Chapter 772

The dialogue and communication between the two people are completely carried out in the way of data exchange. It seems that a long time has passed, but in reality, it is just a few seconds.

At least in the eyes of the lone wolf, the two looked at each other for only a few seconds.

A few seconds later, the confused wolf saw the two people... Look at each other and smile?

It's like a friend who has known for many years, or a boy or girl who looks at each other at a blind date. From the look... HMM! There must be some py transaction that you don't know!

What's the situation? Mingming has already moved his hand. The aftermath of the fight has frightened the whole base!

But what happened? What are you looking at? What are you looking at? Try again! Just try... "Where is the normal development of such a quarrel?

Then he saw the famous pirate king snap his fingers.

The door opened and a tall woman stepped in with elegant steps.

With a full height of 1.9 meters, her face is exquisite, her skin color is silver white, her hair is silver and elegant, and the black vertical lines in the center of her eyebrows are very eye-catching, but her eyes are indifferent, which makes her look a little flawed.

"This..." Dugu Aotian looked at this in amazement, and then turned to see Duke dawn.

When did you get another one? This is a fight, so a twin was dropped to save the scene?

That's a little ferocious, isn't it?

"Mr. liming, this is a temporary terminal I specially prepared for you, including a 5-pico meter three-dimensional array chip processor, 12zbram + 512zbrom high-capacity storage, energy crystal battery, super long life, super alloy construction, 100000 horsepower output, and 5% computing power link permission of the base computing center.

I hope the function is not much worse than yours, "Nie Yun introduced to Duke Liming with a smile.

This mechanical body made of secret silver was just "pinched" by Nie Yungang according to the appearance characteristics of Duke Liming. The purpose... Naturally, it is 360 ° to monitor the behavior of Duke liming in an all-round way.

This is certainly not a gentleman's hobby, but the strength level of Duke liming, and Nie Yun is not sure to guard against each other at all times.

This is also the core of Nie Yun's sub base. Necessary confidentiality and protective measures still need to be taken.

Unprepared trust is to hand over the fate to others, so he has never been afraid to guess others with the worst malice, especially aliens!

Nie Yun didn't leave any back door in the terminal, but the mechanical bug itself is the best monitoring means. Even the Duke level mechanical family can't find any clues.

If there are traces to follow on the peeping screen of the mechanical family, the peeping screen of the mechanical insect has reached the highest level of invisibility and silence!

Duke Liming naturally understood Nie Yun's intention. No matter how powerful the software is, the hardware is controlled by the other party. It's also very difficult to secretly make small moves.

However, she did not express any dissatisfaction.

She just needs a terminal as a medium to keep in touch with the ignition source, that's all.

For ten minutes, as like as two peas in the Nie Yun area, the Duke of dawn is not surprised.

For every mechanical family, full-automatic mechanical production line is almost a necessary technology. As long as there is a three-dimensional model of the target, it is not uncommon to offline a robot in a few minutes.

Of course, no matter how hyped Nie Yun's advertisement is, she doesn't expect any performance from this assembly line robot.

"Guests are welcome. Thank you, Lord pirate!" Duke dawn saluted slightly.

The lone wolf on one side was stunned.

Lord dawn? Which dawn? Isn't it the dawn?

Impossible, impossible, how can such a big man be respectful to a small pirate in a remote area, even the pirate king! It must be a duplicate name!

But the mechanical family is only dozens of people? In terms of probability... Is there any possibility of duplicate names?

It should be... Impossible? This highly recognizable name is not Zhang Wei!

A trace of panic climbed into the heart of the lone wolf.

Hey, hey! This kind of big guys are so respectful. I'm afraid the pirate king's background in the mechanical family is not the existence he can look up to, and he was still fighting against each other!

What's more terrible is that people are even outspoken about such secrets and have never thought of keeping secrets from outsiders. What does this mean?

The wolf's face was pale and his legs and stomach trembled.

Can you pretend to be deaf now?

At this time, Duke Liming had gone straight to the mechanical insect terminal prepared by Nie Yun. The blue light in his eyes flashed, connected with the other party's open data link and began to "occupy" the terminal.

A moment later, Duke Liming's original body and eyes dimmed, and the "twins" opposite raised their heads with flexible eyes, and the replacement between the two sides had been completed.

She raised her hand and moved her fingers in surprise.

This terminal... Seems to be much stronger than you think?

In a moment, Duke dawn finished the test run of the body, and the result was very surprising.

The energy in the body runs smoothly and consumes very little. This is a superconducting alloy material that I have never heard of, and the body strength seems to be amazing.

Although it is not equipped with any weapon system and there are some defects in the driver software, it is no worse than the cutting-edge technology of the mechanical family in terms of hardware alone, and even... There are some areas that are stronger than our own!

The Duke of dawn activated his binocular detection equipment and scanned the palm of his new body.

But it's a pity that Duke Liming can't see Nie Yun's biggest secret

"What material is this?" Duke dawn saw the most extraordinary part of the body.

"A super memory alloy, we call it Mithril." Nie Yun said with a smile.

Taking out the mechanical insect is not only a way to monitor, but also a way to show your muscles to your allies.

Of course, Nie Yun has reserved all the indexes of this mechanical insect body, which can be regarded as a simple version.

"Secret silver..." Duke Liming looked at his hand and thought.

Suddenly, the original "Duke of dawn" opposite suddenly moved!

She opened the third eyebrow that had been closed. At the next moment, a red high-energy beam as thin as a hairspring hit the shoulder of her new body, and then rowed obliquely.

The attack lasted only half a second, and the body of the mechanical insect was like a knife cut by a sharp blade, leaving a slender wound that almost cut its waist from the left shoulder to the waist!

Then, under the surprised gaze of the Duke of dawn, the wound wriggled and was repaired by the mechanical bug almost a moment later, as if it had not been attacked at all.

Duke Liming raised his eyebrows and looked at Nie Yun who was still smiling.

"This body... I like it very much! Thank you! Do you sell it?"

"Er..." Nie Yun, who was just smiling, suddenly smiled.

Hey, hey! So straightforward?

I just wanted to show my muscles, so my body was liked?

But I'm sorry, I don't sell myself!

"Cough! Unfortunately, this prototype belongs to the laboratory. It's not for sale, only..."

"A full set of liquid metal manufacturing technology, buy one!"


You are a rich woman, you has the final say!

Mechanical worm: "..." (¬ ¬)