Chapter 749

"According to clorus' plan, the shadow should kill me first, and then use this trap to kill jinlocke and other pirate leaders. In this way, the pirate alliance has no leader and can no longer pose a threat to them

No! Not only that, next, the shadow just needs to shout and cooperate with the deterrence of the second prince. Maybe it can directly subdue the remaining pirate leaders, so as to completely control the legacy of the pirate alliance and get a huge force out of thin air

The shadow of his stronghold used the influence of the dark temple, but he wanted to use it again

Sure enough, it's easy to calculate! "

After Nie Yun's resumption, he soon guessed the follow-up plan of clorus.

"Fortunately, I decided to kill this guy before, otherwise someone would always calculate himself behind his back, and I think it would be a headache..." Nie Yun was a little lucky.

Sure enough, you can't underestimate the heroes in the world!

With a sigh, Nie Yun took out the communicator, "Moxi, Moxi! Captain Flint, are you still alive?"

"Zizi ~ Zizi ~ cough! Cough! Broken... Several broken ribs, but I can't die!"

After a long time, some noisy reply sounded in the communicator.

"Fortunately, I'm smart. I stopped the wave by relying on the energy crystal mountain. Otherwise, I'm afraid it's more or less bad now!"

Although the energy crystal is a high-density energy medium, its nature is quite stable. In addition to specific excitation methods, it is impossible to detonate it even if a nuclear bomb explodes nearby.

Because of this characteristic, it can circulate in all galaxies as hard currency.

After all... No one wants to go shopping with a bag of high-risk explosives

If the 10000 tons of energy crystal were blown up, it would not be as simple as the vault. I'm afraid the whole rock star would be evaporated directly.

I'm sure clorus can't do that no matter how crazy he is.

Nie Yun was finally a little relieved. They went down together. If they survived and flint died, it was really hard to tell. The pirates must have made up seventeen or eight conspiracy theories.

Fortunately, the worst didn't happen.

"Where's the guy kinlock?"

If that guy dies, it's the second worst case.

"Oh! That guy, although he's not dead, he's a little miserable now. I just injected him with stimulants. He should be relieved before the effect disappears."

Flint's tone was a little schadenfreude. It was obvious that he was still angry about jinlock's hair blowing just now.

This guy is very careful

Nie Yun pulled the corners of his mouth.

I think so. Flint, who wears armor, has broken several ribs. I'm afraid jinlock, who wears cloth armor, will only be more miserable. Maybe it's a mosaic now.

But Nie Yun didn't care much about jinlocke's injury.

These days, it's not easy to die as long as you still have a breath.

"Can you come up by yourself?" Nie Yun asked.

"Well, barely."

"OK! I'll send someone to pick you up. Well... It's better to bring kinlock out alive."

"Don't worry, it's a big deal. Give him some more needles.

But then again, this clorus is really haunted. Well, there are not many things left in the vault. It's estimated that the harvest will shrink by more than half. It's all money!

Fortunately, the blasting expert he hired had some water, which was obviously not powerful enough to kill me! Hahaha... "

Not powerful enough? Nie Yun skimmed his lips.

I'm afraid you think too much. If I didn't sell my body, block thunder with my body and let my body eat most of the damage, don't say the whole body, there would be no more hair left.

Having personally experienced the power of explosion, Nie Yun can be sure that what is in the crystal ball is not ordinary explosives at all, but most likely "antimatter"!

Antimatter, in physics, refers to negatively charged matter composed of antiprotons and antineutrons.

When positive and antimatter meet, the two sides will annihilate and offset each other, explode and produce huge energy.

Whether it is the Woolf Empire, the Gemini, or the earth civilization, they all have the ability to artificially create a small amount of antimatter.

However, the manufacturing cost of this thing is relatively high and it is not easy to store, so it has not been popularized as an energy material on a large scale.

However, it also has an advantage, that is, a small amount of antimatter can achieve amazing explosive effect, and it is very hidden to make bombs with it!

Generally speaking, when 1g antimatter and positive matter annihilate, the explosion power is about 40000 tons of TNT equivalent, about 3 ~ 4 times that of Hiroshima atomic bomb.

The antimatter sealed in the crystal ball just now is not much different even if it is not 1g. It is absolutely powerful enough to sink the whole vault.

At that time, even if there is anything in the vault that survives, it will be destroyed sooner or later if it is buried in the heart of the earth.

It can be said that Nie Yunsheng suppressed a large equivalent antimatter bomb into the power of a battle patrol missile, and flint and his men could survive.

Nie Yun couldn't help admiring the crystal ball.

This clorus took great pains to design this trap.

Although it looks like a super bomb, the interior is absolutely amazing.

It is not only perfectly disguised as a valuable handicraft, filled with a trace of antimatter that is very difficult to detect, but also triggered by the free mental force nearby!

The spiritual power of life may be large or small, but as long as it exists, it will always escape from the outside.

This is also the basic principle that Nie Yun's mental scanning can find the surrounding life.

Inside the crystal ball, it is obvious that some unknown spiritual power collection technology has been applied.

In other words, as long as there is someone nearby, the thing will start to activate. When the collected free mental power reaches a certain critical value, it will explode like a triggered mine.

Under this trigger mechanism, it has no sense of mechanical targets. On the contrary, the more intelligent creatures around it, the faster the bomb will detonate, so it is more likely to cause great damage to the enemy, rather than being detonated by a group of cannon fodder robots for testing.

Obviously, the target of this thing is not the ghost captain of the "mechanical family", but kinlock and other senior pirates.

From the shape, explosives and trigger device, this bomb is all fine.

It is also beautiful and concealed, and can carry out lethal blasting on life.

In Nie Yun's opinion, the blasting expert invited by clorus not only does not have water, but also has great material. At least he must have the level of a master!

However, what makes Nie Yun more concerned is that some things revealed from the side of the crystal ball

From the perspective of desperate potions and today's mental power collection devices, the royal family of Woolf Empire has not less or even more explored and developed mental power technology than Nie Yun.

In addition, it is said that there are extremely rare spiritual masters in the Empire. Nie Yun thinks it is necessary to take more precautions in this regard


Broken star field.

Grimm looked at the news just came with a confused face.

Clorus... Dead?!

I've just finished lurking. As a result... My contact and immediate boss, Chloe Ross, he's dead!

[Chen Yongren calls Huang sir!

Sorry! The Yellow sir you called has been sacrificed, over!

Chen Yongren: "..."

Grimm is probably in such a shit mood now