Chapter 815

Neighboring galaxies.

A huge Gemini fleet of more than 2000 ships, including all kinds of combat ships and supply ships, is successively passing through the wormhole of the void and reaching the distant frontier of civilization from the prosperous gadari region of Gemini

"Lord Milos, Lord Bati, this is your defense zone," Leon Assad said, pointing to the Red Star ahead.

Leon, as the chief intelligence officer of the gadari region, was naturally appointed by the parliament as the guide of the fleet that had just returned to civilization and changed defense from the lost land.

"Well, it is said that our main opponent here is an existence called earth civilization.

Although there are only a small number of fleets, but well-equipped and occupy the wormhole, it blocks the pace of our Gemini development?

Don't worry, Sir Leon. With our fleet, a galaxy level weak civilization is not in our eyes. I'll give them some strength soon! "Patty patted his chest.

Compared with the ferocity and ability when he just returned, buddy has a double chin and looks a little fat.

During this time, Leon accompanied the whole journey and took two commanders of the lost place to visit several prosperous areas along the way of the Star District of gadari.

Wherever they passed, all local officials entertained them with the most solemn treatment. Each meal was served with good wine and dishes, and various delicacies, which made them fully feel the "enthusiasm" from the mother civilization.

As they saw along the way, the prosperity and strength of the mother civilization were as expected, which could not be compared with the daughter of the separatist civilization, which has been militaristic all the year round.

But they don't know that the gadari region, which is the farthest from the front line and the least affected by the war, is almost the last fig leaf that the Gemini civilization can hold

As the saying goes, if you treat me with a scholar, I should repay it with a scholar!

By such a high standard of courtesy, the loyalty of the two who had not much sense of belonging to the mother civilization rose rapidly.

Now when he comes to the frontier and has the ambition to open up new territories, he can't help but make a military order on the spot.

"Eh? Don't!" Leon heard this, but a cold sweat fell on his forehead.

"The strength of earth civilization is not strong, but everything behind others is unfathomable, which is not something we can fight at present."

I've seen people call their baby "vector engine" by whistling like Wangcai, and the black deacon has been set up to "have a big man behind him".

Let alone the quasi alliance relationship between the two now. There are not only common strategic interests such as "energy crystal trade", but also the Woolf empire... Oh, no! It should be said that it is the common enemy of the "second prince".

In this case, how can Gemini fight with such opponents for a little territory?

"So you two must not have other ideas. To hold here and ensure the safety of the civilized rear is your greatest achievement." Leon said bitterly.

"But..." seeing what Barty wanted to say, Milos next to him quickly interrupted him.

"Of course, obeying orders is a soldier's bounden duty. Since the military's requirement is strategic defense, we will not take the initiative to start a war."

With that, he glared at buddy.

They say it sounds good to return to the mother civilization, but it's hard to say it's surrender!

At this time, the most important thing is to win the trust of Parliament and the military. The most taboo is not to obey orders and make their own decisions.

Now they are no longer leaders who say one thing or another within the forces. At this time, if they still behave in their own way and listen to the tone and don't listen to the propaganda, it is bound to be detrimental to their impression in the hearts of the top leaders.

"Er..." Patty was stared by Milos. He seemed to be aware of the problem and could only smile.

"I'm sure I'll obey orders. I've been fighting for years. I'm suddenly idle now. I can't help itching.

If I say, parliament should arrange our defense area on the front line of Woolf empire. That's exciting! "

The news that Gemini is fighting against the Woolf Empire and is still at a disadvantage has been frankly revealed to the two by Leon not long ago.

Originally, such a large-scale war of civilization can never be concealed.

It's better to confess to each other than to be directly exposed by others.

However, the news has naturally been carefully edited. Leon only said that both sides have come and gone, and more than 1000 warships have been lost, and galent, one of the four star regions of civilization, has also suffered a lot of losses.

But in the end, after the killing war, Gemini has recovered the lost land and regained control of the wormhole.

The news is true and false. Therefore, in the eyes of the two people, this has become a "win or lose" between the two sides, and there is a tug of war between you and me.

The news came a little late. They waited until their own side was incorporated before they revealed it to themselves and others. It was obviously deliberately done.

They naturally understood the reason, and naturally scolded themselves for being too young. They were put together by those old guys.

There are naturally discontent and resentment. If you know the news earlier, even if you still can't get rid of the fate of being incorporated, you can at least strive for more interests when talking about conditions.

But even if the heart is dissatisfied, what can it do?

The raw rice has been cooked, and even the Gemini fleet has been stationed in the lost land. Even if they have some ideas in their hearts, can they go back and say they don't play and want to make Du Li?

"Cough! I can understand your feelings. If you want to make achievements, you have plenty of opportunities. You don't have to worry." Leon can only try to appease some embarrassment.


If the black deacon's information is correct... It may be more exciting than the front line

Milos looked at Leon with thoughtful eyes.

What Barty just said is direct, but it's not unreasonable.

He has always had a doubt that the biggest opponent of Gemini civilization is the Woolf empire. Although this earth civilization has a deep background, it does not pose a great threat in the short term.

Now the military is deploying their fleet of this size in the adjacent galaxy, isn't it a waste?

Worried about our loyalty?

Or are we worried that our officers will have resistance when they have just been incorporated into the army?

While Milos was meditating, buddy suddenly pointed to the wormhole of the solar system.

"Monsieur Leon, didn't the newspaper say that there is a cosmic creature in the form of a giant tree with strong combat effectiveness? Where's the tree?"

When they called up the monitoring screen, they found that the wormhole in the distance was empty.

"Eh?" Leon was also stunned.

Yes! Where's the tree?

What about a giant cosmic tree?

Open the communication immediately and contact the Gemini Defense Fleet left here.

Soon, the information came back. It turned out that not long ago, the giant tree of the universe was suddenly cut into several sections and sent to the other side of the wormhole. There was no movement for a long time.

As the current situation is unknown, they are also investigating the situation opposite, so this situation has not been transmitted to Leon.

"They were cut into several sections and sent over..." for this way of troop transportation, all three were thundered.

Immediately, Leon's heart jumped.

Under what circumstances will the other party completely give up the defense line and even transfer the "Guardian beast"?

Could it be that

At the thought of this, the bleak alarm of the radar sounded.

"Large scale transition reaction detected! A fleet is passing through the wormhole!"

In the distant void, a large number of dark whirlpools are slowly taking shape