Chapter 742

Just when the pirates were flattering, not far from the explosion area of the flagship of the Locke fleet

"Zizizi!" a few red lights flashed away, and a large piece of warship wreckage suddenly fell apart and burst open, with an unusually smooth incision.

The Crypt Lord of cloros slowly showed up

"Eh?" Nie Yun was enjoying the prestige of the pirate camp when he suddenly found something unusual.

"It's not dead?" Nie Yun was surprised.

It's reasonable that at the speed of vector flying sword, the other party will directly receive the lunch if he doesn't have time to respond. So... How did the other party survive?

Nie Yun naturally did not expect that clorus actually abandoned the fleet and wanted to evacuate one step ahead of time. A little time difference gave him a chance to board his legendary mecha and narrowly escaped.

"Eh? Look, it's your commander's Crypt Lord! Commander is not dead!"

Due to the need to open the shield to block the explosion afterwave of the flagship, the energy fluctuation of the Crypt Lord could not be concealed at all, and was directly discovered by the two sides who were still in scuffle.

However, before the Locke fleet was happy, they found that... Their commander turned away without saying a word!

Cloros is obviously ready. At the moment, an auxiliary propulsion module is mounted behind the Crypt Lord. With the strong mobility of the legendary mecha itself, the escape speed is fast enough to fly.

His commander survived, and then he ran away

This is more demoralizing than his direct death!

This time, the fighting will of the Locke fleet camp directly collapsed, and a large number of enemy troops began to play signal bombs and choose to surrender.

"This is the additional damage caused by deceiving the corpse?" Nie Yun looked strange.

Of course he didn't intend to let clorus escape.

Shadow is to catch big fish for a long time. It's too late to protect. What's the matter if you run away?

Go back and help the second prince continue his Yin move?

As an enemy commander, clorus is a famous general with a high reputation. His intelligence value is definitely not low.

Moreover, he has fought with Nie Yun for several times, and he already knows his layout and influence characteristics here. If he let the tiger go back to the mountain, he may really cause some trouble to himself.

Keep one and put another. This is Nie Yun's plan.

As for how to leave clorus, Nie Yun glanced at the energy slot of the vector engine... A little low.

At this time, it is slowly catching up with the "energy-saving mode"

Although the vector engine has no external spacecraft or war stars, it is equivalent to light loading, and the energy consumed by acceleration and direction change is not too exaggerated, it is still very amazing.

A near light attack basically bottoms out its energy and needs to be recharged before it can continue to be used.

Taking the vector engine as a flying sword, although the explosive power is very strong, but due to the lack of external energy support, the endurance is naturally affected. The typical explosion is 1 minute and charging is 5 hours.

This is also the reason why Nie Yun chose to use it at the last critical moment. There is only one chance. If cloros is killed at the beginning of the battle, Locke fleet and jinlocke may be scared to flee without fighting.

If you take all the experience values by yourself, what else do you take for training?

"It's OK! I've prepared another backhand just in case..."

Nie Yun looked at Chloe Ross who fled quickly, but his face was not half worried.


What the hell is that?

Vector engine? But how could it be so strong?

It can break a flagship with one blow. Can it turn around and make up for itself?

Run! We must get out of here as soon as possible!

Mingming has reserved enough time for himself to escape, but unexpectedly, the vector engine will become so terrible when it comes to the ghost captain!

The flagship of Locke fleet is also a large warship of battle patrol level. It was destroyed and killed in the blink of an eye.

I'm afraid I wouldn't know how to die if I didn't have a big life and a Crypt Lord!

He really couldn't figure it out. The vector engine was so powerful that the Gemini brain was caught by the door, and he took it to carry the war star?

Isn't it fragrant when flying sword?

Gemini: "... (do you think I don't want to?)

Clorus galloped all the way. He was frightened by the terrible power of the vector engine.

The Crypt Lord pulled out a long streamer behind him, passed through his own rear array, and fled frantically towards the battlefield.

Fortunately, the terrible attack did not appear again until clorus left the battlefield.

Behind him was the fleet of the Locke consortium. It would take a long time even to receive prisoners. The pirate fleet could not catch up so quickly, which made clorus feel a little at ease.

"This ghost captain... I can't compete with my strength now!"

After a series of disastrous defeats, clorus finally had a clear understanding in his heart.

Counting the rise of Captain ghost's pirate king, which enemy is no stronger than him?

But in the end, all the enemies in front of him either became horsemen or took Bento. It was like feeding the little monster of experience, but made the strength of the other party expand rapidly!

You think he has only one card in his hand. As a result, people turn out a pair at once. You think they have a pair. As a result, people throw bombs directly

If you want to defeat this guy with endless cards, you must not add oil tactics. You must directly dispatch the boss to crush him with absolute strength!

He has made up his mind and immediately suggested his Highness the second prince to put out this pirate force at all costs!

He had a premonition that once he allowed this guy to develop, he might become the heart of the second prince

However, his idea is doomed to fail.

A shadow has quietly appeared over clorus, almost parallel to the Crypt Lord, but clorus doesn't feel it

Assassin's top skills... Go hand in hand!

At the next moment, the radar alarm of the local cave Lord sounded bleakly, and croros only felt his scalp explode.

Then... There is no then


The lacquered black short sword pierces the cab of the Crypt Lord from top to bottom!


Clorus, he lived, then he ran, and then he died again

The whole audience was shocked by this scene.

Beheading and beheading, especially the assassin who sent out hit his shirt

"Gu ~" the red dragon swallowed his saliva.

"Ghost brother, are you sure... That's just a high imitation?"

Even if the crystal shield is used, the stealth system of the shadow is a unique secret skill. Can it be imitated?

"Of course, the products produced by the organization must be high-quality products. If you can see the true and false, what kind of high imitation is that?" Nie Yun brushed the force grid for the organization.

"Well... How about imitating a 'Knight King' for me?" the red dragon licked his face.

Nie Yun: "

The knight king, the strongest machine armour of the legendary Star Cross knights, has always been the only qualified plane for the head of the strongest knights. He has made great achievements for the imperial royal family for thousands of years.

It is said that also thousands of years ago, with the last group of Star Cross Knights disappeared in the long river of history.

I haven't even touched such an old antique. How can I copy it?

Are you still bragging one second, and the cowhide will be pierced by these two lengs the next?

"Yes! If you work hard for the organization for 30 years according to your current meritorious accumulation rate, you can almost ask the organization to copy one for you." Nie Yun offered with an oblique eye.

Chilong: "

Working for a mecha for 30 years?

I've heard of house slaves. Aren't I a "machine slave"?