Chapter 819

After receiving the bad news from the front line, the Gemini Parliament was in a mess.

They really did not expect that the lost fleet with high hopes and good strength was so fragile in front of the enemy.

"Not ordinary elite, but the top fleet of Woolf empire!"

They soon realized the seriousness of the problem, but it was too late.

The emergency video conference opened. Half an hour later, after fierce debate, kruze had no choice but to make a decision.

"Let them pass!"

It seems absurd to attack poison with poison, but it is the only life-saving straw for the desperate Gemini.


The huge void vortex slowly disappeared behind him.

The huge body of the elder knocked away the debris and debris along the way and chased the iron wall fleet with only tail lights in front.

There has just been a brief exchange of fire here. Naturally, there is no need to say the end.

"It's really rude!" after looking at the tragedy around him, Nie Yun was not too busy to eat melon seeds.

"After this war, Gemini is no longer a threat to us!" the code tore open a packet of spicy strips, but his face was serious.

Indeed, Gemini, which has greatly lost its strength and recognized the huge strength gap between the two sides, has neither the ability nor the courage to covet this mu of land of the solar system.

With the passage of time, the strength gap between the two sides will only become larger and larger.

The worries at home are solved, so... Nie Yun can safely carry out the expedition!

Yes, he went out in person this time. He was ready to go to the broken star region through Gemini to complete the transfer of strategic focus by pursuing the iron wall fleet.

With itself and the sea wolf, we no longer have to bear the huge loss of spiritual power caused by ultra remote control, and our strength in the Woolf empire will usher in a leap.

This is more conducive to his next "iris civilization relic capture plan".

"Is this the home of Gemini civilization..."

Beside them, rose, the karaoke queen in a lake green knee length dress, murmured.

Compared with a few years ago, rose was more mature and steady, and her leadership temperament was slowly settling, but her face was quite complex at this time.

It was Gemini who destroyed the home of the Kara family and made themselves and others homeless.

Although Gustav, the supreme commander in charge of attacking Gemini at that time, had been turned into a "traitor" by Nie yunkeng and finally died under his own ship gun, his hatred for the destruction of Gemini was not so easy to eliminate.

However, when she saw that the Gemini had no resistance in front of the iron wall fleet today, she seemed to see the Kara family in the past

The samsara of heaven, as if everything were repeating itself.

The law of the jungle, this is the way of nature, the rules of the universe, cruel and indifferent.

"Alas..." a long sigh seemed sad and relieved.

After a long sigh, rose seemed to put down a big burden, and the whole spirit was relieved.

Glancing at Rose, Nie Yun was acutely aware of the changes in each other.

Spiritual power... More pure

Did you have an epiphany? Worthy of her majesty!

Yes, this time, in addition to the code name and the three brothers, there are also the long-term "tenants" in the elderly - the Kara family.

In fact, nearly 10000 legendary mecha were controlled by carefully selected Kara warriors.

The Kara nationality has excellent spiritual strength, which is generally one notch higher than the people on earth. Without much "further study", they are natural legendary pilots, which can greatly reduce Nie Yun's burden of using a large number of legendary mecha.

It's a waste to leave such an elite field army unused.

But for the rest of their lives, Kara people who have just calmed down prefer a group of pacifists. It is obviously not easy to persuade them to actively participate in the war.

However, Nie Yun was familiar with how to "stimulate" employees' enthusiasm. In the end, rose took the initiative to apply for war.

There's no other reason. The Karas... Have no money

You should know that the "rent" of the elderly is not cheap. Although relying on biotechnology research and development can subsidize some families and make a surplus after paying the rent, the Kara survivors' yearning for a better life is the same as all intelligent races.

After solving the problem of survival, we naturally need to solve the problem of "living better".

Kara people have a mild temperament, love nature, and their pursuit of material is far less than that of people on earth, but is a tree house of 30 square meters per capita basic?

Eat more vegetables and fruits and less synthetic nutrients. Can't you ask too much?

I'm tired of staying in the tree house. It's necessary to take a trip to see a meteor to meet my spiritual needs, isn't it?

Not to mention the irresistible attraction of various high-tech electronic products and virtual entertainment facilities after entering the interstellar era.

And these... All need money!

Personal needs are not urgent, but more importantly, as the ethnic groups settle down and their survival is guaranteed, the Kara family also broke out a baby boom.

The reproduction of ethnic groups and the growth of population are inseparable from adequate resources,

Nie Yun will not provide all this for free.

If you want a horse to run, you have to give it grass, but what grass to eat and how much to eat is an art.

Here, we have to mention Chu Xiaoxiao and her financial and accounting team.

Economic invasion... A common trick for people on earth, but it is a very strange field for Kara people.

For a group of simple Kara people who do not know the sinister face of capitalists, it is difficult for them to imagine that their clothes, food, housing and transportation have been completely controlled by a group of big men in the capital sector.

As the only foreign trade object and the only currency issuer of the Kara family, Atlantis company holds all the income and expenditure details of the Kara family.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Kara family's GDP, CPI, PMI and even inflation have been completely controlled by the economic model specially established by Atlantis.

The forecast results of each quarter's fiscal deficit of the other party will not deviate from the real data by more than 0.1 percentage points.

Poverty or wealth has nothing to do with your efforts. The power of capital has a thousand ways to determine whether your wealth increases or decreases.

Therefore, the Kara family is always in a strange situation of "not dying of hunger, but not enough to eat" without feeling it.

Whenever the wallet bulges, there are always some seemingly "reasonable" expenses, quietly lowering their foreign exchange reserves, so that the Kara family have to run like a hamster in a cage.

The temptation that they couldn't refuse was that Nie Yun promised them that after the expedition, karaxing... Would return to their arms!

For a group of homeless wanderers, what is more attractive than returning home?