Chapter 754

Cloros, a treasure boy with brocade bags all over his body, unfortunately, he died before he graduated

"Then follow the plan of clorus. How many fleets do you need?"

"According to the assessment of the enemy's strength, it is reasonable to need only 2000 elite ships, plus a small number of wormhole attack special ships. However, considering the performance of everything in the broken star field, it can not be treated as an ordinary enemy.

To be on the safe side, send 3000 elite ships, plus a certain number of legendary mecha teams, and the success rate is more than 95%

"3000 elite ships? Yes! The iron arm star domain is the sphere of influence of Duke Horton's nobles. I will inform him and ask him to send a 'black flag fleet' to cooperate with him!

I don't want 95%, I want 100%! "

"Yes, your highness! There is a black flag fleet in person. This mission is infallible!"

"Then do it, eliminate the trouble as soon as possible and get the secret treasure!"

With the vector engine, the threat of that "thing" to itself will be greatly weakened

"I have a hunch that the final moment is coming..."

The second prince raised his head and looked at the huge and majestic emperor star through the Crystal Dome of the palace. His eyes flashed cold and longing.

The supreme power is only one step away from yourself


At the same time, the fourth satellite.

"What? You said there was a secret treasure in the broken star field?" the young man in Chinese clothes raised his eyebrows.

"Fourth brother, this is absolutely true. There are no fewer than tens of thousands of witnesses and videos as evidence. It can't be fake!"

With that, another burly man in Chinese clothes opened his personal terminal and projected a picture.

The above is the scene where the vector engine uses a √ shaped strange trajectory to kill cloros's flagship in one second.

"Well... This kind of power, this kind of attack, is really against common sense..." the fourth Prince did not immediately draw a conclusion, but he looked a lot more solemn.

"This secret treasure is called vector engine. It not only has strong attack power and is very difficult to dodge, but also drives foreign objects and gives the opponent the magical ability to change the motion vector arbitrarily!

It is said that this secret treasure comes from a small civilization called Gemini civilization. They once used a vector engine to drive a huge war star to launch a near light speed attack that can change direction instantly and directly destroy a fleet. "

"Oh? So, it's really interesting, but..." the fourth Prince glanced at the burly man.

"Since the eighth brother knows that this thing is a secret treasure, he doesn't hurry to find a way to get it. How can he disclose the news to me so kindly? He's not afraid that I'm also moved?"

The burly eighth Prince smiled bitterly, "I want to eat alone, but unfortunately, it's not me who stared at this thing first, but the second brother..."

Immediately, the eighth prince told the fourth Prince the news from the broken star field.

After a period of fermentation, the battle in the broken star domain finally attracted the attention of a small number of people within the Empire.

In particular, it also involves the second prince and secret treasure. These two keywords alone are enough to detonate the hot spot.

The broken star field began to enter the vision of the high level of the Empire.

"Oh! I didn't expect that someone could let my arrogant second brother suffer a dark loss. It's really interesting..." the fourth Prince's eyes flashed after hearing this.

"So, you think you can't compete with the second brother, so you're going to pull me together?"

The eighth Prince sighed helplessly, "Alas! The situation is forced. The second brother is now powerful. I'm afraid we won't be his opponent together soon.

If you let the other party get the secret treasure again, it will be even more powerful.

With the supercilious and self respecting character of the second brother, can we have good fruit after taking that seat?

Even his eldest brother and his father dare to do it directly. Will we still care about our brothers? "

The fourth Prince's face was gradually gloomy.

In the current dispute over the throne, the remaining eight princes are roughly divided into four camps.

The first is the second prince camp, which is the strongest at present.

The second is the alliance composed of four, five and seven princes, led by the four princes.

The third is the alliance composed of three, six and eight princes, led by the eight princes.

The fourth is the ninth prince, who has formed his own department by relying on the emperor's favor, but his strength is also the weakest.

Although the four factions were strong and weak, they basically maintained a delicate balance.

Recently, however, the emperor suffered from a strange disease. With the gradual expansion of the advantages of the second prince, the remaining factions had to start to hold together to keep warm, and gradually had the intention of pointing the spearhead at the second prince.

"OK! I agree to cooperate together. Even if I can't get the secret treasure, I'll stop the second brother from getting it!"

"Eh? I thought it would take more time. I didn't expect the fourth brother to be so cheerful this time?"

The eighth prince was a little surprised.

He knows the fourth brother too well. It's better to be cautious than to be suspicious. He always has to analyze one thing repeatedly, calculate the gains and losses, and take action only when he is sure.

Unexpectedly, the fourth Prince sighed and suddenly burst a fierce material.

"Alas! Eighth brother, to tell you the truth, I got an inaccurate news, father and Emperor... I'm afraid I'm going to die!"

"What?!" the eighth Prince Huo Ran stood up and was shocked.

"How is this possible? Where did you get the news?"

The fourth Prince shook his head, "there is no exact news, but not long ago, several respected leaders of imperial Medical College died one after another.

I quietly investigated several of them and found that all of them had treated their father and probably died not naturally... "

Who can secretly execute a group of big brother level doctors except the emperor?

As for why they should be executed, the reason is obvious, isn't it?

"This... This may be just a coincidence?" the eighth Prince still didn't believe it.

After all, it's the fourth brother's guess, and his guess has always been a lot

"I didn't believe it at first. Unfortunately, now all the signs show that there may be a big problem in the father's body.

At first, I didn't believe there was any strange disease. Even imperial medical school was helpless.

I even thought for a time that this was the father emperor's preparation to give a thunderbolt after showing the enemy's weakness and deliberately paralyzing the second brother.

But I waited for half a year until my second brother's wings were getting richer and his tail was not falling. Even my father and emperor were about to be directly overhead by him, and I couldn't wait for any change.

I was not surprised until I received this news not long ago. I'm afraid my father really has more heart than strength... "

The fourth Prince shook his head and sighed.

"No wonder, no wonder, second brother, you always push and block the alliance. It turns out that you have been waiting for your father and emperor to make a move!" the eighth Prince suddenly realized.

"Yes! So now we can only hope if we stick together. Time waits for no man!" the fourth Prince smiled bitterly.

The end of excessive brain compensation is to lose the best time to contain the second prince!

"It doesn't make sense. If the second brother really has this ability, how can we survive?" the eighth Prince wondered.

The emperor's security level has been recruited. Shouldn't they be cold long ago?

"Maybe this strange poison is very rare, there is only one in the world, or what the second brother doesn't want to do is too obvious to attract criticism, or... He doesn't pay attention to us at all..."

The fourth Prince continued to spread his imagination.

Eighth Prince: "