Chapter 795

Time goes back a month ago

"What? You said an elite fleet might sneak into our rear?" speaker Cruze suddenly got up.

Members present here also looked surprised.

"Yes, this is the information just sent by the black deacon when everything returns." Leon Assad looked solemn.

Yes, Nie Yun sent out the news of the impending invasion of the iron wall fleet as soon as he got the information.

When everyone heard Leon's report, their faces were very ugly.

"Unexpectedly, the other party found a shortcut to the gadari Star area. The situation is not good!"

"Sure enough, to participate in the struggle between the two forces is to draw chestnut from the fire!

Look, now even the elite of the second prince's lineage have been provoked. It's a huge fleet of more than 3000 warships, and it's still a division of hundred battles.

A Locke consortium is so difficult to deal with. The elite troops of the second prince must be stronger. How can we stop it? "

"The dispute over the throne has always been the most dangerous. When we don't know the details of both sides, we are rashly involved. Sure enough, it's still hasty..."

Many opposition members were uneasy and took the opportunity to vaguely express their dissatisfaction with the previous resolution.

However, before kluzer spoke, Victor, who had always been unable to deal with kluzer, frowned and glanced at several people with sharp eyes.

"What's the use of saying this now? The 'wormhole expansion technology' has been obtained. Do you think it's possible to get benefits without taking any risks?

The top priority now is to think about how to deal with the upcoming crisis, rather than shirking responsibility! "

Victor's remarks made clear his position. Obviously, he didn't want to pull kruze back at the critical moment of the survival of civilization.

Cruze nodded to Victor to express his gratitude and immediately looked at Leon.

"How to say, this trouble is also caused to us by the return of all things. Does it mean that all things return for a while and watch us suffer from enemies from both sides?"

"Well... The black deacon said he would try his best to block the enemy in the solar system, but the other party's primary goal should be us, and the solar system's military strength is limited, I'm afraid he can't stop all the enemies."

"What? Are you sure what the other party said was that he couldn't stop, not that he couldn't fight?" Cruze said in surprise.

"According to them, it should be like this. The other party doesn't seem to worry about the safety of the solar system at all. I guess they are either ready to completely abandon the solar system and intend to let the other party drive straight in, or they have a backhand."

Cruze frowned and mused.

What happened in the previous solar system? They knew nothing about Gemini. There was basically no development. They didn't even see a few warships. How long has it been?

Is it possible that all things will return and send more troops to the solar system?

But the solar system is just an enclave where all things return. Where did they come from?

wait! Is it

"Do you think the black deacon would turn to the ant Empire behind the solar system for help?" Cruze said his guess.

"Well, it's really possible." Leon nodded, and the speaker's guess coincided with him.

In the black deacon's self-defense of "loyalty or treachery", the reason why the other party captured the solar system is to leave a strategic buffer zone between Gemini and the "terrible" ant empire.

Now that the Woolf empire is going to attack this strategic buffer zone, as a member of the return of all things and an ally of the black deacon, the "Baron of eight" of the ant Empire has no reason not to protest?

"If the ante empire is as powerful as the other party said, it can beat our Gemini stars without fighting back, then as a baron, it should not be worse than the Viscount of Woolf empire..." Leon was a little uncertain.

Now, people can only comfort themselves in their hearts.

However, the Gemini is really not sure whether it is good news or bad news

Opposite the galent Star area is a wolf, and next door to the gadari Star area is a tiger. I always feel that the Gemini is surrounded by a vote of big guys, so I have no sense of security

"All things return to the other side for a while. I can only hope that the strength of the other side will not be much worse than his opponent.

At least, in terms of intelligence acquisition, being able to spy on each other's actions similar to sneak attacks in advance shows that everything has a deep penetration into the Woolf Empire, and its strength is never lower than that of the second prince. "

"What's more, our side is not completely hopeless..."

Cruze first strengthened the people's confidence and immediately looked at the Assad patriarch at hand.

"How's the lost land recovery plan going?"

"Back to your excellency, the technical data provided by all things have been basically analyzed. Our scientists have recently assembled a 'wormhole expansion device' with the core components provided by the other party to verify the feasibility of the technology. Now they have entered the final experimental stage."

"Good! But it seems that we don't have time for them to debug the equipment slowly..." Cruze nodded.

Everyone was stunned.

"Do you want to open the wormhole in advance and return the lost third Galaxy?" Victor guessed Cruze's idea.

"Good! This is the only way we can enhance our strength in a short time."

"This... After all, our preparation is not sufficient. I'm afraid there will be some risks if we are so hasty." Victor hesitated.

Gemini is now in the weakest time. At this time, open the wormhole. If there is a moth on the opposite side, it's hard to say whether you can suppress it by force.

"I can only bet my luck. I'm afraid I can only use some extraordinary means in extraordinary times." Cruze's eyes flashed.


Soon after, in a void at the junction of the gadari star region and the mimatar star region, three huge pillars of light shone, and a void vortex slowly opened the channel to a distant place from nothing

At this time, opposite the channel, the two fleets are facing each other far away.

These two fleets can more or less see the unique warship construction style of Hai nationality and Yu nationality. At this time, they are clearly divided into two camps.

"Milos, your hand has crossed the line!"

"Hum! It's obviously your people who entered the disputed area first, buddy. I know that your sea people have found another energy crystal mine recently. Your strength has expanded, and your ambition is also expanded, right?

What? Want to tear up the agreement and occupy the third Galaxy? "

"Oh! I heard that your Yu people have started to expand their army again recently. I'm afraid it's not me but you who have expanded their ambitions?"

"Bullshit! Our army expansion is entirely for self-protection. The guys of your Hai clan are all muscle determined. Of course, we have to prevent you from going crazy. Do you think we are as belligerent as your Hai clan?"

"It's all excuses. Don't we know the insidious of your Yu nationality? One in front of you and one behind you. If I really believe you, I'm afraid I won't be far from being destroyed!"

"Bloody mouth, which conflict was not caused by your sea clan first?"

"Hum! You Yu people started the arms race first!"

"Don't forget that your father made independence first!"

"That's because your father wants to forcibly seize power!"

Both sides stick to their own words, and no one will let anyone. Their words are full of distrust of each other.

Yes, the Gemini people here... Split