how to avoid all kinds of corrosive blood and the "digestive system" enough to frustrate any life and machinery and reach the control core of Leviathan.

What he plans to go now is such a "secret maintenance channel".

However, just as he approached Leviathan's esophagus, a voice suddenly came from his ear, which directly made the shadow's heart skip half a beat.

"Welcome to the 'little black house', now... Open your eyes at dawn!"

The sound... Captain ghost?!

too bad! Got it!

The other party's ambush location is not near the flagship at all, but... In Leviathan!

Before the shadow's face changed, the next second, a strong light burst out in front of the field of vision, like a flash bomb exploding in front of him.

A large number of sudden light sources instantly brighten this dark space as bright as day.

"What?!" the shadow pupil contracted suddenly.

At the same time, the shadow signal slowly appeared in the ubiquitous strong light.

Detection guard!

This is a special high-power "stealth searchlight" specially designed by the cloud Research Institute with reference to the "stealth detection laser", which has all patents except the naming right!

Although it seems to emit only ordinary white light, in fact, there are high-frequency changes in the spectrum all the time.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, plus ultraviolet and infrared. In the face of this high-speed changing light and shadow, the optical camouflage system of shadow signal wants to follow the spectral changes of the outside world to maintain invisibility, but it can't change its face so quickly.

Therefore, the shadow's optical stealth system completely turned it into a fuzzy human mosaic

Although it is still difficult to distinguish with the naked eye in the dark background, for the electronic eye that can quickly recognize images, it is like a firefly in the night. It is so windy!

Although the force field stealth technology of shadow signal is high-end and Nie Yun can't crack it, it's much easier to crack optical stealth.

Although Leviathan's mouth has a huge space and the detection range of searchlights is limited, as long as the number is stacked and a large number of detection guards are installed, the peeping maniac can be exposed in all directions without dead angles, leaving the shadow signal nowhere to hide!

"I've shouted thirteen times. If you don't appear again, I'm almost ready to close the stall..." Nie Yun expressed dissatisfaction with the caution of the shadow.

"Should you say you are too stupid or too confident..." the Messiah's voice was faint.

"Hey, hey! I didn't expect you to come!" Chilong was full of bad intentions.

"Oh! You shouldn't have come," flint regretted.

"Come on! Have a good fight!" the madman was excited.

The next moment, Nie Yun dispersed the spirit shielding field, and the harsh alarm sounded on the shadow radar. However, it was too late to say anything at the moment.

In the face of the five legendary mecha carefully ambushed in front and slowly approaching, the shadow looks a little pitiful.

It's like being locked up in a small black room and facing five big gray wolves

Suddenly, bean big cold sweat appeared on the shadow's forehead