Chapter 811

The concealed weapon is broken, and the fleet seems to have fallen.

Viscount Tiebi vaguely realized that he had really kicked the iron plate this time

"Viscount, in half an hour, the enemy intercepted in front will enter the attack range of the main fleet. Do we... Need to change the attack plan?" the adjutant asked carefully.

"Do you want to send another fleet to attack the solar system?"

This is a very realistic problem.

If the enemies of the solar system are not destroyed, they are likely to be cut off. If the attack of Gemini is blocked at that time, they will face the dilemma of double attack.

The safe way is to order the main fleet to turn around, kill the enemies of the solar system first, and then slowly deal with the elders in front of the wormhole and open the channel to the Gemini.

Although the plan of raiding Gemini in this way will undoubtedly be affected, compared with the Gemini combat power in intelligence... Is it obvious that the real boss on this side of the solar system?

However, what makes Viscount Tiebi uncertain is that the solar system is so strong that its 400 warships have been beaten by meat buns. Why did it look like it was pressed by its own side before?

Those cannon fodder mecha and the weak Galaxy defense system are not the force of a powerful force.

It's like being vigorous and protecting your body, but you have to pretend that my fist power is only about 100 kilograms

What is this?

Play a pig and eat a tiger? Show the enemy weakness?

How do you want to lure the enemy deep and wipe us out?

I really can't help thinking about it.

At first, he thought the enemy was just a novice village monster.

However, after all kinds of accidents such as the legendary plus, the legendary mini, "dark thorn lost contact" and the defeat of the solar system fleet, the earth army undoubtedly became a low-key sweeping monk hidden in the corner of the stars in his eyes, and the degree of threat began to rise infinitely.

In his eyes, today's solar system is like the fog that swallowed up 400 warships, with an extremely dangerous smell.

In this case, how dare he go deep?

"Report, there's something ahead!"

However, at this time, the Viscount Tiebi, who had not yet frowned and thought, gave an answer, and there were changes in front of the main fleet.

Everyone looked at the display that had just been enlarged.

Suddenly, a large number of small black spots appeared on the immortal in the form of giant divine soldiers.

"This is... Mecha?"

Yes, in the closer picture, everyone clearly saw a large number of mecha drilling out from the trunk, crown and root of the elder.

The number of these mecha is only about 10000, which is no different from the earth army cannon fodder seen earlier.

They sit or stand, and some lean lazily against the tree trunk. Their weapons are also casually placed on their shoulders, which is very different from the precise and rigorous fighting style of the regular mecha Corps.

If you insist... It's like a group of bandits blocking the road and robbing.

"Hoo ~ only ten thousand cannon fodder machine armour..." the adjutant beside him relaxed.

If this is the air combat power taken out by the other party, it can only be said to be seeking death!

However, at the next moment, a shocking picture that everyone will never forget appeared in front of them!

The dazzling light flashed on all the mecha on the opposite side, with crystal clear shields and crystal sharp blades slowly forming, which dazzled everyone's eyes.

"Pa Da!" the data terminal in the adjutant's hand fell, and his mouth grew into an O-shape.

Not just him, everyone's expression has become "⊙ o ⊙"!


The iconic crystalline energy tells everyone an incredible fact. The mecha in front of us... Are all legends!

"This is impossible!" even with the strong psychological quality of viscount Tiebi, he was shocked at this time.

The strange communications received earlier have finally been answered.

It was the fleet trapped in the fog that was warning them

"Many legends, run!"

This should be what the message looks like

Unfortunately, they woke up a little late.

"Impossible! This number of legendary mecha is by no means out of the Woolf empire!" Viscount Tiebi's face was pale.

How many legends have been made in the history of the Woolf Empire? Just a thousand!

How many are there in front of you? At least ten thousand!

Legendary mecha is an advanced equipment excavated from the relics of higher civilization by the Woolf empire. Its quantity is extremely limited.

Such a large number can only be produced through industrial manufacturing, and those who have the ability to manufacture such advanced equipment on a large scale

"Gao! Wait! Wen! Ming!" his lips trembled and spit out the four most frightening words, and the needle fell in the bridge for a moment.

What does interstellar civilization fear most?

It is not a natural disaster that can destroy the galaxy, nor a man-made disaster that can set off a chaotic war, but a higher civilization that our side can't match

So, all things come back for a while. Is there really a "big man" in the organization, just as the intelligence said?

Otherwise, how do you explain so many "advanced equipment"?

Even if you pay for it, do you have to have a source of goods?

No wonder people make five "legendary shells" once. They don't care about this loss at all!

Hemp egg! What kind of terrible existence did the second prince provoke?!

"Drop!" just when everyone was shocked and inexplicable, a light and shadow appeared in front of everyone without warning, and the virtual image in black suddenly appeared in the air.

"What?" the crowd was shocked again.

"Black deacon, it's you!" the iron wall Viscount's eyes coagulated.

External communication was automatically accessed by the system without permission

"Yes... It's a system intrusion, our brains have been quietly implanted with a virus!" a program controller nervously knocked on the console.

"How? When is it?!" everyone was shocked.

"Ha ha! Don't be nervous, my friend. It's just a little out of class means. Your system is very safe." Nie Yun smiled.

In fact, in the previous first communication, Nie Yun has implanted a "small gift" into each other's communication system.

After this period of incubation and fermentation, Nie Yun can activate the virus from a long distance and tear a small hole in the other party's system firewall.

It's not very useful. There's only one "automatic answer" function, but it's used to force and leverage the effect.

Sure enough, Nie Yunlu's hand directly shocked the people.

Even if it's just "automatic answer", this silent intrusion means that their defense system can't detect still shows that the other party has crushed itself in the field of electronic warfare

Speaking, this is the skill Nie Yun learned and used from Duke Liming. The last "friendly communication" between the two was not blind. Nie Yun's skill experience of "system intrusion and anti intrusion" has been rising recently.

Copy skills from the Lord level boss and use them to brush elite monsters. This effect is completely suppressed by the level

Coupled with the "legendary army" like a wolf outside, the image of "black deacon" has been completely demonized in everyone's eyes.

A series of titles such as "higher race", "spokesman of higher civilization" were frantically smashed on Nie Yun's head in the suspicion of everyone.

"Viscount, I said we would meet again soon. I don't know now. Would you still welcome me?" Nie Yun smiled and looked at Viscount Tiebi.

"Mr. Hu ~ Hei, please forgive me for my previous rudeness."

To Nie Yun's surprise, after struggling for a while, the Viscount Tiebi took a deep breath and bowed down solemnly to apologize.

In the face of equal opponents, viscount Tiebi naturally has an iron head, but if there is a member from higher civilization on the other side... It's pure death to put on airs!

Apart from other things, the 10000 legendary troops opposite are enough to sink their fleet.

Even if there are 900 black flag warships in their fleet, the outcome is only from complete defeat to disastrous defeat.

The other side's cosmic creatures are not vegetarian. Their firepower is terrible. Under the cover of this firepower fort, how many can they survive even if they win?

Not to mention that this is only a part of each other's forces. Who knows how many legends there are in the solar system?

Even if I win the small universe, provoke the higher civilization behind each other and directly kill Woolf, I'm afraid I'm not going to become a sinner of civilization?

"Oh, ha ha! I like to chat with smart people." Nie Yun smiled.

"I'm also quite direct. Now let's talk about the ransom."

Viscount Tiebi: "

Really... Really direct!